"Dagu, now is the time! Let it taste the power of the Texas Cannon!"

"Understood! Texas Cannon, fire!" Looking at the monster that broke out of the ground, Dagu immediately pressed the launch button.

The charged particles condensed by the Texas unit, after being accelerated by the particle accelerators on both sides of the Victory Swallow II transport cabin, turned into a yellow particle beam and hit the body of the Gakuma α that had just emerged from the ground.

"Ang——" Gakuma α let out a whine, and its huge body fell heavily to the ground.

The next moment, the huge body of Gakuma α exploded violently.

"Great! Success!"

After seeing Gakuma α being blown to pieces, everyone at the scene cheered excitedly.

Zejing also showed a little smile on his face, picked up the communicator, and reminded:

"Don't be careless, there is still a Kakuma on Kurara Island."

After speaking, Zejing looked back at Shen Yun and asked: "Can you find the location of the remaining Kakuma?"

"Yes, but there is no need."

"Why do you say that?" Zejing was a little confused.

"The nature of creatures like monsters is no different from that of animals on Earth. Animals have their own territories and hunting grounds, and the same is true for monsters. These two Kakumas can live together peacefully, either husband and wife or brothers. This Kakuma was destroyed by us, and the other Kakuma will definitely appear." Shen Yun explained.

"Is that so." Zejing nodded as if he suddenly realized.

Not long after, the ground near the quarry suddenly shook violently.

"Here it comes!"

The flat ground not far from the TPC mobile base suddenly arched up, and a Kakuma with two horns, bright red dorsal spines, and a more ferocious and hideous appearance broke out of the ground.

"Ang——" Gakuma β roared and strode towards the mobile base of TPC.

"Protect the director!" The surrounding TPC staff hurriedly protected Zejing and retreated.

"Dr. Shen, please evacuate with us!" A TPC staff in red ran to Shen Yun and said anxiously.

"Yes." Shen Yun nodded and immediately evacuated the quarry with the large army.

Although the equipment equipped by the Tiga armor can indeed collide with Gakuma β.

But he has not thought of a solution to Gakuma's petrification beam.

If he is exposed to Gakuma's petrification beam, it will be troublesome.

"The monster is going in the direction of the director!" Lina looked at Gakuma β heading towards the TPC mobile base below and said anxiously.

"Damn it!" Zong Fang cursed inwardly, and immediately said to Lina, "Let's attract the monster's attention."


Lina pulled the joystick and immediately flew in front of the Kakuma β, pressed the launch button, and fired several blue lasers.

These lasers hit the back of the Kakuma β, exploding several sparks.

Kakuma β felt pain and also shifted its attention to the Victory Swallow No. 1 flying in front of it.

Looking at the flies flying in front of him, Kakuma β opened his mouth and spit out a blue petrifying light from his mouth towards the Victory Swallow No. 1 flying in the sky.

Lina saw Kakuma open his mouth, and immediately pulled up the body to dodge the blue beam spit out by Kakuma.

They already knew the information about Kakuma.

Kakuma β's petrifying beam failed to hit the Victory Swallow No. 1, but turned the bulldozer on the mine into stone.

"Take advantage of this moment, Victory Swallow II, attack from behind!" Zongfang looked at the Kakuma β being restrained by Victory Swallow I below, and immediately shouted in the communication.

"Understood!" Xincheng replied, turned his head and looked at Dagu, and said: "Dagu, it's up to you, shoot it again!"

"Understood! Texas gun, fire!" Dagu pressed the firing button on the joystick again.

The transport cabin of Victory Swallow II opened left and right, revealing the Texas unit installed in the transport cabin.

Yellow charged particles were emitted, and after passing through the particle accelerators on the left and right sides of the transport cabin, the yellow charged particles turned into a yellow beam and bombarded the dorsal spines of Kakuma β.

The Texas gun hit the dorsal spines of Kakuma β, and immediately triggered a violent explosion.

Thick smoke enveloped the huge body of Kakuma β.

Seeing this explosion, the team members on Victory Swallow II couldn't help but cheer with a smile on their faces.

"Good fight, Daiko!" Horii praised with a smile.

"Another monster is destroyed, it's so satisfying!" Shinjo also said with a smile.

"Be careful! The monster is not dead yet!" Lina's voice came from the headset of the helmet.

The smiles of the three members of Victory Swallow II froze, and they quickly looked at the quarry filled with smoke below.

The angry roar of Kakuma β continued to come from the smoke.

Soon, the huge figure of Kakuma β emerged from the smoke.

Many of the dorsal spines on its back were missing, and it was obvious that the previous shot had caused it a lot of damage.

Kakuma β rushed out of the smoke that blocked its vision, staring at Victory Swallow II with angry eyes.

It opened its mouth and spit out a blue beam of light at Victory Swallow II.

Victory Swallow II was turning on the super-strong mode, and its flying speed had already been reduced a lot, and the three people were careless.

Although Shinjo had tried his best to control Victory Swallow II to avoid the petrifying light.

However, Victory Swallow II still failed to completely avoid the petrifying light spit out by Gakuma β.

The left wing of Victory Swallow II was hit by the petrifying light, and in just a moment, the wing turned from steel to stone.

Without the left wing, Victory Swallow II could not keep its balance at all, and immediately fell from the sky crookedly.

The left wing of Victory Swallow II was facing down, and the right wing was facing up, and it landed crookedly in the quarry.

Zejing and Shen Yun, escorted by TPC staff, came to a safer place.

Seeing Victory Swallow II making an emergency landing crookedly, Shen Yun was also a little speechless.

This can also crash?

These two guys are really good!

It's just a crash now. Don't wait until the mecha is built, and these two guys will crash with the mecha.

"Why wasn't this Gakuma destroyed by the Texas gun?" Zejing looked at the angry Gakuma and couldn't help asking.

"Maybe it's because this Kakuma is stronger." Shen Yun thought.

"Stronger..." Zejing looked at Kakuma β, which only lost some dorsal spines and seemed not to be fatally injured, and his face became not very good.

If this is true, then if a monster stronger than Kakuma appears in the future, won't the Texas Cannon be unable to break the monster's defense?

Inside the Victory Swallow II.

Dagu covered his headache, unbuckled his seat belt, stood up from his seat, reached out and patted Horii who was leaning on the seat, and shouted:

"Horibi! Horii!"

Horibi leaned on the seat of the plane and did not respond.

Dagu probed Horii's breath, and he was relieved immediately.


He was still breathing.

It seems that he just fainted.

"Xincheng! Xincheng!" Dagu shook the shoulders of Xincheng who was lying on the control console.

Xincheng also had no reaction. It was obvious that he was also stunned when the plane made an emergency landing.

Looking at the two unconscious teammates, Da Gu took out the golden god light stick from his arms.

He stared at the god light stick in his hand for a moment, then raised it high.

The next moment, the figure of the giant appeared in the quarry.

"It's a giant!" Lina saw the appearance of Tiga, and she couldn't help showing a little joy on her face.

"The giant has appeared." Zong Fang also breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as Tiga appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of Gakuma β, and it roared and rushed towards Tiga.

Shen Yun and Zejing stood in a safe place, watching Tiga fight with Gakuma β.

Although Tiga had the advantage at the beginning, he was soon beaten by Gakuma β's successive attacks.

He was even hit by Gakuma β's petrification beam, and his body began to petrify.

In the end, he got rid of the petrification by changing his form, and destroyed Gakuma β with the Dilasium light stream.

Tiga, who had destroyed Gakuma β, also turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

Although the monster was destroyed, the matter was not over.

TPC still needed to do the aftermath.

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