This made his heart jump for a moment. If he said that, they must not continue to wait like this. They must be captured as soon as possible, and they must be interrogated to find out what their purpose is.

  Otherwise, you may miss a major case!

  He said at this moment: "We have to act now, and if we wait like this, I'm afraid they won't let the hostages go until the end. They must attack and figure out what the hell they are doing!"

  After hearing this sentence, Zhao Dongshan asked with a sullen face at the moment: "How do you act?"

  That's right, if you can act, if you can sneak in quietly, then the police have already taken action, or do they need to wait until now to ask the members of the special team for support?

  Lin Yu smiled slightly and said, "Of course I have my own way, you don't need to worry about that."

  After Zhao Dongshan heard this, he looked at Lin Yu suspiciously, not knowing what his so-called solution was.

  Wang Fu on the side was also a little puzzled. He felt that Lin Yu was no longer the hairy boy he knew before. Now Lin Yu is calm and composed, his thinking is sharp, and his strength is high!

  Even he could only feel ashamed.

  He has some emotions about all the funds at the moment. If Lin Shanyue knows about it now, he must be very relieved.

  Lin Yu naturally has his own way.

  These robbers kept everyone within [-] meters of the bank, and they monitored the outside with miniature drones.

  And he obtained a primary jamming ability before. The jamming time was three seconds. He activated the jamming capability at a distance of [-] meters, and then escaped the monitoring of the drone within three seconds and got close to the bank. Difficult!

  The next moment, he looked at all the members of the Ghost Special Forces and said, "Everyone is ready, fight with me!"

  "Understood!" Everyone raised their heads.

  Zhao Dongshan didn't stop him at the moment, because although he was the director of the municipal bureau, he was not very familiar with this kind of special operations.

  So I still let Lin Yu command and fight. If he interferes too much, it may be counterproductive.

  Afterwards, Lin Yu and others changed into police uniforms. The clothes of the special forces were too conspicuous to put on the police uniforms to be able to mix in with the police officers, so that these weight loss would not cause too much suspicion.

  Then he took the members of the Ghost Special Forces quickly to the front line of the bank, ready to start the battle.

  Outside, the streets were surrounded by ordinary people, many of whom were family members of the hostages who were taken hostage in the bank, and many came to watch the fun, in short, a lot of people.

  And there are also major media reporters scrambling to report on this matter.

  Now the big bank robbery is being broadcast live, and many viewers across the country are watching the development of this situation.

  At this moment, Lin Yu and others quickly came to the bank from the trail and joined the comrade police officers standing on the front line.

  "Comrade, don't get close." Captain Zhang of the police force reached out his hand to stop Lin Yu and the others.

  Lin Yu pushed his hand away and said, "We are the special forces of the Wolf Fang Special Forces. Now the front-line combat situation here is under our command, don't stop it."

  Captain Zhang was slightly surprised when he stopped at this sentence, so he didn't say much, because Wang Fu's voice was also coming from his headset at the moment.

  "Don't stop, let them go."

  Captain Zhang stood aside at this moment and no longer blocked, ready to see how Lin Yu and others fought. There are miniature drones all around, how do they get into it?

  Lin Yu observed the surrounding terrain at this moment, and then turned on the ability of holographic images at all times, controlling everything around him in his mind.

  The next moment, he asked He Chenguang and others to quickly spread out, forming a circle around the bank, a total of one person, divided into three teams.

  Basically, there are only two or three people, a small team, so that when they rush out, the action speed will be the fastest, and only two people disappear in each place, which will not attract the attention of the enemy.

  After all, there are so many police officers around!

  The seven people were scattered, and Lin Yu brought He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Li Erniu and Song Kaifei, and Xu Tianlong and Gong Jian.

  At this moment, Lin Yu was paying attention to the unmanned surveillance machine in front of him intentionally or unintentionally, and hovered outside the bank to monitor everyone's every move.

  As for the surveillance screen, the leader of the robbers on the fourth floor will take care of them personally, so there will be no accidents.

  However, the leader of the robber is obviously a little anxious now. He looks at his communication equipment from time to time, and does not pay attention to the monitoring screen all the time.

  Because the drone is monitoring the police's every move and the situation inside, the police have no idea. Even if he doesn't need to monitor, the police don't even know that they dare not break in.

  To his surprise, the police had prepared the helicopter. Now he only needs to wait for the news that the mission is complete and can evacuate, hoping that there will be no accidents.

  Outside, Lin Yu whispered into the headset at the moment: "¨¨I count to three and act at the same time."




  After the voice fell, the three groups quickly dispatched.

  In the same instant, Lin Yu used his interference ability!

  Interference ability: It can interfere with all power, electromagnetic and other equipment, and will not cause problems with the screen!

  In the surveillance screen in front of the robber leader, it seemed to be stuck for three seconds, instead of that kind of snow-like screen!

  Three seconds later, Lin Yu and the others rushed through the unmanned surveillance area and stuck them on the wall of the bank!


  The robber leader paused for a moment when he saw the surveillance screen, and immediately frowned slightly.

  However, it quickly returned to its original state in the next second. He looked at the policemen in the distance and found that there was no change, so he didn't care that it was normal for this kind of equipment to be stuck!

  Lin Yu and others were sticking to the wall of the bank at the moment, and asked Zhao Dongshan in a low voice, under the condition of thermal imaging surveillance, whether the robbers in the bank had changed (Wang Zhaohao), and did not notice anything unusual.

  Zhao Dongshan's eyes almost popped out of the command post when he saw Lin Yu and the others rushing out.

  Because the unmanned surveillance drone is right by the side, they rushed in so blatantly, wouldn't they be completely exposed to the eyes of these robbers?

  However, just when he wanted to yell at Lin Yu and others, he found that the robbers in the bank had not changed in any way, as if they had not found Lin Yu and others at all.

  This made him feel a little dazed, what's the situation?

  Why did they rush over and the robbers didn't find it?

  Although he couldn't figure it out, he said quickly: "There is no abnormality, like I didn't find you."

  After hearing Zhao Dongshan's words, Lin Yu felt relieved. It seems that his interference ability is indeed very practical.

  The next moment, he said into the whispered headset: "According to the previous plan, split up!"

  The six people all expressed their clear understanding, and then started to act one after another.

  Their previous plan was to divide into several groups. In this bank, there are two entrances and exits, and each one is guarded by a person.

  Now, they split up, sneaked in quietly, and killed all these people!

  At this moment, Lin Yu brought He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to the door quietly.

  Within the range of the holographic image, Lin Yu could perceive that there was a man wearing a hood and holding a rifle inside the door, less than two meters away from him!

  The next moment, Lin Yu rushed in with a swift stride, then took out his dagger and stabbed it into the man's head like lightning!


  The dagger stabbed into his Heavenly Spirit Cover, and all of them didn't go in, killing it directly, without even giving him any chance to react! .

Chapter 130

  The next moment, the rifle in his hand was about to fall to the ground, and his body fell back straight.

  Aside, Lin Yu quickly rushed over, stretched out his hand to take the rifle that was about to fall, then put one hand on his back and slowly put it on the ground.

  There was hardly any movement during the whole process.

  On the other side, Gong Jian and the others also quickly entered the second entrance and exit, killing the guards silently, without making any noise, alarming the people upstairs.

  After the two groups of team members communicated with each other, they all breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, they were considered successful, and they really sneaked into the bank without disturbing the robbers upstairs.

  "Keep going!"

  Lin Yu said softly at this moment, and then prepared to continue the operation. He rushed from the first floor to the second floor, and after killing all the robbers along the way, he waited for an opportunity to attack the situation on the fourth floor and rescue all the hostages!

  However, just as they were about to leave, Lin Yu inadvertently glanced at the robber who had just been killed by him, and suddenly his pupils shrank slightly and stopped.

  "What's the matter, captain?"

  Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang were slightly puzzled, wondering why Lin Yu stopped suddenly.

  Lin Yu walked up to the robber who was killed just now, and picked up one of his hands, which was the right hand, and there was a very thick circle of calluses on it.

  After seeing this circle of old Jane, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing also spoke suddenly, looking a little surprised.

  Because this is the callus that only people who play with guns all year round can grind out!

  The next moment, Lin Yu stretched out his hand and pulled out the dagger stuck on the man's head, then took off his hood too, revealing his face.

  "This is a foreigner!?"

  Wang Yanbin was a little surprised, because the face exposed after taking off the hood was a standard European and American face, not from Kyushu!

  Lin Yu said slowly at the moment: "I guessed that they are not newbies in the first robbery. Now it seems that they are not only newbies, but also mercenaries who play with guns all the year round."

  Yes, in this case, there must be only mercenaries, and it is absolutely impossible to be any other identity!

  The next moment, he whispered into the headset: "Everyone, pay attention, the identities of these people are unknown, and they are mercenaries with amazing combat richness. You must be careful, otherwise accidents may happen at any time."


  In the headset, there was a reply from Song Kaifei and the others. They had just lifted their hoods, and found that these people were foreigners, not from China Kyushu, so there was a guess in their hearts.

  After the reminder, Lin Yu took He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing to continue the action.

  He has doubts in his heart, and he doesn't know what the purpose of this group of mercenaries is. All this can only be clear after he has captured the leader and pressed him!

  On the second floor, there are also two people guarding the main passage of the stairs. At this moment, the two groups of members quickly dispatched and killed the two robbers.

  The same is true for the third, following the same method, the whole process is very quiet, there is no movement, this is all due to their usual well-trained!

  Many people in the outside world were very anxious and didn't know what was going on inside, but in the command post, Zhao Dongshan and others were constantly paying attention to the situation displayed on the thermal imaging instrument.

  "Really successful?" Wang Fu was surprised.

  They just saw with their own eyes that Lin Yu led the members into two groups, sneaked in from the first floor, and killed all the six soldiers from the first to the third floor, all lying quietly on the ground, their lives slowly passing!

  Zhao Dongshan was also a little excited at the moment, because Lin Yu and others really successfully sneaked in and killed six soldiers.

  However, he was still very worried and said: "There is nothing dangerous from the first to the third floor, the most important thing is the fourth floor!"

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