Chen He was stunned for a moment. As expected of Long Xiaoyun, he spoke so domineeringly. This is why so many people like Long Xiaoyun. He stared at Long Xiaoyun for three seconds, grinned, and said: "Captain Long, we have a two-year agreement. We will not interfere with each other in these two years, right? I didn't make my own choice."

Long Xiaoyun frowned slightly and said: "What do you want to say?"

Chen He smiled brightly and said: "I like your poem very much. Plum blossoms bloom on the red rocks, and thousands of miles of ice and frost are under my feet. I am not afraid of the severe cold in the 39th day of the lunar year, and my heart is facing the sun."

"I also know that only by becoming better can I be worthy of you, the female leader, but I am not a bootlicker. If you are not good enough, I can make a new choice. Am I right?"

After speaking, Chen He continued to move forward, leaving a very chic figure to Long Xiaoyun.

Long Xiaoyun looked at Chen He's back, and the bursting scene of Chen He lifting the off-road vehicle with both hands flashed in his mind, and the song "Paper is Short, Love is Long" he just sang. The masculine side and the tender side are all mixed in Chen He.

This kid has a big secret!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Long Xiaoyun's lips.

What women hate most is men without ambition. Although Chen He is a disciple of a rich family, it seems that he is not useless at present, and he still has many strengths.

It is not without reason that grandma said he is good.

"The man I, Long Xiaoyun, really choose in the future must not be bad. I want to see whether you are just a talker or can really do it."

Originally, she did not hold too much hope when she came to find Chen He this time, and she did not care how long she could last.

After all, she did not have any feelings for Chen He. If grandma had not stopped the two from getting married, they would probably only have a superior-subordinate relationship, and nothing else would happen.

But I didn't expect to see many different sides of Chen He this time. He waved goodbye and said that he could write such a touching song without taking a single needle or thread from the masses...

Long Xiaoyun is also a woman. Under the cold appearance, she actually has a girl's heart.

As Long Xiaoyun's mentality changed slightly, the system's prompt sounded in Chen He's mind: "Computer system main task reminder: The host has obtained 40% recognition from Long Xiaoyun. If you complete 100%, you will be rewarded with 1,000 upgrade experience points."

Hearing the system's prompt sound, Chen He smiled.

It's already 40%? Sure enough, it's right to pretend!

For a proud woman like Long Xiaoyun, being her licker has no benefit except being despised. It's better to improve yourself, make yourself stronger, and become someone she looks up to in the future. That's what you do.

If it was before, Chen He naturally didn't have this confidence, but now that he has a computer system, his life is like a cheat.

With such assistance, what can't he do? As long as he works hard enough, keeps getting stronger, keeps making contributions, and keeps improving his military rank, there will always be a time for Long Xiaoyun to look at him with new eyes.

Chen He will not be a cowardly licker like Leng Feng.

And as Chen He said, the choice of the two was mutual, and he could not say that he had any feelings for Long Xiaoyun.

The two had not met many times since they met, so what kind of feelings could they have?

If there was any, it was the impulse of hormones, not feelings at all.

So Chen He treated Long Xiaoyun like an ordinary friend who had just met, and in the days to come, the two might not have much intersection.

In this way, Chen He might meet a more suitable girl.

Therefore, for Chen He now, it is what it is, and the most important thing is to work hard to improve himself. As for other things, they are all floating clouds.

Suddenly, Chen He's eyes flickered, and he subconsciously said: "Why is there the light of the sniper scope?"

The next moment, his face changed drastically, and he growled: "There is a gun!"

After integrating [shooting skills], Chen He was too sensitive to firearms, as if there was some kind of induction. Once they appeared, it was like a conditioned reflex.

Before, when he saw the reflection of the lens in the market, he had a strong feeling, and this time the feeling was even more acute.

It was definitely the reflection of the sniper scope under the sunlight. Although it was only a flash, Chen He captured it accurately.

The reflection of the sniper scope appeared in the wilderness, near the military camp, and Long Xiaoyun's identity was so special.


He knew what was going on just by thinking with his butt.

As he spoke, Chen He stepped on the ground and threw Long Xiaoyun to the ground like lightning.

The two of them rolled on the grass and just rolled under a pit.

Just as Long Xiaoyun was about to speak, a dull gunshot suddenly rang out.

A bullet hit the ground, and dust flew up.

Long Xiaoyun was shocked. It can be imagined that the sniper bullet just now hit her position.

If Chen He hadn't thrown her to the ground, there was a more than 90% chance that she would have been shot in the head!

"There is a killer!"

Long Xiaoyun immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call, and at the same time said to Chen He: "Lie down and don't move, there is a sniper!"

At this moment, the exciting charge horn resounded through the mountains, rippling far and near.

Chen He was stunned for a moment, and the scene of the old soldier blowing the charge horn immediately flashed through his mind. It must be the gunshot that alarmed the other party. He was calling the police in an alternative way.

But the person who attacked was a sniper!

The old soldier is old. Once the charge horn is blown, his position will be exposed and he will surely die.

Chen He still remembers that night when Leng Feng told him many stories about old soldiers, and he also read a lot of stories about the southwest afterwards.

Old soldiers can only wither. They have protected the motherland and cannot die here in their old age.

Woo woo woo... The charge horn is getting more and more urgent, obviously thinking that there is a crisis on his side and needs support.

Although Chen He did not know the old soldier, when the charge horn was blown, he had a great feeling, which made him suddenly understand the meaning of a soldier and what a comrade-in-arms is.

He is like Chen He's first life mentor after he arrived at the barracks.

Chen He is in danger now, and the other party stepped forward without hesitation...

Chen He roared: "Captain Long, the old soldier is in danger, I'm going!"

As soon as Long Xiaoyun's phone rang, she saw Chen He's figure rushing out like lightning.

She was so anxious that her heart was about to jump out.

Chen He is going to die!

The opponent is a sniper who is proficient in sniping. If you rush out at this time and expose yourself to the opponent's gun, do you want to die!

Long Xiaoyun subconsciously grabbed Chen He with his backhand.

With a tearing sound, a large piece of Chen He's clothes was torn, and his figure had already rushed out.

Can't stop him!

PS: The first day's reward is too low, only a few dozen, not enough to eat, please give me a reward, the reward will make the author earn more than 100, and I will update more, otherwise I will have to deliver food to make money for food.

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