The tunnel was full of holes, and the tunnel was full of holes.

Chen He rushed in along the route indicated by the blue line.

Boom boom.

The tunnel kept rumbling, and stones, mixed mud and water poured into the tunnel from the cracks.

In just a moment, it was pitch black everywhere Chen He saw.

He could only use the ability of comprehensive scanning to cross along the blue line, and the tunnel behind him was blocked by collapsed stones and soil, completely isolating him from Long Xiaoyun and others.

All this happened too quickly, just a few breaths.

Long Xiaoyun and Fan Tianlei supported the unconscious driver, and both showed despair on their faces.

"Chen He!" Fan Tianlei roared.

Long Xiaoyun called out to her grandma and was about to rush over, but was stopped by the calm Fan Tianlei.

"He will be fine, let's go call for help first!"

Long Xiaoyun ignored Fan Tianlei, shook his hand away with her arm, ran towards the ruins, and moved the stones in the ruins with her bare hands.

"Grandma, grandma, you have to hold on, I'm here to save you..."

Long Xiaoyun moved while shouting.

She has always been calm and has never been as panicked as she is now.

She was brought up by her grandma, and you can imagine how deep the feelings are. If it wasn't for her own business, why would grandma come all the way here.

If grandma has any accident here, Long Xiaoyun will never forgive herself in her life.

And that Chen He, when she first met him during the enlistment registration, he left a deep impression on her.

He is still so young, a young man with great potential, and they shouldn't die here.

Fan Tianlei couldn't stop Long Xiaoyun, so he could only take out his mobile phone and want to make a call, but there was no signal on the phone.

He shouted at Long Xiaoyun: "Get out now! Don't die here!"

Long Xiaoyun shouted without looking back: "I won't go out. My grandmother is buried in there. And the soldier just now was recruited by me. He can't die here. You go out and call for help. I'll go to save people!"

After she moved a little rubble in front of her, she rushed in along the gap.

Fan Tianlei looked at Long Xiaoyun's somewhat crazy figure and was stunned for a moment.

"She recruited Chen He? What does that mean?"

Fan Tianlei didn't care about that anymore and rushed out with the unconscious driver on his back.

After coming outside, he put the driver aside and immediately called Chen Shanming.

At this moment, at the Langya base, Chen Shanming, who answered the phone, said directly: "Fuck, No. 5, didn't you go down the mountain to find Miaozi? How come you are trapped in the tunnel?"

Fan Tianlei cursed anxiously: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"


After Chen Shanming cut off the signal, he immediately shouted to the leader of the training team Miaolang: "Quick, No. 5, give the order, the tunnel collapsed, save people!"

Immediately, the Langya base responded quickly, activated the emergency plan, and contacted the local fire department, transportation, law enforcement and other departments through the brigade headquarters to coordinate actions.

Soon, multiple departments took quick action.

The traffic police department set up a checkpoint in the section in front of the tunnel and closed the road. Firefighters and medical staff from the hospital rushed to the scene.

The tunnel suddenly collapsed and someone was trapped inside. This is definitely a big event.


The Langya armed transport plane landed, and Chen Shanming led a group of people out in a line.

They quickly set up a temporary command center about 500 meters away from the tunnel, and Fan Tianlei personally took command.

The surrounding topographic map and tunnel plan were found at the first time.


Fan Tianlei spread out the map, pointed to the location of the tunnel, and said: "This tunnel is close to the reservoir, about 1.5 kilometers away. The location of the collapse caused by the reservoir infiltration is probably here. Immediately organize people to start digging from this location, and the speed must be fast."

"When I was inside just now, I felt two violent vibrations in succession. The scope of the collapse may be relatively large."

He rushed out from inside and was very clear about the previous location.

"Action now!"

To be honest, Chen Shanming's mind is still a little confused until now. When did No. 5 become a firefighter?

He turned around and ordered the team members behind him: "Save people quickly, start digging from here, and let the professionals come as soon as possible!"

When Fan Tianlei and others arranged emergency rescue, in the tunnel.

"Cough... cough..."

Chen He coughed several times, then pushed away the dirt and some small stones on his body and slowly stood up.

He just

After rushing over, he suddenly felt a violent shaking, and a large amount of mud rushed towards him frantically. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and rushed forward quickly. He was only hit by a small part of the mud and was buried a little bit.

If he was slower, he would be buried alive.


Chen He felt a sharp pain in his left arm and couldn't help but take a breath.

He just noticed that when he was dodging just now, he was hit by a larger piece of mud.

"Full physical examination!"

Chen He didn't think about it and activated it directly.

Suddenly, a stream of electricity spread from the whole body. The next moment, the system's voice sounded: "The host's left arm has a level 3 impact, and half of it can be repaired."

"Repair half?"

The system explained: "The degree of injury is far beyond the system's ability to repair, and the host can treat it by using drugs."

"My arm is broken?"

System: "No."

Chen He breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it is not broken, it will be easy.


A strong current acted on the left arm. With the effect of this current, the original severe pain in the arm was immediately relieved a lot.

After about three seconds, the repair was completed.

Chen He tried to move his arm, but it didn't have much effect. It was just that his muscles still hurt during intense exercise.

"This skill is really awesome. If it can repair half of it, doesn't it mean it's halfway healed? Doesn't it mean that it can be directly turned from a serious injury to a minor injury? And then with some auxiliary drug treatment, that's it?"

Chen He was excited just thinking about it, but he didn't have time to think so much now.

He looked around.

The place behind him had been blocked by collapsed stones and soil, and water was constantly seeping from the cracks.

"If I was slower, wouldn't I die here?"

Chen He couldn't help but take a breath.

He turned his head and looked at the tunnel ahead, and saw a light ahead.

Although there was a landslide here, it was not serious, and there was still a large space left. The light was emitted from a military vehicle, and there seemed to be a white-haired old man sitting inside.

There was a pile of rubble and soil around the car, but not much.

Apparently, it was hit during the landslide just now. Fortunately, the amount was not large, so the damage to the vehicle was not serious.

"It seems that she is the grandmother of the female officer."

Chen He thought of what the female officer had just shouted.

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