The two of them were in a mess.

Chen He walked quickly to Long Xiaoyun's side, grabbed her hand, and smiled calmly.

"Hasn't Wolf Warrior left the border defense regiment yet? At least you won't leave before the old cat's matter is completely resolved."

"When I really want to leave, I can leave with you, but before that, I want to experience being a company commander first. After all, if I go to Wolf Warrior, I will be led and restricted. When will I have such an opportunity?"

"If I don't accumulate experience now, how will I deal with problems in the future? I also want to improve and become an excellent soldier."

Long Xiaoyun glanced at Chen He, then took away Chen He's hand and said, "Li Miao said that I gave you my whole body in order to get you, and you are quite greedy. Yeah, when you grow up, I can hand over Wolf Warrior to you, then..."

Chen He interrupted her: "Then you go home and give birth to a child for me?"

Long Xiaoyun smiled and said: "Do you have that ability?"

Chen He stepped forward and said: "What do you think?"

Long Xiaoyun ignored him and said: "There are many girls who are interested in you. That doctor Miaomiao has a good figure, is younger than me, and is pure and lovely. She cares about you so much..."

Chen He immediately thought of what Lao Fan, a life mentor, said, when a woman talks about other women, she should quickly divert his attention, otherwise it will be very troublesome, and in the end, only she will be hurt.

"Wife, if you are worried, I can help you get pregnant now, and then we can retire together and live a married life."

Long Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, his face changed unpredictably, and finally cursed: "Rogue!"

Chen He grinned and said, "We are a legal couple, protected by the law."

Long Xiaoyun glared and said, "You still say!"

Chen He: "..."

In the end, Long Xiaoyun still failed to convince Chen He, but she didn't have much hope. She didn't think much of Chen He at the beginning, but now Chen He is gradually emerging and has begun to have higher confidence and pursuit, which is what she thinks.

It's a good thing for her that Chen He can go to that step. Anyway, Zhan Lang will not leave the border for the time being, and it's okay for him to toss more ideas.

After the two chatted casually for a few words, Chen He returned to the dormitory and started talking about guns with everyone again.

Time passed quickly, and it was the next morning. The third shift was assembled, and Leng Feng announced the start of the wilderness survival mode.

Everyone was fully armed, according to the configuration requirements of special forces, marching backpacks, satchels, Type 81 rifles, water bottles, tactical vests, bulletproof vests, helmets, etc., a full set of equipment, weighing exactly 24 kilograms.

When everyone's equipment was carried on their shoulders, everyone felt bloated like a duck. The most important point was that when everyone's weight was pressed on the body, it felt like a collapse.

One by one, they began to scream and howl, it was too heavy!

Not to mention running with these equipment, even standing was tiring, and the life-threatening thing was ten kilometers, not the usual five kilometers of cross-country.

This was almost like taking their lives.

"It's killing me. When the deputy squad leader said it yesterday, I thought it was a joke, but it really came!" Lao Liu's legs were shaking a little.

Lao Ba said: "Just bear with it. The squad leader must be unhappy with what happened yesterday and is trying to torture us."

"It's still fun to fire artillery. Just fire from a distance and all problems will be solved!"

"I want to go to the Sixth Company!"

"I want to go to the Tank Company!"

"Don't even think about it. See how we can get through this. We have to carry 24 kilograms for 10 kilometers!"

Everyone had a bit of despair in their eyes.

At this time, Leng Feng growled: "Everyone, turn right, 10 kilometers of cross-country, run!"

After successfully refusing to dress up as a woman, Leng Feng was in a good mood. Looking at the little guys, each of them was like a woman, making a fuss, and he wanted to laugh.

Yesterday, they looked so useless. Seeing tanks and infantry fighting vehicles was like seeing naked beauties. They were so excited. They were all a bunch of new recruits who didn't know their limits.

Tanks and infantry fighting vehicles are good, but they can only play a role when conventional troops are engaged in large-scale combat. They are not used at all on weekdays. Apart from driving them every day, they can basically do nothing.

When they go there, they will understand that what an old driver does is not as mysterious as the two company commanders say. What's more, the two company commanders are not concerned about them, but Chen He.

In other words, they drove the infantry fighting vehicles and tanks here to poach Chen He. Why?

How cool is it to fire a cannon? It's all bullshit to shoot down planes with anti-aircraft machine guns.

If they did poorly in the three-month recruit assessment, it would be strange for the two company commanders to want them, so they didn't know what was going on when they accompanied the prince to study.

Now they are still thinking about tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, just a bunch of rookies.

Tap tap...

Under Leng Feng's order, the three of them started a 10-kilometer armed cross-country.

At this moment, the 81 bar hanging on their necks is not good at all. This thing weighs more than three kilograms. Hanging it on the neck is like hanging a big stone.

If it is running one or two kilometers, it is not a big problem. The key is to carry it like this for 10 kilometers, which is a bit life-threatening.

When they were hiking 5 kilometers cross-country, they already felt very tired. Today's challenge is an extreme challenge. They have no confidence whether they can stick to it.

Leng Feng followed behind and saw everyone running like ducks. He growled again: "Hurry up, hurry up, keep up, you are all like women, are you still men, do you have a penis?"

"I tell you, 10 kilometers of cross-country with loads is to lay the foundation for survival in the wild. This is just the beginning. Cheer up!"

"Your squad leaders are all heartbroken, and they have not forgotten the spirit of their predecessors. What is 10 kilometers, and what is 24 kilograms of weight? Just think of it as Zhu Bajie being carried by Chang'e, or Zhu Bajie carrying his wife."

"Carrying it back means carrying it back to your own home, and having a wedding night."

Leng Feng is full of fighting spirit now.

Chen He grinned. The squad leader's metaphor is perfect, but it's true. The effect is immediate.

Half of the people in the third squad screamed and ran madly, and their speed could not be improved.

The sixth brother shouted: "Yes, I want to carry my wife on my back. I want to learn from the squad leader, hugging her left and right!"

The third brother shouted: "You must learn from the squad leader, otherwise what's the point of being a soldier?"

Li Erniu also shouted: "I am motivated to follow the squad leader!"

The seventh brother shouted: "Yes, I want to carry the female leader too. Brothers, go ahead. We all have female leaders on our backs."

Leng Feng frowned. How did these bastards drag Team Long into this?

Chen He couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard this. What kind of thoughts do these people have!

At this time, the system prompt sounded.

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