The old man was in a hurry to get out of bed, but the old man was still alive.

While Chen He and others were doing special training to survive in the wild and fight against fierce women, in Donghai City, in a villa with a courtyard, Chen He's father was moving large and small bags home.

These were all prepared for Chen He, and the hall of the house was already full.

Lu Hong looked at him with contempt: "Old Chen, don't you doubt your son's ability? Why did you buy so many things?"

Old Chen nodded seriously and said: "I do doubt that he can't do it, so these things are given to his comrades, so that the strong can take care of him, the weak chicken, and the more gifts, the less blame."

"The situation in China is like this. At home, you rely on your parents, and when you go out, you rely on your friends. If Chen He didn't have other people to take care of him, could he have persisted?"

"It's rare that he can persist this time. It must be the help of his comrades, so it is necessary to thank them. The son doesn't understand this principle, and we can't not understand it. Right?"

"Okay, do it as you want, I don't care, but there is one thing you have to remember, hurry up, don't let your son wait for too long, while your daughter-in-law is still there, leave quickly."

After Lu Hong finished her instructions, she turned and went upstairs, but not long after, she quietly went downstairs again, and saw her husband lighting incense, worshiping the ancestors, and began to nag: "Ancestors, your grandson Chen He is getting more and more promising. The things I bought today were all his requests, but I increased the quantity..."

When Lu Hong heard this, she knew that her man was pretending to be cool in front of the ancestors again.

This old Chen would never pretend in front of others, but behind people, or in front of the dead ancestors.

Lu Hong still remembers that when they just got married, after the bridal chamber, Lu Hong saw him lighting incense in the middle of the night and telling the ancestors that he had married a virgin and brought honor to the family. He said that it was difficult to marry a daughter-in-law in such an era, and it was even more difficult to marry a virgin, which was rarer than the first-class protected animals such as the red-crowned crane.

So he planned to name his future son Chen He, which means a unique and rare crane.

Old Chen is good at this. He obviously thinks his son is good, but he dares not admit it in front of others. He shamelessly says that his son is not good at this and that, and then he is very happy behind his back, thinking that his son is more promising than him.

This is the character of Old Chen.

Because she knows this character of Old Chen, Lu Hong has unknowingly developed a habit of spying on her husband.

She likes her husband's pretentiousness behind people.

Who made him pretend too much and mysterious, which makes Lu Hong feel very fun.

For example, this time, for this pretense, Old Chen did not rush to visit his relatives in the army, but kept preparing, buying this and that, and the amount purchased far exceeded what Chen He listed in the list.

What did he say to me before, whether Chen He wanted me to buy these things to deceive them.

If you think it is fake, why do you buy so many things?

This is Old Chen, who keeps pretending, and only decides to visit his son after he has finished pretending.

Lu Hong shook her head speechlessly, then turned back to her room.

Chen He was also pretending at this time, but he was pretending in front of others.

He rolled up his sleeves and said to Li Erniu and others: "Brothers, when I go to the company and become the commander, I will ask Tank to pose in any pose, and then take a photo and send it to the comrades assigned to the kitchen squad to raise pigs, not for anything else, but to spur you on."

"I'm telling you clearly that you have to work hard now and fight to death, otherwise you will only be qualified to watch Tank pose in a small S or big S pose. What's that like? You can only watch but not touch, and you can only drool."

"Three months of recruit training is the dividing point. Whether all the brothers in the third squad can eat meat and fire a shot every day depends on your efforts. I once heard this In a word, don't treat yourself as a human being, don't take yourself seriously. If you can't endure the hardships, you can't be a superior person. "

"Take me as an example. You only see my strengths, but you also see that when I train, what do I lack compared to you? If a man wants to be hard, he must keep training, work himself to death, and feel like he is being squeezed by a fierce woman. Only then can you burst out your potential. "

"Brothers, I won't say any more nonsense. If you want to do it yourself, you have to work hard now. "

Everyone was excited to hear it. Who doesn't want to drive the most powerful car and shoot the most powerful gun, but you have to have this ability.

Chen He has such a skill. If he goes to the company in the future, he will definitely be the focus of training. It is not impossible for him to be a commander.

If they

They can also follow Chen He, so they will have a good life in the future?

Lao Liu laughed and shouted: "Report to the squad leader, are there any other postures?"

"What the hell are the postures?" Chen He looked at Lao Liu in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Lao Liu said: "I've read the news recently and learned a lot."

Chen He understood immediately.

As expected of Lao Liu, he is following the current affairs closely and can even associate this with it. It's all because Zhen lent them his mobile phone to watch the news, and their brains are active.

Lao Ba grinned and said: "Squad leader, don't you know what kind of wolf our Sanba is? We all take you as an example!"

Li Erniu laughed and said: "Squad leader, we will do whatever you say, and we will definitely give my wife a surprise when I go home to visit my relatives."

"Look at your achievements?"

"Haha... Erniu, do you want to drive a tank now?"

"I just want anti-aircraft guns!"


A burst of laughter came from the dormitory immediately.

For them, the most exciting thing every day is to exchange experiences with the deputy squad leader, which is definitely a skill-enhancing thing.

Chen He said: "Our third squad's current performance is very strong for our current recruit company, but don't forget that we have to compare with the recruits of other companies."

"What is the purpose of the three company commanders and the six company commanders coming to show off here? Isn't it just to stimulate us and make us feel that there is a goal?"

"Is it fun to shoot guns or to pose with tanks? This is not an obvious thing. Brothers, think clearly, whether to raise pigs or to play with the most perfect gun mount, it is all in your hands."

At this moment, an emergency whistle suddenly sounded outside.

Chen He jumped up like lightning and shouted: "Quick, emergency assembly, fully armed, we want to be the brightest cubs!"


Everyone acted quickly, and their faces were full of excitement.

Soon, Chen He took the third squad to quickly pack their backpacks and the things used for daily training weights.

This time was different from the previous emergency assemblies. Leng Feng reminded them many times that when they had another emergency assembly, they had to bring armed women.

Each person had a woman on the battlefield!

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