The wolf was killed, but the wolf was still alive.

Li Miao looked at the crowd, pointed at the English letters on the wolf's body, and shouted: "Do you know what this means?"

"Our enemies told us that you are child soldiers!"

"Do you admit it?"

Everyone roared in unison: "No!"

Everyone present was a young man with hot blood, who exploded at the slightest provocation. How could they tolerate this title?

Li Miao growled, "This is our territory. We are the first and last line of defense of our motherland. When friends come, we have wine and meat. When jackals come, we have swords and guns!"

"Let's go!"

With Li Miao's order, the team set out again, but unlike before, everyone's face was more solemn, including Dr. Miao Miao, whose pretty face was very serious and she stopped joking with Chen He.

The team moved forward quickly and continued to advance into the depths of the plateau.

As the team continued to go deeper, the altitude of the plateau became higher and higher, and the concentration of oxygen in the air became lower and lower. Many people began to pant and had breathing difficulties. Therefore, they had to rest after walking for a while.

This is a plateau area. As the guardians here, they must adapt to the harsh environment here.

Everyone had been mentally prepared for a long time, and everyone gritted their teeth and persisted.

For Chen He, this plateau climate had no effect on him at all. He could survive it just by relying on his strong physical qualities, without using any other skills.

As for veterans like Li Miao, they have lived here for a long time and have already adapted.

What surprised Chen He a little was that Dr. Miao Miao could hold on, no worse than any new recruit, and even stronger than many new recruits.

I really couldn't tell that her petite figure still had tenacious strength.

The sky gradually darkened, and the sun was about to set.

Because this is a desolate area, once it gets dark, it immediately gives people a desolate feeling.

Suddenly, someone in the team walking in the front exclaimed: "Look, is there something hanging there?"

On a sloped stone in front, there were two black things hanging.

Touched by the gust of wind, it swayed gently, giving people a very strange and terrifying feeling.

"What is it, hanging there? It can't be a ghost."

"Ghost? It's not dark yet, don't scare people!"

"What is that? It feels very evil. They say that there are things here that are very evil, and science can't explain it clearly, We won't run into it, will we? "

Li Erniu was a bit timid, he swallowed his saliva and said: "In our countryside, there are often some evil things, which can't be explained at all, and sometimes they are really scary."

"No way, what is so evil?"

Old Eight said: "The more remote it is, the more evil things there are, which are the dirty things that the old people say. Whoever encounters it will be unlucky."

Old Six, who is usually more lively, looked at the swaying black thing in the distance and said: "It won't be a hanging corpse, right?"

"Fuck, don't scare us..."

Chen He looked at the black thing, and the next moment he shouted loudly: "It's the corpse of a wolf, don't make a fuss, you will lose your composure, I have only heard of people being scared to death, but I haven't heard of anyone being scared to death by ghosts, if you don't have ghosts in your heart, you are afraid of hair!"

His physical fitness broke through six, and his eyesight was naturally much better than others, so it was easy to identify it as a thing.

As for fear, that's not the case. Who is Chen He? An atheist!

Everyone calmed down a lot after hearing what Chen He said.

After a while, Li Miao brought people over and put the wolf's body on the ground.

This time there were two wolves, and some words were engraved on the wolves.

Li Miao said nothing this time, and directly ordered each class to set up tents on the spot and spend the night here.

Everyone acted quickly, and it didn't take long before the tents were built, and a group of bonfires were lit in the center of the temporary camp.

Classes gathered together to keep warm.

The temperature difference between day and night here is very large. The temperature can reach 30 degrees during the day, but it can drop to more than ten degrees at night.

It's still summer now, and if it's over summer, the temperature difference will be even greater.

At this time, Dr. Miaomiao sat next to Chen He and whispered, "I was so scared that my legs were weak just now, and I almost hid my head in your armpits."

Others lowered their heads and warmed themselves by the fire. After all, they were all new recruits, and they were indeed a little scared just now, and their mood was a little depressed.

After hearing Miaomiao's words, they realized

The atmosphere in the field became a little more relaxed.

Suddenly, Chen He opened his arms, clamped Miao Miao's head in his armpits, and said with a smile: "Does this give you a sense of security?"

"Oh my..." Doctor Miao Miao struggled hard, "Brother Chen He, let me go, let me go quickly, they are all watching, it's embarrassing."

Her little face flushed, and she pulled her little head out of Chen He's armpits with force, and the whole person looked frightened.

It's so embarrassing.

She didn't expect Chen He to suddenly attack, this bastard.


Lao Liu and others laughed.

Lao Liu asked with a smile: "Doctor Miao Miao, what does the armpit of our class deputy smell like?"

"Haha, is it the smell of a stinky man?"

"Our class deputy is not a stinky man, does it still smell good?"

For a moment, the pressure of everyone just now was swept away in the laughter.

Doctor Miaomiao recovered his breath and said to Chen He in a low voice: "Brother Chen He, I just checked the bodies of the wild wolves. They have not only a cut throat wound, but also other scars. Is the enemy deliberately provoking us? Or is it warning us?"

Chen He's eyes lit up and said: "Let them relax a little, but be vigilant. The enemy is not scary, but it is scary to lose your composure. The enemy is probably playing psychological tactics with us, which shows that they are not as strong as us, otherwise they would not do such tricks. I will definitely find them if I have a chance."

In his opinion, the people of this old cat are all free boys. Now he is only a little short of meeting the upgrade conditions. As long as he catches one, he will gain enough experience!

There are not many such opportunities.

As he spoke, Chen He stood up and took out a box of beef and mutton from his backpack, poured out one-third of it and put it on the lunch box, handed it to Doctor Miaomiao, and said, "Put it in hot water and boil it for a few times, you can also drink the soup."

"Brothers, remember, don't guess the enemy's strength. The company dares to let us out, which means we are stronger, understand?"

Li Erniu and others were a little worried, but they looked at Chen He with trust in their eyes.

They have been with Chen He for such a long time, and gradually they have regarded Chen He as their spiritual pillar.

"Deputy squad leader, we are not afraid of any enemy, we are soldiers!"

"Deputy squad leader, you told us before, when we meet the enemy, one word, fight!"

"Deputy squad leader, we have practiced with you for a while, it is not in vain, fast, accurate and ruthless, one move to become a father-in-law."

Chen He's mouth twitched slightly, these guys... have learned the essence.

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