The man of the captain Long? The female leader made her like this…”

Wang Ming frowned as he listened.

Wang Ming understood Miao Miao’s intermittent crying.

Just now, Long Xiaoyun didn’t know what was wrong with her body, so she asked Miao Miao to treat her, but the effect was not very good, so she suggested that she could let the man have sex or something, and it should be fine.

As a result, Long Xiaoyun asked her to ask Chen He to come in.

Miao Miao didn’t agree, saying that she also liked Chen He and wanted to compete with him fairly, and she couldn’t abuse him just because she was a female leader.

But Captain Long said that she liked her man, so he tied her up and beat her up.

The final situation is that the more Team Long tied her up, the more perverted she became, and the more excited she became, and it became what it is now.

So there is no enemy at all, but a war between two women.

Wang Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was only beaten by Team Long, not by the enemy.

When I saw Miao Miao's appearance just now, I thought that the old cat had turned into a flower thief and did something bad to Miao Miao.

If that was the case, he would have to commit seppuku to Li Miao to apologize.

But this matter, if you think about it carefully, it's a bit absurd.

Would Team Long do such a thing? Not at all!

She looks so heroic and valiant, and it is rumored that she is a very cold ice beauty. Did Miao Miao lie?

"Miao Miao, did Team Long really treat you like that? Or did you have any conflicts before?" Wang Ming couldn't help asking, "Did she really say that Chen He is her man? As far as I know, Team Long should not be married."

If a domineering flower like Long Xiaoyun gets married, it will definitely be explosive news, and it is impossible that there will be no movement at all.

The most important point is, would Long Xiaoyun like a new soldier? This is unreasonable.

With Long Xiaoyun's arrogant personality, the man she finds must not be worse than her, otherwise she will not like him. How can a new soldier be so virtuous? Besides, is this asking an old cow to eat tender grass? It doesn't make sense.

There are so many young and excellent officers in the army, any one of them is better than a new soldier.

With Long Xiaoyun's good conditions, if she really wants to find a man, there must be a large number of officers who will risk their lives and test the water.

Miaomiao twisted her lips and said, "Who knows, she is just a crazy person, and she says that anyone she sees is her man."

Wang Ming didn't understand what this sentence meant at all.

When Li Miao said that Chen He was a tiger among the new soldiers, who killed the wolf king, drove away the wolves, and killed the old cat, Wang Ming was not surprised, but now Long Xiaoyun said that Chen He was her man, which made him shocked and cold.

If Leng Feng were here, he would definitely call him an expert, and so would you!

But Wang Ming couldn't figure out many of the details here. There were too many things in Miao Miao's words that needed to be scrutinized. Instead, he felt that Long Xiaoyun was indeed a heroine. She said she would fight, and she was resolute and decisive, without any ambiguity.

On the other hand, Miao Miao was a bit bitchy. She was vague in her words and made people guess for a long time without letting people understand what she meant. She was the same as her mother.

Wang Ming remembered very clearly that after he, Li Miao and the other two brothers rescued Miao Miao's mother, Miao Miao's mother hugged Li Miao and said softly, "I feel sorry for my brother..."

I'm afraid that Miao Miao has inherited her mother's true teachings.

Wang Ming said: "Miao Miao, clean up yourself. Don't tell anyone about this, understand? If you think it's necessary, tell your father the truth. Don't let any misunderstandings happen, or it will be bad for you and your father."

Miao Miao said: "Uncle Wang, do you think the female leader is sick? How can this be?"

Wang Ming said: "You are a doctor. Don't you know better than me whether she is sick or not? I think the problem still lies with Chen He. I know about this. I'm leaving first."

Miao Miao said with tears and snot: "Uncle Wang, what do you think I should do? Am I bullied by the female leader like this? Can't I resist?"

Wang Ming really couldn't say it. Things between women are the most troublesome. If he gets involved, he might get into trouble.

"Things are like this for now. I can't say much. Talk to your father later and see if he can give any good suggestions."

After Wang Ming explained a few words, he quickly left the tent.

Miaomiao was in that state, and he was alone there. If other people saw him, he would not be able to wash himself clean even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

It would be strange if he didn't fight me.

As for Chen He, Wang Ming's curiosity about him was completely aroused. He wanted to test his background and find out what kind of recruit he was.

Miao Miao actually liked him.

Although Miao Miao was not the kind of girl who could topple a country, she was delicate and charming like a southern girl, which was easy for men to like, especially soldiers.

Who doesn't want to have a gentle, virtuous and beautiful woman as his wife? Live happily every day?

And a girl like Miao Miao must be a hot commodity. Her vision is not low. Would she like a recruit?

After Wang Ming came out, he went directly to find Li Miao.

At this time, Li Miao, Chen He and others were standing on a plain in the outpost.

In the middle of the plain stood a stone tablet with a name engraved on it.

Li Miao said with red eyes: "Comrades, every stone tablet here is a sacrificed hero, they are all the heroic souls of the border defense. Look at the one on the left, Wang Cheng, in March this year, when he was patrolling the border, he encountered Lao Mao sneaking in, and unfortunately died in the battle, he was only 19 years old."

Everyone turned to look at the stone tablet, and it was indeed written with Wang Cheng's name, and there was also his photo on the tombstone.

A very young boy, at the best time of his life, was buried here forever.

The age of the recruits present was much different from that of the other party, all of them were young people of 18 or 19 years old. Seeing a peer become a tombstone, they felt mixed emotions in their hearts.

They used to think that death was still very far away from them, but now it is not.

Looking at the cold tombstone, they felt that death was so close to them.

They have been shouting that soldiers are not afraid of hardship or sacrifice, but those are just slogans, and they really don't feel anything, but at this moment, they all have an inexplicable feeling in their hearts, will they be the next Wang Cheng?

The day before yesterday, when they were attacked by wolves, they were nervous and scared. It was the veterans who protected them and prevented them from being threatened.

When the new recruits come and become real soldiers, will they become braver and fight the enemy?

The new recruits have complicated feelings, but one thing is certain, they naturally choose to be soldiers and will not back down!

"It's Black Cat again, that bastard, next time it's not just a simple anal sex, I'll use both barrels on him!" Chen He gritted his teeth and looked at the young soldier's head, secretly arousing murderous intent.

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