After everyone gathered and counted the number of people, they stood still and waited for the time to enter the station.

Ten minutes later, under the leadership of Shao Bin, everyone lined up in a long line, slowly walked into the station, and entered the designated carriage.

This way, they naturally attracted a lot of people's attention, whispered, saying that they were all good boys.

Many people also lamented that they regretted not joining the army when they were young and missed the most precious experience in life.

This made the faces of the recruits full of pride.

After Chen He entered the carriage, he quickly found a seat to sit down. Not long after, Li Erniu came over with a smile and sat next to him.

As soon as he sat down, he looked at Chen He with surprise and said admiringly: "Brother, I saw that you came in first. Even the squad leader couldn't outrun you and was always outrun. I didn't know you had such a skill."

"This scared everyone. I didn't expect that there was such a great man in our team who beat the veterans. Many people admire you."

Chen He grinned and said: "I have loved running since I was a child. I practiced it little by little. This is nothing."

Li Erniu said with even more admiration: "This is nothing? I was most afraid of running since I was a child. I got very tired after running for a while because the gang of guys in this village bullied me a lot. But I tried and wanted to persist, but I couldn't do it."

Chen He used [Full Body Checkup] to scan Li Erniu and immediately understood.

There was nothing wrong with Li Erniu's body, but he was just bloated. The meat on his body was not firm and had a lot of water. In layman's terms, it was water-injected pork.

"Brother, you actually have great potential, you are just bloated. As long as you lose weight, you can run fast."

Li Erniu looked at Li Erniu in shock again and said, "Brother, you are right. How come what you said is exactly the same as what my wife Cuihua said, word for word."

"Oh, the more I look at you, the more you look like Cuihua. We are really destined to be together."

After saying that, Li Erniu looked at Chen He with deep affection, his eyes narrowed, and he looked like an old man looking at a beautiful young wife.

Damn, I didn't expect Li Erniu to like this!

Chen He got goose bumps all over his body.

What the hell is this look, why... I'm not a beauty.

Which normal man can resist it?

Chen He gently pushed Li Erniu and scolded him with a smile: "Okay, don't look at me like that. I'm not your wife Cuihua. Keep your eyes on him and stare at him when you go back."

Li Erniu grinned, revealing a mouthful of big white teeth. The chubby expression on his face made him look a bit silly.

This guy actually came to the army, he is really a white-cut chicken!

Li Erniu looked around and saw that the squad leader and platoon leader were not around, so he said mysteriously: "Brother, why do I feel that our platoon leader and squad leader are so scary? I feel a little scared when I look at them, and I don’t know why. Do you have the same feeling?"

"Especially when they stare at me, I feel a little like being stared at by a ghost. I was so scared that I dared not move. Am I too nervous?"

"And the one who competed with my brothers in running, I feel that he is the scariest. When I was collecting supplies, he just glanced at me, and I got goose bumps all over my body. It was too scary."

"If I am assigned to his class in the future, won’t I be worried every day?"

Li Erniu has a good sense of crisis. He actually noticed this so quickly. No wonder this kid reacts the fastest every time he encounters danger.

This is also a kind of talent.

Chen He thought for a moment and said, "I have the same feeling. Actually, you don't have to worry too much. They are squad leaders. What are the obligations of squad leaders? They are to help us recruits adapt to the barracks and training as quickly as possible. You don't have to be afraid of them. When they are brothers in the same squad, it's okay. Anyway, they can't eat you. Why are you afraid?"

"What, you have it too?" Li Erniu was surprised for a moment, then laughed, "That's okay. I thought I was the only one who had such an illusion. I was crazy."

"Hearing what you said, I'm not so scared anymore. They are leading us and making us better, right? Don't be afraid of them."

"Although they are scary, they are all good people, right? Every time the retired veterans in my village talk about their squad leaders, they feel like they are talking about relatives."

As Li Erniu spoke, his mouth

His mouth was wide open, as if he was reminiscing.

"Brother, come to think of it, why do I feel that I am afraid of them, and feel that there is something terrible about them."

Li Erniu brought the topic back.

"What do you think is going on? Are they all possessed by some clean things?" Li Erniu said.

Chen He was speechless and couldn't help cursing: "What unclean things, what nonsense are you talking about in broad daylight?"

"Be careful if they hear it, I will beat you up. If I guess correctly, the platoon leader and several squad leaders are special forces soldiers, and they are very powerful. They have performed special tasks in actual combat."

"Fuck, special forces soldiers?" Li Erniu opened his mouth wide, "What kind of soldiers are special forces soldiers? They are very brave, right?"

He immediately became energetic, his eyes shining.

"Brother, how did you guess? Is this type of soldier very powerful? Why is it so scary just by looking at it a few times?"

Chen He was speechless. How come he had never even heard of special forces soldiers?

But on second thought, this is normal. Li Erniu graduated from elementary school at this moment, grew up in the countryside, went to work in the city, and did physical work. The people at the grassroots level are almost illiterate.

It’s not surprising that he doesn’t know what a special forces soldier is.

Chen He said: "I don’t know how to explain this to you now. Anyway, those people are not simple. Can’t you see it?"

"How do you see it? Tell me."

At this moment, a deep voice sounded behind Chen He.

He turned his head and saw that Shao Bin had come over and stood behind him, staring at him.

Li Erniu stood up in a flash, looking at Shao Bin nervously, his Adam’s apple kept rolling, and he didn’t know what to do.

"Hello... Platoon Leader." Li Erniu said.

Shao Bin glanced at Li Erniu, then stared at Chen He, raised his voice again, and said: "How did you see that we are all special forces soldiers?"

Chen He was helpless. Do I still need to see it? I have traveled through time, so I know your past stories. You made mistakes, so you were demoted to the grassroots.

But he can't say any of this, and they are special forces, so they have to save face.

How can I explain this to make it more pleasing to the ear? I'm a little anxious, waiting online!

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