The more time passes, the more standard the military posture becomes.

Time passes little by little, and under the leadership of Chen He, everyone's military posture becomes more and more standard.

After all, with such a standard template for reference, and detailed action essentials, ringing in their ears over and over again, even a fool can learn it, not to mention that these people are not stupid.

Li Erniu is like an idiot in the queue, because he has not been to high school, while others have been to high school, received a month of military training, and have a certain foundation in marching.

Now under the leadership of Chen He, they can all walk in a proper and orderly manner.

Everyone is getting more and more excited, and the same ideas pop up in their minds, and they feel more at ease when Chen He is around.

However, as the sun continued to rise, the sunlight shone on the ground, then reflected on the shoes, penetrated into the soles of the feet, and gave people a sore feeling like acupuncture.

Every time they stepped on the ground, they felt like being pricked by a needle.

And the scorching sun shone on their faces, and the burning feeling was like burning.

Sweat poured out from the surface of their skin and quickly penetrated their clothes.

This was like being roasted on a stove.

Soon, some people began to be unable to bear it, their heads were dizzy, their breathing was rapid, and they felt a little heatstroke.

As a result, their steps and body postures kept shaking...

Only Chen He was in [Energy Saving Mode], without any feeling, and even no sweat came out of his body.

He was still walking and standing with the most standard movements...

What is a crane standing out from the crowd? This is it!

Not long after, Shi Sanba and Ban Zhuan came over with Class 1 and Class 2, and saw Chen He walking around, and his movements were so standard that they couldn't be more standard.

Shi Sanba glanced at the sun above his head, then at Chen He's steady steps, and said to Leng Feng: "This kid is good, a natural soldier, but it's a bit of a waste for him to follow some new recruits to train with such military qualities."

"This kid doesn't look like a new recruit at all, but more like a veteran. Do you think he has received special training before joining the army? Otherwise, how could a new recruit have such skills?"

Ban Zhuan said seriously: "This guy likes to show off and wants to be a thorn soldier. He doesn't look like a veteran, otherwise he should choose to keep a low profile. In addition, his skin is white and tender, and you can't tell that he has received long-term outdoor training, unless he always applies sunscreen and holds an umbrella."

"He can march so standardly, he must have trained before joining the army, and it was long-term and uninterrupted. His family is so rich, he should hire a private instructor."

"Leng Feng, you can add some food to him appropriately. Aren't you unhappy with him? If he is a man, train him down!"

Leng Feng's eyes lit up immediately, and said: "Ban Zhuan, you said it's good Reason, if this guy keeps doing this, when will I be able to show my power? I don't even need to stand here for drill or formation. "

Ban Zhuan said: "I always have a point, I just don't want to say it, go, do what a man should do."

Leng Feng raised a black line on his forehead and said: "Ban Zhuan, you... when did I stop being a man? Should I talk to Captain Shao Shao about this?"

Ban Zhuan nodded and said: "It is necessary."

Shi Sanba patted Leng Feng on the shoulder and said: " Isn't this nonsense? This is not Wolf Warrior. You can do whatever you want. Don't mess around. Individual training is a special case. Without Captain Shao's approval, others will take revenge on you. It will be bad if this word gets out. "

"We have to deal with a new recruit. Is it necessary to hide it? Be open and aboveboard, leaving others speechless. That's a real hero."

Ban Zhuan threw out a sentence: "You want to be a real hero or a villain, choose for yourself."

Leng Feng said: "I'll go find Captain Shao."

As he said, he turned to find Shao Bin.

Shi Sanba watched Leng Feng leave, smiled, and said: "Ban Zhuan, do you think Leng Feng can subdue that kid?"

Ban Zhuan turned his head and looked at Chen He who was marching and said: "That kid is a bit weird. He must have a lot of secrets. If you don't suppress him, you won't know."

Shi Sanba immediately became interested and said: "How about we bet on three more spicy strips?"

"You have no stock. You lost it all last time." Ban Zhuan said.

Shi Sanba smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't worry about this, do you dare?"

"Too little, Liugen."

"Okay, Liugen will fight Liugen, but I've made a promise, if you lose, you can't get angry with me."

"You gave me spicy noodles, why should I get angry

? "


When Shi Sanba and Banzhuan started to bet, Leng Feng came to Shao Bin's door, knocked on the door and shouted: "Report!"

"Come in!"

Leng Feng pushed the door open, stood at attention, saluted and said: "Platoon leader, I want to train Chen He alone and give him some extra dishes."

Shao Bin was stunned and said: "Leng Feng, what do you think? Why do you have such an outrageous idea? The new recruits are a whole, why do you want to train him alone? What's wrong with the strings?"

Leng Feng said bitterly: "Platoon leader, this guy doesn't look like a new recruit at all. I won't talk about folding the quilt. Just now, he did the marching and lining up more standard than me. He said all kinds of action essentials and technical requirements in more detail than I did. I even suspect that he is a veteran pretending to be him. With him in the team, when can I, the squad leader, show my power? "

"Now, in the entire third squad, I, the squad leader, seem to be redundant. Chen He is the squad leader. Don't you know that those bastards look at Chen He with more respect than looking at him? If this continues, what prestige do I have as the squad leader?"

Leng Feng said it with frustration. He was the ace sniper of the War Wolf Commando and the king of special forces. It was already frustrating enough to be sent to the local area as a squad leader of new recruits. As a result, he was stepped on by a new recruit. How could he not be angry?

Shao Bin looked at Leng Feng in surprise. It was the first time he heard this thorny soldier complain to him. In the past, he would just do it if he didn't agree, and never said a word of nonsense.

This time he actually came to complain, the sun came out from the west!

"Are you exaggerating? Is it so exaggerated? Today is only the first day of the new recruits' training, and you can't do it as a squad leader?" Shao Bin said.

Leng Feng was about to cry, and raised his voice and said, "Why not? If you don't believe me, go out and take a look. Under his leadership, the marching of the third squad is almost catching up with the standard of new recruits in three months. I just spent half a day as a bystander, doing nothing but watching that guy perform. "

"Also, although I haven't asked him any questions about the housekeeping regulations, when I saw other roommates asking him questions, he answered them fluently, no, I should say he recited them by heart. Platoon leader, this guy is too difficult to lead. If you don't give him more food, there's no way to train him."

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