After getting the information about the Dosk family, Lu Yan did not hesitate at all, and immediately went to the direction where the Dosk family was located according to the address given by the refugee.

“After Lao Tzu finds you and makes sure that you are all members of the Black Bone, Lao Tzu will kill you all!” Lu Yan thought as he walked.

Because he couldn’t call Long Xiaoyun, Lu Yan couldn’t understand Long Bo’s situation now.

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Yan felt like he had been hit by an awl.

This bastard black bone was so arrogant that he made a move in front of him.

“Never forgive!” Lu Yan made up his mind.

Dossset Fishing Port, 38 Emerald Lane.

A huge estate is located here.

The estate occupies a huge area, with gardens, pools, courts, all the facilities you need.

At the same time, male and female servants are all over the court, and whenever you call someone can appear in front of you to serve, and when you do not need them, they will never appear in front of your eyes, ensuring that they do not hinder your eyes.

In the main building of the manor, a group of people are sitting around the villa restaurant surrounded by the open air, eating late-night snacks and talking.

“When are you going to do it?” The man who spoke was called Roque. Dosk, now the head of the Dosk family.

After this Roque finished speaking, he suddenly shot out, used a knife to cut off a lamb leg of roasted whole sheep in front of him, and then gnawed it.

“Wait until the morning to do it, if you do it now, outsiders will say that it was the hand of the rebels, and during the day the government army and the rebels will exchange fire, and then it can be said that the government army was accidentally injured.” A white man said as he drank the wine in front of him.

This man is the leader of Black Bone – Doflamingo, he is a West Banya man, who served in the West Banya UOE special forces in the early days, and was arrested and imprisoned for shooting civilians in the later period, and then established Black Bone after escaping from prison, is a ruthless, murderous devil without blinking.

At the table sat some of Doflamingo’s men.

Troyevsky, a former Russian FSB operator, joined the Black Bone because of money after retiring.

Adrian, a former commando of the GIGN gendarmerie special forces in the French Republic, was imprisoned for beating his superior, and joined the black bone after his release.

Flos, formerly a “wild boy” special forces sniper and the holder of the world sniper record, joined Black Bone because of money after retiring

Thomas, a former U.S. SEAL blaster, was expelled from the military for the abuse of prisoners and later joined Blackbone.

Da Silva, former head of the elite military police unit in the Barcirio district, was wanted for his involvement in drug trafficking and later joined Blackbone.

Each of these people was skilled and good at fighting, so they became Doflamingo’s trusted subordinates and became the backbone of the Black Bone.

They were here because Doflamingo was hired by the rebels to help them assassinate high-ranking officers in the government army.

And the restless Doflamingo privately carried the rebels to receive a “black job” handed over by the United States.

That is, take advantage of the time of the rebellion to destroy all of Huaxia’s factories in Dorites.

Even if you can’t destroy it, it’s okay to make trouble.

This led to the incident of Black Bone attacking and revitalizing the petroleum machinery factory, and at the same time, the follow-up to the Oil Machinery Factory to make trouble was also the ghost of Black Bone and the Dosk family.

This time they met to discuss how to continue reading the Huaxia factory to take measures next, and after the discussion, they had to do something more vicious, that is, to attack the Huaxia embassy here and find a communications engineer named Liu Qi.

This Liu Qi is a key figure in the deployment of 5G communication technology, this time he came to Doritus to test the transmission of 5G communication technology in a harsh environment, but happened to catch up with the rebellion, and the local diaspora, stranded in the Huaxia Patriotic Embassy.

This time, the United States hopes that Black Bone will take this opportunity to snatch out engineer Liu Qi and send him to the United States, as long as Engineer Liu Qi can “recruit”, so that in the case of 5G is not as good as Huaxia, the United States can have a way to catch up.

But they would not have thought that the methods of the black bone forehead had always been cruel, and as long as they could grab Liu Qi, the lives of others would not be considered.

So Doflamingo has long thought that in the morning, they will rush into the Huaxia embassy, and then rob Liu Qi, and as for the other diaspora, they will shoot them all!

“Are you sure? The garrison of the Huaxia embassy is very good. Roque ate the meat and looked at Doflamingo.

“Don’t worry, we are sure that even if they are well guarded this time, it will be difficult to resist my means.” Doflamingo smiled, and his subordinates sneered.

Looking at their sneers, Roque shuddered a little.

“Okay, we are also full, and I will ask you to clean up the Huaxia gang in the future.” Doflamingo and the others stood up and said.

“Yes, my friend.” Roque said.

Doflamingo smiled disdainfully, then turned and left with his men.

After turning the corner and exiting the alley, the manor of the Doske family appeared in front of Lu Yan’s eyes.

Looking at the huge and magnificent manor in front of him, Lu Yan was thinking about how to enter.

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