Lu Yan looked at the report on the fishing reef on the table, and his thoughts suddenly surged up.

This fishing reef has been the inherent territory of China since ancient times, but the previous lack of development of the sea frontier has led to some islands and reefs being occupied by other countries.

And this fishing reef is one of them, this fishing reef was forcibly occupied by the Fuso country.

Since Huaxia is now a responsible big country, the eyes of the whole world are on Huaxia, so Huaxia cannot easily strike at Fusangguo, otherwise Fusangguo is not Huaxia’s opponent at all.

In this way, Huaxia has been using the strategy of diplomatic negotiations to negotiate with the Fusang Kingdom.

However, Fusang has always had the support of the nosy and well-fed country behind him, and has always been fearless and adopted a very arrogant attitude towards Huaxia.

In this regard, the generous Huaxia Guo still insisted on using dialogue to solve this problem.

But after all, the sons and daughters of Huaxia are all passionate, and after seeing that what should have belonged to them is occupied, they naturally refuse to give it to others.

In this regard, the military has done a lot of reconnaissance work, and if the Fuso Kingdom makes any excessive moves, then the military can respond quickly.

So Lu Yan had such a report on the fishing reef on his desk.

Now Lu Yan looked at the report in front of him, and an idea suddenly surged in his heart.

That is to plant the bright red flag of China on the fishing reef, so that the people of Fusang Country and the United States can take a good look at who is here!

However, although the idea is good, Lu Yan still can’t act rashly.

The first is that the Chinese army cannot be used, because once the Chinese army is used, it means war, and China has been in Taoguang and raised obscurity, rising peacefully, and at the same time facing such an international fishing vessel environment, naturally it is impossible to directly use the army, so that it will not leave a pretext for Fuso and the United States.

This problem is a difficult point.

Lu Yan changed his posture and sat down, his mind thinking rapidly.

If you are relying on yourself, it will definitely not work.

Not to mention that his identity is more sensitive, even if his identity is not sensitive, it is impossible to guard the fishing reef on his own.

But the only advantage is that if the red flag is really planted on the fishing reef, it will definitely cause a sensation, and then this merit value will definitely not be less.

Lu Yan himself calculated in his heart, and it would definitely reach more than 10,000.

After thinking about it for a long time, a plan slowly formed in Lu Yan’s mind, and he knew how he should do it.

First of all, Lu Yan exchanged a super useful thing and some physical enhancement liquid through the system.

And this super useful thing, the most useful part of the whole plan, without this thing, then Lu Yan’s entire plan is useless.

Next, Lu Yan arranged the affairs of the district, and then the equipment needed by a person began to head towards the fishing reef.

Diaoyu Reef is located in the South China Sea in China, and after Lu Yan flew over, he rented a yacht locally as cover, and then slowly approached Diaoyu Reef.

It is clear from a distance that the flag of Fuso Country is flying on the Diaoyu Islands.

The fuso with a red circle on a white background has expired, and it floats there like an unwashed sanitary napkin.

Lu Yan felt very disgusted when he saw this, this is our territory of Huaxia, you small-armed cubs, doing these things in our territory is absolutely unforgivable.

However, anger followed by anger, and Lu Yan still had to observe carefully.

Although it is said to be a fishing reef, it is actually a small island.

How could such an island and reef be given to Fuso for children!

At the same time, Lu Yan saw that on the fishing reef, there were several outposts established by the Fuso Kingdom.

Seeing this, Lu Yan pouted dismissively.

After all the information reconnaissance, Lu Yan put down the anchor of the yacht, then turned and walked into the yacht’s kitchen, looking for something to eat.

At this time, Lu Yan wanted to replenish his energy and make himself more powerful.

After eating, Lu Yan wore a pair of insulated swimming trunks, and then jumped into the water with a shirtless top.

After entering the water, Lu Yan began to slowly dive underground.

It’s really strange that a centenarian can hold it in the water for so long.

In fact, this is where Lu Yan is smart, her physique is already very strong, but for the sake of safety, Lu Yan still exchanged a bunch of physical enhancement liquid from the system mall.

Now Lu Yan’s cardiopulmonary function is super powerful, and he can breathe underwater for a long time without ventilating, and at the same time will not feel uncomfortable.

At the same time, through the transfiguration water exchanged by the system, Lu Yan’s appearance has also changed to a certain extent, and in the eyes of others, it is not Lu Yan’s original appearance at all.

After all these were ready, Lu Yan was very confident and felt that all this was not a problem.

Slowly, Lu Yan approached the bottom of the fishing reef, and Lu Yan found through the sonar detection table in his hand that the island was equipped with a sensing system, which was a means to prevent the opponent’s frogman troops from approaching.

Seeing such a pediatric action, Lu Yan just sneered, and then sent out interference models through the detection meter in his hand to interfere with these induction systems.

When these sensing systems are removed, the island is like a blind man and a cage.

After doing all this, Lu Yan slowly surfaced, and then quietly landed on the island.

On the island, Lu Yan once again used jammers to jam all the cameras, so that his movements were more accessible.

Subsequently, Lu Yan carefully reconnoitred around and found that it was indeed the same as reported, there were 8 Fuso soldiers on this island on defense, and after confirming the position of several of them, Lu Yan made a decisive move, stunning all 8 soldiers at once.

There is no way, according to Lu Yan’s previous personality, it should be killed, but killing will cause the next thing, so it can’t be killed.

Subsequently, Lu Yan tied up the people and threw them into a warehouse.

“You little three people stay here first, when the matter is settled, this is the territory where you will stay in our Huaxia Fishing Reef later, and after a while, I will let you and you three people leave here completely.”

Thinking of this, Lu Yan smiled contemptuously.

Subsequently, Lu Yan felt out the super useful thing from his body.

Looking at the bead the size of an orange and emitting a light blue glow throughout, Lu Yan’s face showed a reassuring smile.

This bead is a dragon ball that Lu Yan exchanged in the system mall! _

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