Hearing General Tom say this, Jerry’s eyes lit up at once.

Then he looked at General Tom with a treacherous face, and then said:

“General Tom, this method is really too chicken thief. Oh no, so wise. As long as we deploy missiles on the fishing reef, then Huaxia will have to honestly bow to us, and we can use this matter to threaten Huaxia at any time. At that time, this Huaxia will be obedient if he is disobedient! ”

“We’re really smart!” Commander Tom also made a very lewd expression.

Tom and Jerry looked at each other and smiled, then showed lewd expressions.

At this moment, they were proud and did not want it at all, and the extremely peerless catastrophe was slowly approaching them.

Lu Yan, hundreds of kilometers away, is manipulating the Dragon Ball with his mind to do incredible ten things.

Major General Nagumo and Commander Noda of Fuso Country, allies of the United States, are also leisurely moving towards the fishing reef.

The gang is fantasizing about wearing a garland around their neck and returning to their homeland to be worshipped.

But at this time, the observation room sent them a warning message at the same time.

“Report captain, there is an unknown situation in the weather ahead, please come to the observation room as soon as possible!” Thank you! ”

The captains of the two countries were a little surprised to hear the news, so they immediately went to the observation room to see what was going on.

When they entered the observation room, looking at the sky in the distance, they were stunned all of a sudden, and they did not expect such a scene at all.

I saw that the sky in the distance had completely turned gray-black, and the cumulonimbus clouds looked very scary.

If there is nothing scary about the clouds, but what if it is full of purple-blue lightning?

This moment gives people a very terrifying feeling.

In addition, a rare waterspout is formed on the sea ahead.

Looking at the appearance of the waterspout, everyone in this fleet was taken aback.

The sky-rushing water column seemed to connect heaven and earth, and it looked very scary.

Looking at the waterspout sweeping towards him, the two commanders of the combined fleet, Commander Tom and Commander Noda, were completely frightened, and at this moment, they did not know what words to use to describe their mood.

Because I was completely scared and stupid, I couldn’t think of it.

At this time, Commander Noda finally reacted, only to see him panic and press the radio phone in the cabin, telling everyone to evacuate urgently.

Because they understand that it is no longer possible to let the battleship turn around now, and it is better to abandon the ship quickly if there is that skill, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

At this moment, Commander Tom also gave the same order in horror, telling everyone to quickly abandon the ship and escape.

In front of nature, they are too small to fight against it, and this self-knowledge is still there.

But, within minutes, they found that theirs was useless.

Because they found that there was far more than a waterspout, and slowly a waterspout appeared.

It was like walking into a room full of pillars.

And the horror is that those columns are also super destructive.

“Nagumo-san, how so…. Why is this so?! Commander Noda looked at Major General Nagumo blankly and muttered, completely unexpectedly that they would usher in such an end when they went out with a smug expedition.

And Major General Nagumo had no idea at this time, and did not know what to say to comfort Commander Noda.

But any comfort at this moment will not help.

Major General Nagumo looked at Noda Jiren, and then said in a desperate tone:

“Commander, we may have messed with a country that should not be messed with.”

On the other side at this time, Commander Tom and Major General Jerry looked at each other and did not speak to each other.

At this point, silence is better than sound.

After a few minutes of silence, Commander Tom said to Major General Jerry:

“How’s it going, Major General Jerry? Do you think I’m an idiot now? ”

Listening to Commander Tom’s words and looking at Commander Tom’s face, Major General Jerry at this moment no longer knew what to say.

After thinking for a long time, Major General Jerry could only smile bitterly, and then said:

“Commander Tom, I think you’re right and wrong.”

“Why??” Major Commander Tom also showed a trace of curiosity at this time and asked, which is also a rare thing.

“Because, on the right side, you are indeed an idiot, you are too confident.”

At this moment, Major General Jerry has nothing to avoid, because in a few minutes everyone will worship the Western Heavens.

“The wrong thing you said is that not just you, but all of us are idiots.”


Listening to Major General Jerry’s words, Commander Tom let out a burst of desperate and desperate laughter.

“Commander, don’t you think this matter is very strange?” Major General Jerry said.

“Huh?” Commander Tom asked puzzled.

“If the accident of the previous two Fuso warships was an accident, then what do we say about this situation now?”

“This… This…” Commander Tom was also shocked and incoherent at this time, he really didn’t expect this statement at all, but after listening to Major General Jerry say this, it was definitely possible!

Just as they were about to discuss, the glass on the window of the observation room shattered.

Tom and Major General Jerry looked over in horror, only to see that the sea water was like an open flood rushing in, unstoppable, and no one could do anything but watch stunned.

“Farewell, my friend, Major General Jerry!”

“Farewell, my friend, Commander Tom!”

After the two people finished speaking, the sea water immediately rushed in, flooding the entire observation room.

“Nanyun-san, you and I can’t be afraid at this moment, I died for our Fuso Empire, so at this moment, you and I don’t want to be sad, our death is very glorious!”

, “No road race, big horses!” You stupid pig! ”

Major General Nagumo suddenly became angry, shouted at Commander Noda with an angry face, and then shouted in a hysterical voice:

“You stupid pig, don’t you understand. Our death is meaningless, we didn’t even touch the side of Huaxia, so we died! What’s the point?! ”

“And I’m telling you, you dog thing! We’re just messing with the wrong people! No, not exactly one person, but a group of people. The name of this group of people is Huaxia! ”

After shouting this sentence in despair, Major General Nagumo closed his eyes in despair. _

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