The best team is not good without experience, Zhang Tianhe feels that after half a month of training, the girl's skills are no less than ordinary special forces, not to mention that there are five certified team members with talented skills, if they accumulate some actual combat experience, it will definitely amaze those male soldiers in the base.

So, Zhang Tianhe asked them to train freely first, and drove an off-road vehicle to find out if there was any place to practice, and soon, Zhang Tianhe met a group of members of the Tata organization, because he had dealt with this terrorist organization too many times, so Zhang Tianhe recognized their people at a glance.

They had just ransacked a village and were distributing the spoils at the entrance of the village, and Zhang Tianhe heard that they meant that there were not many people in the organization, and they wanted to absorb some fresh blood. The little boys in the village are their targets, and those boys are tied together, and they will be brainwashed by the Tata organization, and the good ones will be trained to be loyal fighters, and the poor ones will be used as human bombs.

Zhang Tianhe noticed that there were people here because he was far away from them, so he got out of the car and came on foot, and those people didn't notice that people were coming and leaving.

Back at the high-walled building, Zhang Tianhe asked the girls to load all the guns in their hands, and they were going to play with real knives and guns.

The camels have been eaten for the past few days, and thirteen people are crammed into an off-road vehicle again.

When he was about to arrive at the place, Zhang Tianhe stopped the car.

"This is your task, I will only watch, not shoot." Just like the first task given to Zhang Tianhe by Zhao Ming, he only can't see it, unless the situation is critical.

The girls nodded, they were calm on the surface, but in fact, they were all excited in their hearts, and they finally had the opportunity to fight.

Crawling on the sand, they crept close to the Tata members who were about to leave, and slowly divided into four directions to surround them. Geeta, who had the highest shooting skills, had already raised her gun, looked at the two bearded men standing in front of them and behind them, and fired a bullet through both of their heads.

As soon as Geeta's gunfire rang out, the others opened fire, and the bullets surrounded the men from all sides, and they immediately fought back, but they couldn't take care of it. When the guns rang out on the left, they fired to the left, but immediately there were gunshots on the sand slope on the right, and the bullets entered their defenseless rear, and slowly they also learned to be smart, and began to be back to back.

The girls were very thoughtful, and they didn't just know how to shoot, and when the men fought back, they would shrink behind the sand slope and change their bullets, and as soon as the guns stopped, they immediately showed their heads and shot. Geeta either shot one or the other, and when they found that Geeta was in the most dangerous direction, they all pointed their guns at Geeta's side.

"You go behind them!"

Rena, next to Geeta, nudged her. Geeta nodded, and Reyna covered her, Geeta slowly climbed to the sandy slope behind them, and then just as they were attacking Reina in the direction of a new one, she suddenly appeared behind them, and a few bullets quickly solved the last few stubborn struggles with her companions.

After deciding on the map that they were no longer alive, Zhang Tianhe stood up.

"Is anyone hurt?"

Several of the girls were wounded by bullets, but none were hit.

"Very well, go rescue the hostages, then count the corpses, check the loot, and leave them with what they can use." Zhang Tianhe said that they were the boys who had been tied up.

The boys looked adoringly at their sisters as they stood up from behind the sand slopes, as if they were superheroes with their own flashes.

The first time I killed someone, a few girls were still a little excited, and they couldn't calm down for a while.

"That's it just with bullets, what if you were to use a knife, what if you were to use your bare hands?" Zhang Tianhe did not comfort them, but asked and reminded them that they must recognize the facts.

After disposing of the corpse, Zhang Tianhe picked up a bunch of material boxes, and all the members of the affiliated team certified by the system, the people they killed would also drop the material boxes belonging to Zhang Tianhe.

There were still adults in this village, because the Tata members didn't want to waste bullets, so they were all tied up, and if Zhang Tianhe and the twelve girls didn't come, they would have to wait for death in this desert.

Everyone thanked and thanked the twelve girls.

Sally walked over to Zhang Tianhe's side.

"Teacher, I think the honor should belong to you." Zhang Tianhe thinks of himself as an instructor, but these girls are what Xi is used to calling him teacher.

"Annihilating the enemy, with zero casualties and a high speed, this is your honor, and you deserve it." Zhang Tianhe is actually very proud in his heart, this is the team he brought out, a heroic female special forces.

Unable to withstand the enthusiastic retention of the villagers, Zhang Tianhe used this place as a training ground and continued to train those girls, he couldn't wait to teach them everything he knew, anyway, they learned it, and it was his own.

The boys in the village couldn't help but watch the training of the girls, and some of them wanted to run and practice, but everyone was able to persevere.

One night, Rena came to Zhang Tianhe with a shy face.

"Teacher, a kid asked me a question today, and I couldn't answer it."

Zhang Tianhe frowned, what problem could make this girl who was 100% violent Lori so shy.

"You say, what's the problem?"

"He asked me, what are we, what kind of regiment do the militia belong to?"

They have almost trained and completed a perfect encirclement and suppression mission, what kind of legion do they belong to? It must belong to the War Dragon Special Brigade with them, but this group of girls should also have their own code name.

"How's the Desert Flower? Your code name. "

Desert flowers? I'm going to talk to my sisters.

Sally trotted and soon ran back again.

"Teacher, sisters all say that although the flower is beautiful but too weak, there are those who can't withstand the storm, we are not weak, even if it is a flower, it is a wild flower."

Zhang Tianhe nodded, not only are they not weak, but they are much stronger than many men.

"Then Desert Flowers."

"This is good!"

Sally shouted as she ran around.

"Sisters, we have an exclusive code name, Desert Flower, we are Desert Flower!"

Zhang Tianhe looked at Sally's back, what would the wild flowers trained in the harsh desert look like in a warm and pleasant normal environment, Zhang Tianhe couldn't help but look forward to it.

Zhao Ming said that the one-month holiday is coming soon, and his team will soon be able to appear in War Dragon. Zhang Tianhe wants them to know that they are powerful, not only can they be powerful, but they can also train people who are as powerful as themselves. Isn't it that some people can't get used to him, Zhang Tianhe really doesn't care if others can get used to it, anyway, he's amazing!

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