The sudden prompt of the system made Zhang Tianhe slightly stunned, why didn't he do anything, and he also obtained military merit points that he didn't know how to obtain?

Looking at the people in front of him, and then looking back at the Lamborghini he had just driven, Zhang Tianhe had a bad feeling in his heart, wouldn't it ......

...... Could it be that the way to obtain military merit points is to pretend to be forced?

I obviously didn't do anything, just asked Zhao Ming to borrow a car for me to participate in my sister's class reunion, this is a military merit point, no matter how you look at it, it is strange.

Once again, feeling that his system didn't seem to be so reliable, Zhang Tianhe suppressed the deep anxiety rushing in his heart, now that the military merit point has been reached, let's not care about how it came about.

Click on the system mall, all kinds of dazzling goods are placed in it, as long as you have military merit points, you can take them all home

! I know how it doesn't exist!

Just as Zhang Tianhe was about to use these ten military merit points to see what he could buy in the system mall, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

glanced at the caller ID, it was an unfamiliar number that was not stored in the mobile phone, but it was not a stranger to Zhang Tianhe, Zhang Tianhe, who had always had a good memory, immediately remembered the origin of this number, which was the phone number left by Zhao Ming for him.

"Hey, Zhang Tianhe.

Zhao Ming's voice seemed to be a little happy.

"It's me, what's wrong?There's another task so soon?"

Zhang Tianhe was a little puzzled, didn't he call me after he handled it over there?

"Haha, it's not a new task, I just want to tell you good news."

"Good news?"

Zhang Tianhe took the phone in his mobile phone, turned his head and motioned for his sister to make a call by herself, leaving the crowded place over there, finding a place where no one would hear the content of the call, and asked.

"What's the good news? Don't you still want to get information from Larry's mouth, what does it have to do with me?"

Zhang Tianhe remembered Zhao Ming's words before he and he separated.

"We've just returned to HQ, Larry and the killers are in custody, but haven't moved on to the next step, and I'm going to tell you now about something that has something to do with you, a good thing.

"Originally, I wanted you to go through more training before you officially became a member of our Hidden Tooth team, but the leader above was very satisfied with your performance this time and decided to award you the rank of second lieutenant with an exception, so that you can now be regarded as an official member of the Hidden Tooth team." "

There is such a thing, the top leaders in Zhao Ming's mouth, Zhang Tianhe naturally knows which ones, they are all characters who stomped on Huaxia Zhen, the particularity of the hidden tooth group, few people can command Zhao Ming to act.

I didn't expect my performance on this mission to make the top leader look at him with admiration.

"Is it? Then I'm now a regular soldier with a military rank?'s official member

of the Hidden Tooth team?" Zhang Tianhe didn't expect that he would be able to become an official member of the Hidden Tooth team so quickly, and he couldn't react for a while, but in the blink of an eye, he thought of his purpose for joining the Hidden Tooth.

"In other words, I can now meddle in my parents' case five years ago?" "That's

right, the Hidden Fang Team is a special number, and it has a military rank in the Hidden Fang Group, which is different from the ordinary military ranks of other troops, and you can now look through the information of your parents' cases back then.

Zhao Ming seemed to guess what Zhang Tianhe cared about the most, and without hesitation, he told Zhang Tianhe his current rights.

"But you have to go through the procedure, even if you're a second lieutenant now, you have to follow the rules, you know.

Zhang Tianhe's heartbeat slowly accelerated, he chose this path in order to know the truth about his parents' death in a car accident, but he didn't expect to achieve his goal so quickly.

"Okay, I know, I'm going to investigate tomorrow, you can tell me what to do, don't worry, it's been so many years, I won't be impulsive.

Zhao Ming heard that Zhang Tianhe was so sensible, and he was even more optimistic about him, so he didn't say more, hung up the phone and went busy, Quasimodo is now a small character, the important thing is to get the information from Larry's mouth about the people who want to destroy the Hidden Tooth team.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Zhang Tianhe's mood was a little calm.

"Brother, who's it, so long.

Zhang Tianxin saw that Zhang Tianhe was a little distracted when he came back from the call, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It's my leader, it's nothing, that is, I now have a rank in the barracks, and I'm a full-fledged soldier. "

Zhang Tianhe doesn't plan to let his sister know about his parents' case, for fear that she won't be able to bear it, and her sister is the object of his own protection, and he will tell her the truth when he finishes his investigation and the truth is revealed.

"Wow, that's cool, brother, you're the best!" Zhang

Tianxin was also sincerely happy for Zhang Tianhe, but he didn't know that he was still in the dark.

Open the system interface again, look at the ten military merit points you have obtained, and finally understand how these ten military merit points came from, sure enough, it is the same as the literal meaning, complete the task, get military merit, you can have military merit points, it is estimated that I should have more military merit points this time, but I was exceptionally promoted to second lieutenant, and I discounted the military merit points I deserved.

Jiang Hai and the others arrived when Zhang Tianhe called, and at this time, only Zhang Tianhe and Zhang Tianxin were standing outside at the door.

Zhang Tianhe saw that everyone had entered the house, and also led his sister into the house of the Pinglan Pavilion.

Originally, he was here to accompany his sister, Zhang Tianhe didn't say anything at the table, and he looked out of place with the others, but Jiang Hai and Lufeng, who were originally a little irritable to him, did not come to bother after the incident in the car, Zhang Tianxin also talked and laughed with a few female classmates, Zhang Tianhe was happy and clean.

Looking at the items in the system mall, Zhang Tianhe plans to leave for the police station tomorrow to investigate the incident of his parents, to find out if there is anything that can help him, and to help himself with the only ten points of military merit in his hand.

After looking for a long time, Zhang Tianhe didn't find anything suitable, and those things that seemed to be able to assist him in his investigation were either high-tech products, too expensive to buy, or limited help, and Zhang Tianhe couldn't look down on them at all.

For example, this "Tranquility Incense" is used to keep the user's mood happy, which is helpful for focusing on doing things, and is worth five military merits.

There is also this "virtual copy paper", which allows Zhang Tianhe to copy a document in his hand in his mind, which is also worth five military merit points.

And at a higher level, all of them are things that Zhang Tianhe can't afford, "Time and Space Retrospective Snapshot", which allows users to see what happened in the same place before, this team Zhang Tianhe is of great help, but it requires 100 points of military merit, and he can't afford it at all.

"Well, it seems that there is nothing to be done, so let's investigate it on our own.

Zhang Tianhe was helpless.

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