Seeing the photo of "Butcher No. 1", everyone is probably clear about this mission, this should be a decapitation mission, and the target is this "Butcher No. 1".

"I have already started the investigation, and it has been determined that on the 10th of next month, he will go to the country of Rus, and I originally planned to arrange for you to go again in the next rain, and go to the airport to ambush, and the country of Russia will also fully cooperate. Now, though, I've changed my mind. Let's split up, I'll continue my investigation and arrangements for the airport, and you go find someone.

"Looking for it?" Zhang Tianhe asked.

"That's right, this photo was taken by a war correspondent, and the true face of the No. 1 butcher can't be determined in the photo, but this reporter should be able to recognize it, you go to this reporter, if you confirm the location of the No. 1 butcher in advance and assassinate him successfully, then it's best."

Zhao Ming looked at Zhang Tianhe, there is no doubt that if the assassination operation is carried out in advance, Zhang Tianhe will definitely be the main force.

"Just let Tianhe hide from that troublesome old chief."

Li Hua spoke again, and Sun Qian patted him, "You are playing with the computer, you don't need to move your mouth." Even

if Li Hua doesn't say it, Zhang Tianhe also understands it in his heart, but in fact, Zhang Tianhe is a little excited about joining Unit 91, if nothing else, just because Unit 9101 is related to the death of his parents, he should also go and see. However, he felt that he couldn't do without the hidden teeth, he was grateful to Zhao Ming for his kindness, and he felt that he could shine in the hidden teeth, and it was better to stay away.

"Is there any news from that reporter?" Zhang Tianhe let himself devote all his energy to this mission.

"The only thing that is confirmed is that the Chinese people, women."

Zhang Tianhe nodded, there are not many Chinese war correspondents in China and Latin America, and there are even fewer female reporters, so it should not be difficult to find.

Before dawn, Zhao Ming arranged for them to leave the base early.

The four of them went to the vicinity of Central Latin America in four flights, then met up, rented a car and drove into Central Latin America by themselves.

China and Latin America are not a country, but a collective term for several entangled countries, they compete with each other for territory and resources, and the oldest country of Ayala is still relatively intact as before, large and small refugee camps are mixed in it, Zhang Tianhe They just entered China and Latin America and met one.

The photo was taken from the ruins of a building near the Mangrove refugee camp, which had previous contacts with the camp, and Zhang Tianhe planned to go to the camp to investigate first.

"Wait a minute!" Li Hua's fingers moved rapidly on the notebook he was carrying.

"There's an unusual high-tech signal here, like a high-frequency thermal scanner, but luckily we're out of range."

Everyone looked at Li Hua and waited for him to explain further.

"You don't know about this thing, do you?"

"Li Hua, if you don't say it again, I won't be too lazy to listen."

Seeing Sun Qian's impatient appearance, Li Hua couldn't care to laugh at them.

"The high-frequency thermal scanner can scan all living things within 500 meters, which means that as soon as we appear within 500 meters, no matter how stealthy the disguise, they will immediately find us."

"There really shouldn't be such a thing in an ordinary refugee camp, unless there are extraordinary people in it."

"What now, why don't you bypass it!" Li Hua proposed.

"No, you don't."

Zhang Tianhe looked at Gu Fan.

Under Gu Fan's superb skills, the four of them soon became refugees.

"We swaggered in." Zhang Tianhe said.

As soon as the four strangers entered the camp, someone inside came out to greet them.

Among the four people, only Zhang Tianhe could speak Chinese-Lak, so naturally he stepped forward to maneuver.

"Where are you from?" The man was a tall, thin man with fierce eyes, who looked like a guard here.

"We are fleeing here, we have relatives in Mangrove, we want to go to Mangrove, but we don't know the way."

"When are you leaving?"

"If someone can show us the way, we can walk tomorrow, it's too late today, we haven't eaten yet."

The tall and thin man shouted inside in Chinese: "Passing refugees, leave tomorrow."

He shouted, and the others understood.

The thin and tall man arranged a temporary tent for Zhang Tianhe and them to solve the problem of eating by themselves.

"Zhang Tianhe, I didn't expect you to be able to speak Chinese-Latin Chinese." Li Hua saw that there was no one outside the tent, so he said to Zhang Tianhe in Huaxia.

"I have a talent for languages."

Everyone smiled and began to investigate, Zhang Tianhe instructed everyone, don't walk around too obviously, it is easy to be seen, it is best to leave two, and go out two to pretend to collect food and then probe homeopathically.

Those left behind were Sun Qian and Gu Fan.

Li Hua wanted to find out the specific location of the high-frequency thermal energy scanner by looking for dry branches as cover. Zhang Tianhe went to rummage through the garbage heaps that everyone was rummaging, listened to other people's conversations, and occasionally interjected a few sentences to set up something useful.

In the evening, everyone set up a fire at the entrance of the tent and exchanged information while observing whether there was anyone watching.

"I saw the tire prints of the trucks around the camp, but it looked like someone was deliberately covering them up, I didn't know too well, but the general direction was that the car drove in, drove towards the middle of the camp, and then drove out again. The tire marks that went out were relatively light, so I guess I put something down. Li Hua said.

"I heard that foreigners have come recently, and they can't tell which country they belong to, but they have left some things here, and they have given food to the refugees on the day they came, so that they can keep them secret." Zhang Tianhe said.

"That's what I found on the truck."

"Actually, I already know what that thing is." Zhang Tianhe had extraordinary perception as he was digging through the garbage in the center of the camp, and he saw in the third person boxes of mines in the central tent.

"What is it?"

"Landmines, if I'm not mistaken, this should be a trading staging point, and someone is using the refugee camp as a cover to buy arms from outside."

"Are we going to meddle?" Gu Fan hesitated for a moment and asked.

Zhang Tianhe thought about it for a while, "Don't use it for the time being, don't startle the snake." And I've already asked where the mangrove refugee camp is, and I'll be on my way early tomorrow morning. Everyone

agreed with Zhang Tianhe's decision, at this time, the overall situation should be the most important, and Zhang Tianhe really grew.

After making do with dinner, the four of them took turns keeping vigil and spent their first night in the camp.

On the second day, the sky turned white, and Sun Qian, who was in charge of the last vigil, called the three men up.

"There's a movement, and they've moved all the mines out."

Several people immediately got up and looked through the hole in the tent to see that the tall thin man and his men were actually planting mines, and they wanted to bury a circle outside the camp.

But why?

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