Every time Qin Feng rushed out of the fire, he carried fire on his body.

And the crowd below was accustomed to constantly pouring water and fire extinguishers on him when he came down to extinguish the fire.

Even many people rushed up to grab him and tell him not to go up again, but they found that Qin Feng's strength was really great, and four or five of them couldn't pull him.

Rip and pull!

When the fire on his body was extinguished, Qin Feng grabbed one of them and ripped off the clothes on his body, then put it in a bucket, and quickly wrapped his waist and crotch around after all soaking.

"Nima, you can burn me anywhere, you can't burn my life!" Qin Feng gasped and shouted in his heart.

After Qin Feng gave Qin Xiaofeng two layers of protection, Qin Feng picked up two buckets of water again and continued to wet the quilt.

Then, Qin Feng picked up the quilt again and rushed into the building again like a madman.

The radar scanned that there were more than two dozen people in the building above, distributed in various rooms, and the situation was now critical.

Fast! A little faster!

The fire became more and more intense, and the corridors, facades, corridors, and almost all the places were engulfed in flames.

Those on top of the building were dead in the toilets with faucets on.

More than half of the people were already stunned or choked by the smoke and carbon monoxide that kept pouring in through the cracks in the doors.

Qin Feng used the radar to scan that there is still a breath of life, as long as there are still living people, as long as there is still a chance to save it, then he Qin Feng must rush up

, because this is the duty of a soldier, and now his life exists for the people.

Qin Feng's clothes had all been burned out, and although his flesh had not yet reached the burning point, he was still burned by the raging fire.

That heart-wrenching pain, even Qin Feng, who was already numb to most of the pain, felt like he almost fainted.

The pain of being burned by fire is not something that ordinary people can endure.

Usually, even if he is burned by a small fire, it will hurt his heart, not to mention that Qin Feng is now in the midst of a fire, and he is even surrounded by flames to barbecue.

Qin Feng rushed into one room after another with a wet quilt, and quickly came out of the people who had fainted but were not yet dead.

Fortunately, with the assistance of radar early warning scanning skills, it can help Qin Feng quickly calculate the best route.

No one remembered how many times Qin Feng had rushed into the fire, and he didn't know how many times he came out with people in his arms.

They only knew that every time Qin Feng came out, his flesh became more black and red.

In addition to the position around his crotch, which was protected by him, his face, body, thighs and calves were all severely burned by the fire, and the surface skin had been completely detached.

Everyone could even see that Qin Feng had blood and liquid boiling on the surface, just like they were grilling something that was roasting meat, with liquid and grease boiling on it.

The shocking picture made everyone who saw it feel chilly, and their sweat hair stood on end.

But even so, Qin Feng still rushed into the fire as if he didn't feel pain.

Didn't he feel pain?


There was just no time for him to feel the pain.

All his energy, all his strength, all his spirit, was spent searching for the masses trapped by the fire.

If he wants to save them, he has to endure all the pain and fight the anger with courage and willpower.

"Save one more! Let me save one more!

Qin Feng took people down again and again, his consciousness seemed to have begun to become a little blurry

, at this moment, Qin Feng could no longer hear the screams and shouts outside, and his mind was full of the lives of the trapped people inside.

He didn't know how many people he could save with the extent that his body was burned by the flames now, but as long as he had a breath left, he had to persevere.

Even if it is death, he will die with the people inside, because he has no choice in the face of the mission.

When Qin Feng didn't know how many people he had saved, his flesh also began to burn.

Generally, after the fire burns your clothes, it begins to burn your outermost epidermis, and after the epidermis is completely burned clean, it is the dermis layer that burns flesh and blood.

With continuous burning, a thicker layer of skin, the dermis begins to shrink and crack, fat begins to leak, and fat can also be used as a fuel source for fire.

And now Qin Feng is at this stage, all the skin and flesh in his outer layer have begun to crack and contract, and the fat in his body has gradually begun to overflow, thus igniting his body.

If the fire cannot be quickly extinguished at this time, the next moment the muscles of the body will begin to decompose due to high temperature, and then the organ will decompose.

However, don't forget that the important point is that flame burning will constantly evaporate the water seal.

Seventy percent of the human body is composed of water molecules, once the water molecules cannot be locked, and the body is constantly evaporated and burned by the fire, then the real life-threatening danger will come.

And because the fat continues to overflow, this will cause the flesh to be burned and the human capillaries may also rupture, resulting in excessive blood leakage from the capillaries and death.

Finally, it will endanger various organs in the body, either because of high temperature decay, or various complications of inflammation and so on.

So this is why many people rescued from the fire seem to be only seriously burned on the surface of their bodies, but in the end they still can't be rescued.

The biggest reason is that their body loses too much water and blood, or the organs in the body have suffered extensive failure due to toxic gas or high temperature.

And now Qin Feng's flesh fat has begun to burn, in other words, Qin Feng has now entered a medium-dangerous situation.

Although he still has physical strength and conscious movement and breathing, once his body is burned out of fat, water and blood are greatly lost, and the major organs in the body fail, then he will only have one result left:


Qin Feng rushed out of the building like a burning man, making thousands of viewers outside, people in front of the TV and people on the Internet all stunned and full of horror.

Usually, they have only seen a living person being burned by fire in movies and TV series, but now it has really happened in reality, and in front of their eyes.

This picture is 10,000 times more bloody and terrifying than movies and TV series.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! We are firefighters, get out of the way! Let's..." When

the two dozen firefighters cut through the crowd and rushed in, they just saw Qin Feng being burned like a fireball rushing out of the stairs.

"Help! Fast! Save! After the fire captain was stunned for a moment, he immediately reacted and quickly ran up with a large fire extinguishing tool, and then he turned on the switch and sprayed Qin Feng wildly.

The other firefighters also reacted at this time, and all rushed up to extinguish the fire for Qin Feng.

A few seconds later....

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