Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1812: Hidden God Appears

Chapter 1812 Hidden God Appears

A group of people swarmed up, and the four old men looked shocked and stood in front of them and shouted: "Are you all crazy?"

But at this time, no one cares about these masters.

If you get this jade pendant, you won't have to worry for a lifetime.

At this time, it was possible to see that many of the people present who were usually very low-key turned out to be ancient warriors.

Now, they can no longer care about hiding, and they all display their life's skills to rush towards the dragon-shaped Lantian jade.

"Presumptuous! Dare to grab Mr. Lin's things!"

Zhang Xingjun roared and rushed over quickly.

Of course, not everyone rushed to Lan Tianyu, some astute people seemed to realize something.

They moved straight to Lin Kai.

"Oh, there are some smart people."

Lin Kai sneered. In the package in front of him, there were seven or eight pieces of broken bronze and iron.

But now, these people have realized that there must be a mystery in these broken coppers.

Behind the crowd, there was a thin figure that was exceptionally fast.

He flashed three times, then blinked in front of everyone.

This person was Shi Xiaoqian, and he also caught the attention of these rags.

If you want to say that the most uncomfortable person in my heart is him.

The tens of billions of treasures were sold by him for fifty thousand.

He rushed to the front of the crowd and shouted: "Little brother, I don't blame you for buying my baby. But don't blame me, I accept these things!"

Lin Kai smiled faintly, and whispered: "With your words, I will spare your life."

On the other side, Chu Huaming and several ancient warriors had already rushed in front of the dragon-shaped Lan Tianyu.

Their faces were overjoyed, as if the treasure was already in their hands.

"Get out of here!"

Unexpectedly, an angry shout came, and a middle-aged man fell from the sky.

His hands glowed with jade, and he slammed his luck at a few people with a deep voice.


The few people had no time to make a move, so they could barely resist.

But how could the attack of the Grandmaster level be so easy to resist?

They spewed out a mouthful of blood, and flew out, tumbling.

"Grandmaster-level powerhouse!"

Everyone looked ugly, and finally stopped.

These people are at most the realm of Martial Saint, and they are not the opponent of the master when they go together.

"Zhang Xingjun, why do you want to help Lin Kai, that's tens of billions!"

Chu Huaming spouted a mouthful of blood and roared in anger.

Zhang Xingjun snorted coldly, with a trace of struggle deep in his eyes.

Why didn't Zhang Xingjun want to get this dragon-shaped blue field jade?

But he knew the horror of the Shadow Gate, his life was more important than this piece of jade pendant.

What's more, he didn't believe that Lin Kai, as the hall master, had no means.

Zhang Xingjun turned his eyes and looked to the other side.

The other people who were stopped also looked over.

At this time, they also realized that the tatters in front of Lin Kai's eyes might be treasures.

"I knew it, I went there..."

Many people looked regretful and miscalculated.

But are things really as beautiful as they thought?

Shi Xiaoqian possesses a powerful body technique, and his speed is faster than anyone else.

However, his body's hairs suddenly stood up, and a powerful killing intent swept over him, rushing straight to his forehead.

Shi Xiaoqian's complexion changed drastically, and his body went from rapid to extremely quiet like violating the rules of physics, without any effort.

"what happened?"

Shi Xiaoqian's expression was gloomy and uncertain, as if a fierce beast opened his mouth at him just now.

If he doesn't stop, the big mouth will eat him without hesitation.

The people behind him saw Shi Xiaoqian stopped and were overjoyed.

They immediately passed Shi Xiaoqian and went straight to Lin Kai.

Lin Kai stood with his hands behind him, just looking coldly at the people who were about to **** his treasures. The cold eyes were clearly looking at the dead.

"The one who snatches the master's treasure, die!"

A deep voice sounded in front of Lin Kai.

The space suddenly fluctuated, and a figure slowly appeared.

He willfully exuded a surging killing intent, and his hands flashed quickly, and they hit the throats of the four people in front of him.

The four people covered their throats and rolled out. After struggling a few times, they died on the spot.

This is a man whose whole body is shrouded in darkness, unable to see his face at all.

This person is the hidden **** who possesses the rat charm, he has been hidden by Lin Kai's side, secretly protecting Lin Kai.

After killing the four of them, the hidden **** turned and respectfully knelt in front of Lin Kai, and said respectfully: "I disturbed the master, the subordinates **** it!"

Lin Kai said lightly: "It's okay, get up."

After the Hidden God got up, he looked at everyone present coldly, and said coldly: "Those who dare to be disrespectful to the master, die!"

After speaking, he became invisible again and lost his trace.

"It's another master-level powerhouse, and it turns out to be concealed."

"What exactly is Lin Kai's identity? There are two great masters to protect him?"

The hearts of everyone were cold, and they completely lost the idea of ​​snatching treasures.

The wealth of tens of billions is indeed tempting, but it is clear that they have no such life at all!

Seeing that the robbery could not be achieved, Chu Huaming smiled and said, "Lin Kai, I bought these things. So, you can return them to me."

Lin Kai said in surprise, "Chu Huaming, is it because you are so fat?"

Chu Huaming's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "What do you mean?"

Lin Kai said lightly: "At that time, I had asked you again and again, and you said to send them to me. Now that you want to go back, you are purely dreaming of a hundred days!"

Chu Huaming's face changed for a while, and he said gloomily, "Okay, I'll take note of today's affairs."

After Chu Huaming finished speaking, he turned and left.

He didn't want to see Lin Kai's face anymore.

Lin Kai calmly stopped and said, "Wait a minute, did I let you go?"

Chu Huaming turned around and asked angrily: "What else do you want?"

Lin Kai sneered: "Did you forget our bet just now?"

Chu Huaming's face became even more ugly, and it had turned into a pig liver color.

He roared loudly: "Lin Kai, everyone is a mess, don't deceive people too much!"

Lin Kai waved his hand slightly and said coldly, "It seems that you are not decent. In that case, you make him decent."

Seeing Lin Kai's gesture, Zhang Xingjun flew up to Chu Huaming.

Not only that, Chu Huaming felt a murderous look on his back.

Don't think about it, that person is the invisible master.

The two masters are currently unable to escape even if they want to escape.

Chu Huaming looked desperate and said to the old man: "Master, save me."

The old man sneered and said coldly: "Just now someone said that the old man doesn't have that great face, so you should ask for more blessings!"

Everyone sighed, Chu Huaming shot himself in the foot.

Lin Kai looked indifferent and said calmly: "Chu Huaming, choose."

"Knock your head to Li Shengxian and call Dad.

Or die! "

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