Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1814: Biography of the Jade Seal

Chapter 1814

"Ding, get the Gold Level Elementary Formation Encyclopedia."

A vast amount of knowledge poured into Lin Kai's mind.

For a long time, Lin Kai showed an exhilarating smile on his face.

The reward this time is not so much a skill, it is more a kind of knowledge.

That is the formation knowledge of the immortal cultivator.

The formation is the same as the immortal cultivator, and it does not belong to this world.

Regardless of being a primary formation, it can bring earth-shaking changes to the world.

Although it was only a gold-level reward, even a demigod-level reward could not make Lin Kai so happy.

"It's a pity that I can't use my spiritual power now, and I can't arrange the formation."

Lin Kai has some regrets, but it makes sense.

If you don't need spiritual power, wouldn't everyone be able to arrange the formation?

Seeing that the matter here was almost resolved, Lin Kai decided to leave.

An old man stepped forward and respectfully said: "Sir, are you just coming to Donghai Province? Would you like me to arrange accommodation for you?"

When Li Shengxian heard this, he was anxious.

He walked up, looked at the old man unkindly, and said, "Lin Kai is my friend, of course I will arrange the residence."

The old man snorted and snorted coldly: "You are a small family, and you are not the head of the family. What kind of accommodation can you arrange? I don't want you to be wronged.

Li Shengxian's expression was slightly stagnant, but he was still unwilling to let the old man arrange a residence for Lin Kai.

As a good friend of Lin Kai, he has been enjoying the favor, which puts him under a lot of pressure and wants to repay the favor.

He didn't want to give up even if it was only a trivial kindness.

The four elders did the same, and wanted to do something for Lin Kai.

Seeing their quarrels, Lin Kai said helplessly: "Don't fight, I have a distant relative in Donghai Province, I will go there this time. By the way, visit them."

The Lin family in Jingcheng is a very big family, but decades ago, the Erfang at that time failed to compete for the family property, so they left the capital far away and came to Donghai Province.

For so many years, Erfang has also been very hard-hearted, and completely disconnected from the Jingcheng Lin family.

It is also in recent years that the Donghai Lin Family has developed, and only after having the confidence to face the Beijing Lin Family, have they made some simple contacts.

Long ago, the Donghai Lin family invited the Jingcheng Lin family as a guest.

But there has been no chance. This time, Lin Kai happened to pay a visit.

Lin Kai took away the dragon-shaped Lantian jade and a dilapidated inkstone from the pile of antiques still in the dust, and left the Dingsheng Ancient Building.

Lin Kai wrote Zhang Baitie, and the trustee sent it to Donghailin's house.

He stayed in a hotel at will.

In the hotel, Lin Kai took out the dilapidated inkstone.

The reason why he took this inkstone is because, in his golden pupil, this inkstone actually exudes colorful light.

Moreover, Lin Kai felt a unique charm in the dark.

This charm made him heavy and fascinated him.

"What will it be?"

Lin Kai looked strange, this energy was even more noble than the spiritual power in him.

Lin Kai slowly peeled off the outer seal of the inkstone, revealing its true colors.

It has a radius of four inches, and it has five dragons in Shanghai. It is engraved on the front with the eight seal characters of life and Yongchang.

"Pass the country's jade seal!!"

Lin Kai's eyes widened, how could he not recognize this famous jade seal of the country.

"No wonder there is such a unique charm." Lin Kai exclaimed.

This Chinese land, a known treasure, I am afraid that nothing can surpass this jade seal of only four inches.

"What exactly is this unique flavor?"

Lin Kai frowned, faintly guessing.

Lin Kai carefully put it away, this thing must not be exposed.

If Qin Shihuang's portable jade pendant can make the East China Sea a sensation, the appearance of the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom will surely shake the entire China.

All the big forces will attack Lin Kai frantically, wanting to get this jade seal.

Even if Lin Kai resumed his cultivation, even after he was promoted to the Golden Core Realm, he would not have the confidence to protect this jade seal.

When Lin Kai was studying the jade seal of the country, the Donghai Lin family also received a greeting from Lin Kai.

In the hall, Lin Hong, the head of the Lin family, sat on the main seat with a broad sword and a golden horse.

He took the letter and said solemnly, "Everyone has read this letter. What do you think?"

A trace of resentment flashed across Lin Hong's second brother, Lin Hu, and said: "Back then, our dog, like a bereavement dog, was driven out of the capital. Now they have any face to visit us. Let him go, no see!"

Lin Hong’s son, Lin Yun, gently knocked on the folding fan and smiled and said, "Second Uncle, if we don’t see it. Doesn’t it mean that we still hate what happened back then? This shows that we are too petty. So, my opinion is.

"After all, I heard that this Young Master Lin Kailin is a very capable person. I would like to see it." A strange color flashed in Lin Yun's eyes and said softly.

Lin Hu smiled unnaturally and said, "Then listen to the nephew."

Seeing that everyone had no other opinion, Lin Hong said solemnly: "Then let him come."

Lin Kai was sitting cross-legged, feeling the vitality of the world, trying to comprehend, and breaking through to the Golden Core Realm.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door outside and said, "Excuse me, is Young Master Lin Kailin here?"

Lin opened the door and asked faintly: "What's the matter?"

The middle-aged man took a quick look at Lin Kai, then smiled and said, "I am the butler of the Lin family. I am here to invite Master Lin Kai to be a guest."

Lin Kai nodded and said, "Lead the way."

A different color flashed across the middle-aged man's face, and said, "Don't Young Master Lin change his clothes?"

Lin Kai frowned and gave the middle-aged man a cold look.

The middle-aged man's expression changed, and he respectfully said: "It's the villain who talks too much. Mr. Lin, please."

The Lin family steward drove the car and soon came to the Lin family.

This is a super-large villa area, and the level of luxury is no less than that of the Lin family in Beijing.

Seeing the strange color in Lin Kai's eyes, the Lin family steward showed a proud expression.

Steward Lin said triumphantly: "Young Master Lin, how does the Donghai Lin Family compare to the Jingcheng Lin Family?"

Lin Kai saw that Steward Lin wanted to pretend to be in front of him, so he said lightly, "No matter which Lin family it is, what does it have to do with you as a slave?"


Butler Lin looked gloomy, and he didn't expect Lin Kai to show him such a shame.

Lin Kai sneered, a butler in a mere way, and wanted to pretend to be forceful in front of him, it was a real death.

Steward Lin didn't say a word, and led Lin Kai to the living room.

Lin Kai opened the door and entered. The first person who entered was the majestic man sitting on the main seat.

Lin Kai and the middle-aged man looked at each other for a while, then looked away from each other.

On the left sits a handsome young man.

He smiled and his eyes were a little weird.

On the right is a black and strong man.

When Lin Kai came in, he didn't even look up, but drank tea on his own.

Under him, is a beautiful woman.

She was smiling in her eyes and gestured to Lin Kai with a smile.

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