Chapter 1855

The black dragon sword turned into a gloomy light and fell into Lin Kai's hands.

Lin Kai's aura also reached its peak, a whirlwind whirred around him, and then was smashed by the sword energy generated by his black dragon sword.

Lin Kai faced a hundred people alone, but his aura was stronger than that of a hundred people, as if he was an army.

Lin Kai looked indifferent and sang softly: "Mengshen made a knife!"


The black dragon sword burst out with a dazzling light, and a gleam of light flashed across, as if a dream reflected in reality, like a ghost and **** crawling out of the nine netherlands, like moonlight descending from the sky!


Everyone looked in a trance, immersed in this aesthetic knife.

But in this extremely beautiful knife, it is exactly like Jiuhan's killing intent!

All the martial sages present had lost their will to resist, and the grandmaster's eyes were in a trance, and their spirits relaxed.

They seemed to have entered a dream, with a smile at the corner of their mouths, and they fell into the dream peacefully.

"not good!"

In the field, only the pinnacle grandmaster looked shocked, showing a look of horror.

Huo Tongtian's face suddenly flushed, as if a flame was burning.


Huo Tongtian struggled with a loud roar, and the shaking scene buzzed.

All the masters and martial sages finally woke up from that beautiful dream.

They looked terrified, and their adrenaline soared directly to the limit.

They almost died unexplainably like this!

"Kill me!"

Huo Tongtian shouted again.

The people present no longer dared to keep it, and resorted to all sorts of unique skills to blast Lin Kai's knife.


It was as if two meteorites collided with each other, erupting the sound of earth-shaking thunder.

Lin Kai is on one side!

One side is a hundred ancient warriors!

The two are tit-for-tat, the tip of the needle is against the magnificence!

Lin Kai has black hair flying, holding knives in both hands, and shouting angrily: "Get me!"

One side is the black and gold knife light, and the other is the stray light of various colors.

After the two touched for a while, the stray light of various colors collapsed directly and turned into a bubble.

After the terrifying knife light smashed through the crowd's attack, it directly blasted into the crowd.


It was as if a bomb was dropped in the crowd, and the violent explosion burst into the crowd.


The nearby masters and martial sages directly exploded into blood mist without a chance to react.

The people farther away were also terrible, vomiting blood one after another, and were seriously injured.

Their bodies were covered with blood stains, and the blood flowed like a stream, converging into a small river.

All the masters and martial sages have all fallen to the ground and can't stand up.

Only the top ten pinnacle masters still stood there with all their strength.

"Why is it so strong?"

"It's just a trick!"

The ten great masters looked confused, and their mentality of being beaten collapsed.

However, Lin Kai looked indifferent and walked towards them with a black dragon sword in his hand.

With murderous intent in his eyes, he raised the long knife again.

"He really wants to kill us!"

All the people present, their souls are surrendered, and their faces are frightened.

Just now, Lin Kai's attack only killed a few people, but all of them lost their combat power.

If there is another knife, then these people will have to wait to die!

Everyone was horrified to death, but only the people of the five major families did not show a look of horror, they were just a little depressed!

Frustrated, so many people joined forces, even Lin Kai alone.

What exactly is Lin Kai's cultivation base, and why is it so powerful!

Sure enough, when Lin Kai was about to slash it down, five figures swiftly flew from the sky.

"It's the five great masters!"

Everyone present showed enthusiasm and worship!

This is their Dinghai Shenzhen in Donghai Province, the five great masters!

The ancient martial artist is no longer a mortal when he reaches the realm of a great master.

They are already half immortals and can fly into the sky and escape!

Their longevity can even reach two hundred years, and they are true land gods!

Before the person arrived, a flash of lightning struck Lin Kai's head.

Lin raised his eyebrows, slashed out with a knife, smashing the lightning.

"Is this the Grand Master?"

Lin Kai shook his sore wrist, slightly surprised.

As a cultivator of immortality, Lin Kai has always looked down on ancient martial artists.

The ancient warrior has a single method and can only use brute force and recklessness.

But this flash of lightning allowed Lin Kai to see the power of the great master.

All kinds of avenues come to the same destination through different routes. Ancient martial artists have cultivated to the realm of great masters. Each move can already borrow the power of the world and bring the power of attributes.

The move just now was a move Lei Qiankuang made in mid-air.

"Lin Kai, it seems that I still have to do it myself to kill you!"

In the sky, there was a humming, a black cloud quickly condensed, and electric sparks flickered in the depressed air.

The remaining four figures quickly dispersed, curling up everyone present and falling into the distance.

Tang Feng quickly flew close, protecting Tang Ying and the others as well.

Lei Qiankuang was in mid-air, with thunder flickering in his eyes, as if he looked at Lin Kai condescendingly.

Lin Kai took a deep breath, moved his body, and went up in the air as well and landed on the opposite side of Lei Qiankuang.

"Lin Kai really is a great master!"

Everyone's eyes flashed, no surprises!

No matter how strong the pinnacle master is, it is impossible to defeat nearly a hundred people with one move.

Liu Shadong's eyes flashed, and he whispered: "It's not quite right. The way he flies is different from ours."

Jin Chi nodded and said faintly: "We are inspiring our internal energy and forcibly staying in the air. But Lin Kai, it seems like a bird, belongs to the sky, and there is no trace of using internal energy."

The great masters nodded slightly, but did not care.

Some ancient warriors with extraordinary talents and special physiques can even fly in the master realm.

For example, one of Lin Kai's guards has such a special ability.

Lei Qiankuang's eyes full of thunder became red with blood, and his expression was extremely furious and tyrannical, staring at Lin Kai firmly.

Above him, a group of dark clouds kept converging, and lightning bolts were like whips, slamming the void at will.

"This old guy is really moving!"

Several great masters looked awe-inspiring, they hadn't seen Lei Qian go crazy for a long time.

"Lin Kai, you killed my grandson. Do you regret it now?"

Lei Qiankuang, like the **** of thunder in the sky, stood in the violent thunder and looked at Lin Kai majesticly.

"This is the Grand Master!"

Everyone seemed to be facing a natural disaster, and they couldn't raise their heads in the face of Lei Qiankuang.

Wearing a black dragon suit, Lin Kai said faintly: "Just kill a few stray pieces, what regrets do you have?"

"you wanna die!"

Lei Qiankuang's beard and beard were flared, thunder burst out from his body, and he slapped Lin Kai with a palm.


In the sky, muffled thunder exploded!

A dazzling lightning burst out of the dark clouds, and a series of thunders rushed towards Lin Kai like a violent storm with Lei Qiankang's violent palm!


In just an instant, Lin Kai's figure was completely submerged in the thunder!

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