Chapter 1858

The Emperor of Fire and Liu Shadong lined up on both sides, looked at the crowd, and expressed their attitude.

Lin Hong pondered slightly, then nodded and said, "Good!"

The old man named Wuming nodded slightly and agreed.

Heisha's face was unhappy, but he was so weak that he had no choice but to nod his head in agreement.

The expressions of Jin Chi and the others eased. It seems that although these great masters took action without authorization, they still gave them some face!

Everyone looked at Lin Kai, and the emperor of the fire said lightly: "Boy, don't you give face?"

Lin Kai laughed loudly, leaning forward and backward, laughing Jin Chi and other great masters looked hard to look.

Lin Kai sneered and scolded, "What are you guys, why should I give me face?"

"Just now these ancient warriors, when they besieged me, did you give me face and prevent them from taking action?"

"Now, where does the face let me give you face?"

Several people looked ugly, but they couldn't refute Lin Kai's words.

Just now, everyone just regarded Lin Kai as a relatively strong junior, and viewed him being besieged with a mentality of watching a show.

Now, Lin Kai is qualified to sit on an equal footing with them, and more importantly, this layer of tortoise shell is difficult to break, and the three great masters together did not even kill Lin Kai.

If the stalemate continues, they will lose the face of Donghai Province, which is unacceptable to these great masters.

Seeing that the stalemate came down, Lin Kai suddenly smiled and said:

"However, I am also a member of Donghai Province. My elder, Uncle Tang will also develop in Donghai Province, so I will give him face. Let's go to Gaotai to resolve disputes!"

With a change of expression, Tang Feng nodded slightly to Lin Kai, accepting Lin Kai's kindness.

As soon as Lin Kai took away his spiritual power, the protective cover around his body was closed.

The five-element talisman flashed in Lin Kai's hand a few times before it collapsed and dissipated into the void.

"Is the power of this spell just now?"

Everyone changed their expressions and looked at the golden powder all over the sky, revealing a pity.

The three great masters such as Lin Hong showed a look of eagerness again.

Tang Feng's expression changed, and he stood beside Lin Kai.

Lin Kai stood proudly in the void, sneered without fear.

A look of anger appeared on Jin Chi's face, and he said in a deep voice, "Everyone, don't go too far, are you going to fight my Donghai Province?"

Lin Hong smiled slightly and gave up the idea of ​​assaulting Lin Kai.

Now, Tang Feng is by Lin Kai's side, plus the three neutral Grand Masters, and if they force their shots, I am afraid they will really make these three Grand Masters angry and help Lin Kai reflexively.

Lin Kai and Tang Feng moved and fell to the ground.

"Lin Kai, are you okay?"

"My son, are you okay?"

As soon as they landed, Tang Ying and Qian Lian'er rushed over, looking at Lin Kai with concern.

Tang Feng blew his beard and stared, pretending to be angry and said, "Smelly girl, this is the second time. You have not gotten better with others, so you turned your elbow out!"

Tang Yingqiao blushed and said angrily: "Uncle, what are you talking about!"

Lin Kai said solemnly: "Let's go, go to the high platform!"

Everyone nodded and entered the square under the leadership of Lin Kai and Tang Feng.

Qian Lian'er hid behind Lin Kai and looked at this legendary square curiously.

She had no idea how many times she heard her father mentioned this huge square.

There are also those two huge high platforms, where everyone resolves their contradictions.

Qian Lian'er's eyes turned slightly and looked towards the high platform. Suddenly her body stopped, as if she had seen something.

As if she didn't believe her eyes, she rubbed her eyes and looked at the high platform again.

She finally confirmed that there were wooden stakes erected on the high platform with people tied to them. It was her father and her people!

Qian Lian'er's face turned pale, and she cried sadly, "Father!"

She went crazy and ran to the high platform.

Lin Kai's complexion was gloomy, and the late hair came first, and flew up to the high platform with Qian Lian'er's waist.

Lin Kai flicked his fingers repeatedly, breaking the rope one by one, and then supported them with aura and landed on the high platform.

Qian Lian'er rushed over and hugged Qian Ming.

She looked at Qian Ming tremblingly. Qian Ming's eyes were wide, but they had lost their luster.

On his forehead, there is a blood hole, the blood has been drained.


Qian Lian'er threw himself on Qian Ming's body and burst into tears.

Lin Kai's face was ugly, and his heart was extremely angry.

At this time, Lei Qiankuang also recovered. He looked at Lin Kai's gloomy expression and Qian Lian'er cried loudly, finally showing a sneer.

Lin Kai suddenly turned his head, cold and murderous in his eyes, said coldly: "The wrongdoer, the debtor. I didn't expect that the grand master would do this!"

Lei Qiankang sneered and said, "Do you still want to teach me how to do things, old man?"

Lin Kai said unabashedly, "I will kill you!"

Lei Qiankang sneered, although he could not beat Lin Kai.

But Lin Kai wanted to kill him, but it was also a daydream!

"Ding, kill Lei Qiankuang and take revenge for the maid Qian Lian'er. Random rewards!"

The long-lost system sounded, but Lin Kai didn't care.

No matter whether there is a mission or not, a villain like Lei Qiankuang will die!

Lin Kai turned around and said softly: "Lian'er, take your father down. Don't worry, I will avenge you."

Qian Lian'er looked at Lin Kai whimpering with tears, and said softly, "Master, I believe you."

Tang Ying sighed and ordered his subordinates to carry the bodies of the others in the Qian family.

She also helped Qian Lian'er walk down the platform.

At this time, the crowd slowly gathered in the square.

However, all of them looked at Lin Kai's eyes, full of fear.

They had been cast a shadow by Lin Kai's trick, and they did not dare to face Lin Kai squarely.

Standing on the high platform, Jin Chi said loudly: "The underground martial arts convention, go ahead. Let's start everyone!"

Everyone looked at each other, they were all lost in Lin Kai's beating, and they were still in the mood to take the stage.

Lin Kai moved into the ring and flew into the ring.

He looked at the many great masters, and said solemnly: "Since no one is on stage, then I will take the lead first."

Lin Kai looked at Lei Qiankang and shouted coldly, "Lei Qiankang, come and die!"

Lei Qiankang looked angry, but did not move.

Lin Kai looked at Lei Qiankang and sneered, "Why, you dare not come on stage, are you?"

Lin Kai looked at the three great masters who had attacked him coldly, and said coldly, "Which one of you will fight!"

The three great masters were silent, ignoring Lin Kai's clamor.

Lin Kai laughed loudly: "Four great masters, I didn't expect to face my younger generation, they would act as a tortoise with their heads down. It's so sad!"

Everyone in the audience also sighed, don't these great masters think they are not Lin Kai's opponents?

Lin Kai solemnly shouted, "If that's the case, how about your two great masters?"

Everyone looked up in surprise, what did Lin Kai mean?

Lin Kai sneered and said, "If one person dare not fight with me, then two people will come. I'm Lin Kai, kill you like a chicken!"

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