Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1865: Expel the nameless

Chapter 1865

Huang Tianshi didn't care about his injuries, but sighed: "The world is about to change drastically."

Several great masters hurriedly asked: "What do you mean by the great changes in the world?"

Tianshi Huang shook his head and said calmly: "In the future, you will naturally know."

Several great masters were frustrated, and then asked: "What does it mean to come back, and what does it have to do with the power of merit?"

After the explosion of thunder out of thin air just now, the great masters were inexplicably more awed, and they dared not mention those words.

Heavenly Master Huang said with a smile: "Several great masters don't have to worry too much. It's only because I wanted to spy on Heaven's Dao, and I was backlashed. Several great masters talk about Heaven's Dao without any problems."

The great masters smiled slightly and were noncommittal.

Huang Tianshi said in a deep voice, "According to legend, since Pangu opened the world, there were only innate demons and no humans in the Primordial Era."

Several great masters, including Lin Kai, showed their doubts, how did Huang Tianshi get to the ancient times.

However, they all felt that what Huang Tianshi was going to say was related to the secrets of this world.

They naturally did not dare to disturb Heavenly Master Huang, and even anyone who dared to disturb Heavenly Master Huang would be attacked by their group.

The great masters looked solemn and their ears were upright.


Unexpectedly, at this time, someone actually stopped it.


Several great masters were furious and looked at them with sharp eyes.

"Mr. Lin?"

Several people frowned and looked at Lin Kai dissatisfied.

Lin Kai didn't rush, and said lightly: "I always feel that what Huang Tianshi is going to say is very remarkable."

Lin Kai glanced around and said in a deep voice, "So, I have to clear the scene!"

Lin Kai looked at Lin Honghe Wuming, and said in a deep voice, "You guys, please. Leave this place!"


The two great masters were furious and glared at Lin Kai.

"Nephew Lin Xian, you are too domineering. Why should I leave?"

Lin Hong's face was gloomy, and huge anger emerged in his eyes.

Even Wuming was no longer calm, but looked at Lin Kai coldly.

When Lin Kai saw their expressions at this time, his mood was immediately relieved.

These two great masters were too thick-skinned, and the cynicism that Lin Kai just now didn't hurt them at all.

Now, Huang Tianshi is about to tell the great secret of this world, and perhaps let them cut off the way forward, and hope again.

How could they just leave like this.

Lin Kai stood up and snorted coldly, "Just now, when you were besieging me, why didn't you talk domineering? Now that the two people are dead, should you go with them?"


Lin Hong was furious, but he was very afraid of Lin Kai, and he could only stand in a stalemate.

Several great masters frowned and looked at each other.

Jin Chi stood up and persuaded, "Mr. Lin, Lin Hong is also a member of our Donghai Province. It would not be nice to exclude him in this way."

Lin Kai snorted coldly, "Hmph, when he attacked me just now, why didn't you say that it was not so good?"

Seeing Lin Kai's tone loosened, several people persuaded: "Mr. Lin, you have a large number of adults, so please forgive Lin Hong this time."

Liu Shadong shouted: "Lin Hong, don't you apologize quickly?"

Lin Hong's face was aggrieved, but after taking a deep breath, he lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lin, I was wrong. I shouldn't have done anything to you."

Lin Kai's face was dull and calm.

Lin Hong gritted his teeth, and then said: "To apologize, I will take out half of the site and give it to the Tang family."


Tang Feng was watching a good show, but when he heard Lin Hong's words, he stood up in surprise.

Lin Kai waved his hand and smiled: "Then thank Uncle Lin."

"It's okay..."

Lin Hong also laughed, but he was bleeding in his heart.

Tang Feng smiled bitterly: "In this case, Ying'er will take care of these sites. In this way, I feel at ease."

"Second uncle, what are you talking about?"

Tang Ying made a big red face and secretly looked at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai also looked over at this time, and just met her.

Lin Kai smiled slightly and nodded to Tang Ying.

Tang Ying trembled, shyly buried her head in her chest.

Seeing this, Tang Feng couldn't help sighing.

This is a very good young man, but he is too good.

Ying'er followed him, but there might not be a good result.

After solving Lin Hong's matter, Lin Kai looked towards Wuming, his eyes flashing with indifference.

Wuming opened his mouth and looked at the other great masters.

But the result made his heart sink.

Because these great masters also looked at him coldly, without a trace of kindness in their eyes.

Lin Kai said coldly: "Nameless, do you go by yourself, or do you have two tricks?"

Wuming still struggled with himself, and said: "My dear friends, look at..."

The Emperor Huo waved his hand, his face indifferent, and said, "Don't come to this set. Why do you want to hide your identity? Tell us where you came from."

"Hmph, I remember you!"

Wuming's face changed several times, and he flew directly out of the town.

Everyone looked at his back and pondered secretly, this nameless identity.

Lin Kai's eyes flickered, and he had a vague guess about Wuming's identity.

He only came to Donghai not long ago, and not many people have offended him.

But for the one with great master power, he thought of a person.

A person who made him hate him and wanted to kill him quickly.

That is his good cousin, Lin Yuan!

Lin Kai originally thought that Lin Yuan would appear in this underground martial arts conference, but to Lin Kai's surprise, he did not appear.

This nameless is hostile to him inexplicably, maybe he is Lin Yuan's subordinate.

"Lin Yuan, wait. I have been promoted to the Golden Core Realm and can already kill you."

Lin Kai muttered to himself that Lin Yuan could not forgive him anyway, and he had to wash his anger with Lin Yuan's blood.

Lin Kai sat down again and said politely, "Tianshi Huang, I'm sorry. You can continue talking."

"Mr. Lin, you are polite."

Tianshi Huang nodded and said solemnly: "At that time, there were only demon gods between heaven and earth. Among them was a demon **** named Nuwa."

"Nuwa suddenly felt that she used great magic power to make people."

"Since then, Terran has appeared."

"The appearance of the human race shocked the way of heaven, and gave it endless merits. It directly made Nuwa, the demon god, reborn and became the first saint in the world."

Everyone was shocked and murmured: "Could it be that..."

Tianshi Huang continued: "Yes, as long as you do something that is meritorious and heavenly, as long as the merit is large enough, heaven will give merit."

"Lin Kaichao saved more than one hundred thousand dead souls, and he felt that Heavenly Dao gave his merits as a reward."

The great masters looked at each other, this kind of thing was simply unheard of, it was incredible.

Is there life in the way of heaven, and what merit will it bring?

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