Chapter 1894: Confrontation

As soon as these words came out, several great masters raised their heads in shock.

They looked at each other, a solemn look appeared in their eyes.

None of them found anyone hiding there upstairs.

For them, it is almost impossible.

Just now, when Wuming was upstairs, they could perceive it clearly.

Even if Wuming hides his breath, the power of blood on his body is as conspicuous as firelight.

Now, Lin Kai actually said that someone was hiding there upstairs, which shocked them very much.

Especially Liu Shadong's face turned red in a moment.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't care less about being rude, and he looked directly upstairs fiercely.

His eyes see through directly, making everything upstairs invisible.

However, Liu Shadong's complexion changed hard to look.

He said in a deep voice, "I didn't see anything..."

The expressions of the others changed, and their expressions became very solemn.

Jiang He quickly said, "Of course I haven't seen anything, there is no one upstairs."

Lin Kai smiled coldly and said lightly: "Really?"

A golden light flashed in Lin Kai's eyes, and the huge power of divine consciousness slammed directly into the sky like a sharp sword.

In an instant, his spirit reached the place where Lin Yuan was hiding.

A sharp expression flashed across Lin Kai's face, and the huge power of divine consciousness blasted directly towards Lin Yuan without mercy.

Lin Yuan's complexion changed, a flash of thunder flashed in his eyes, and he blasted Lin Kai's divine power with a punch.


An invisible huge force burst out directly, causing the surrounding tables and chairs to be torn to pieces.

Lin Kai retracted his spiritual thought, raised his eyebrows, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Interesting. The mere ancient martial artist has actually cultivated his spiritual consciousness."

Upstairs, Lin Yuan was panting heavily, with bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

"How did you cultivate such a huge power of divine mind?"

Lin Yuan was shocked in his eyes and looked at Lin Kai stubbornly.

With the realm of a great master, he cultivated the power of divine consciousness, and he was regarded by his master as a talented person.

However, compared to Lin Kai, his spirit was like a candlelight next to the sun, so bleak.

Even his master does not have such a terrifying power of divine consciousness.

He had just exploded with the power of divine mind and wanted to confront Lin Kai.

Fortunately, he noticed it in time, took his divine consciousness back into his mind, and exploded with a powerful energy of qi and blood, and then shook Lin Kai's divine consciousness.

Otherwise, the confrontation between the two divine thoughts would instantly be torn to pieces by Lin Kai's divine thoughts.

In that way, his soul will be severely damaged, unconscious, and amnesia is possible.

Lin Yuan's shot completely exposed his figure.

Other great masters also found a thunderous, majestic Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan's face was gloomy, he didn't plan to show up today.

However, now that he has been exposed, he has to show himself.

He walked down, shaking his mind.

You know, he had deliberately calculated it before, and it was Shang Shang Ji.

However, the current situation is heading in an uncontrollable direction.

Lin Yuan pinched a calculation, the future became chaotic, and it was impossible to calculate it at all.

"Is it because of Lin Kai?"

Lin Yuan walked into the hall, and everyone could see his face clearly.

"what's the situation?"

In the hall, everyone's eyes widened, looking at Lin Kai and Lin Yuan.

"Why do these two people look so alike?"

"Nonsense. I can't say it's like, I can only say it's exactly the same!"

Everyone started talking in shock

Tang Ying's expression was also very shocked. She had heard Lin Kai say that this cousin was very similar to him, but she didn't expect to look like this to such an extent.

When she heard everyone saying that Lin Yuan and Lin Kai were exactly the same, her eyebrows stood upside down.

She stood up and said loudly, "Are you blind? Lin Kai is much handsomer than this guy. Didn't you find that Lin Kai's temperament is 10,000 times better than him? Comparing the two, it looks like The stars in the sky are the same as the cow dung on the ground!"

Everyone convulsed and looked at Tang Ying speechlessly.

However, after Tang Ying's reminder, they also found the difference between the two.

Lin Kai's expression was plain, full of temperament, elegant and noble, and everyone believed that he was an immortal.

And this man who is very similar to Lin Kai has a gloomy look on his face, and his temperament is like a beast, he will choose people and eat at any time, making everyone feel like a thorny back, which is very uncomfortable. .

Hearing everyone's comments, Lin Yuan's expression changed a few times. Because of the fluctuations in the face of Lin Xinxing, he even forgot to cover up his breath.

He took a deep breath, and his expression became flat.

The aura on his body also became elegant and noble, as if he were exactly the same as Lin Kai.

The change of Lin Yuan's breath made everyone's expressions bewildered again.

These two people still look like!

Lin Yuan walked in front of Lin Kai and said with a look of enthusiasm: "Lin Kai, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Lin Kai looked at Lin Yuan calmly, the infinite murderous intent in his eyes burst out, making the entire hall extremely cold.

Lin Yuan looked at him, and lightning flashed on his body, looking at Lin Kai as if he was facing an enemy.

Wuming and Jiang He also jumped and came to Lin Yuan's side.

Everyone in the hall trembled and looked at Lin Kai in horror.

The momentum that Lin Kai exudes now is too strong, and the fierce murderous intent makes everyone tremble and frighten.

Tang Ying's face also turned pale, she had never seen Lin Kai's murderous intent so intense.

What exactly did Lin Yuan do to make Lin Kai so angry?

She was worried in her heart and couldn't help but cried out: "Lin Kai..."

Hearing Tang Ying's voice, Lin Kai's eyes filled with murderous intent changed, and finally a trace of clarity was restored in his angry heart.

He suppressed his murderous intent, glanced at Tang Ying, and nodded slightly to her.

Lin Kai took a deep look at Lin Yuan, then turned around and walked to the seat and sat down.


Lin Yuan frowned, but his mind became uneasy.

With Lin Kai's temper, when Lin Yuan was discovered, he would immediately take action to kill him for revenge.

Now, Lin Kai didn't say a word and didn't do anything.

What idea did he make?

Lin Kai sat in the seat, muttering in his heart: "You must kill your heart to kill!"

Lin Yuan's greatest ambition in this life, strength, wealth, and power he wanted to reach the peak.

Lin Yuan almost did something that made Lin Kai regret for life, he wouldn't just kill Lin Yuan like that.

Lin Kai wanted to ruin Lin Yuan, and after he was desperate, let him die in despair!

Lin Yuan walked to the front and said loudly:

"Everyone, please introduce yourself. I am Lin Yuan, an ancient warrior, and I am fortunate to be promoted to the realm of Grand Master!"

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan directly released the shocking weather that belonged to his great master!

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