Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1897: Lin Yuan, you are my dog

Chapter 1897 Lin Yuan, You Are My Dog

Lin Kai concentrated, has Leiyuan Group's biotechnology reached this level?

With what genetic medicine can he become a master-level evolutionary all the way?

This is an epoch-making significance. If it is true, Lin Yuan has made an indelible contribution to this world.

After the banquet was over, Lin Kai believed that soon the whole country and the whole world would know about it.

The whole world will know Lin Yuan's prestige, and Lin Yuan will become the hottest figure in the world.

It's just that Lin Kai felt that it wasn't that simple, maybe there was a conspiracy he didn't understand.

Shen Qiansan was already a little impatient. He asked loudly, "Grandmaster Lin Yuan, when will it start selling?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Only D-type genetic medicine is sold today. Please rest assured, today's guests can get a copy of genetic medicine."

Lin Yuan smiled again: "Of course, you can also choose not to buy, and never force it."

Someone worriedly asked: "How much is that portion?"

The others nodded quickly and talked for a long time without saying the price.

If it is too expensive, they may not be able to buy it.

Lin Yuan smiled lightly and said, "Please rest assured, a D-type genetic medicine only costs one million yuan!"


Everyone took a breath, feeling both expensive and cheap.

It's cheap because one million yuan is easy for them to take out.

Expensive because this is just a D-type genetic medicine.

After injecting it, there is only the strength of the martial artist, and some are too tasteless.

Lin Yuan glanced at the audience and said calmly: "Don’t think that genetic medicine is too expensive. Only by taking D-type genetic medicine can you take higher-level genetic medicine. Therefore, I want to become a stronger evolutionary, D-type genetic medicine. Gene medicine must be bought."

Shen Wan said three times loudly: "Needless to say, I'll buy it!"

At the same time, many people shouted loudly.

One million is really nothing to them.

On the contrary, it takes only 10 billion to become an evolutionary, which is a matter of waking up in a dream.

There are only some ancient warriors who are entangled.

Because the D-type genetic medicine is of no use to them, but it costs one million in vain.

But for a higher model of genetic medicine, they also had to bite their teeth and buy it.

A master master suddenly asked: "When can I sell higher-level genetic medicine?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Leiyuan Group is preparing to organize an auction. One month later, other types of genetic medicine will appear at the auction."

"Of course, we will also launch other kinds of medicines invented by the group. Please don't miss it!"


Everyone's heart sank, since the auction is open, the one with the highest price will win.

And it will take a month!

There are many rich people in Donghai Province, but compared to the rich people in the world, that is nothing.

At that time, how many high-level genetic medicines can they get in Donghae Province?

However, Lin Yuan seemed to be able to see through their hearts and said directly: "Of course, 10% of the genetic medicine must be sold to the locals of Donghai Province. This is also considered as a trivial contribution that Donghai Province can make. "

Hearing this, everyone showed gratitude.

Tears appeared in the eyes of some people excited.

One person choked and said, "I have the honor to have such a good person as Grand Master Lin Yuan in Donghai Province. It's really a blessing for me Donghai!"

The others nodded one after another, their eyes showing very moved expressions.

Lin Yuan stood with his hands behind, smiling calmly in front of everyone.

Lin Kai looked on with cold eyes, he was very sure that Lin Yuan enjoyed the eyes of everyone now!

Lin Yuan has a perverted obsession with fame, power, money, and power.

Now, with the advent of genetic medicine, these things will follow one after another.

Before long, Lin Yuan's ambition will be greatly satisfied, and even complete!

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Since everyone is here, let's have a banquet first. When it is over, if you want to buy genetic medicine, please contact the staff!"

Although everyone was anxious, since Lin Yuan had already spoken, they naturally followed it very much.

When the banquet began, everyone chatted in full swing.

However, their topics are all about genetic medicine and Lin Yuan.

Everyone even surrounded Lin Yuan, and toasted to him with a look of admiration.

Lin Yuan greeted everyone with a faint smile, very easy to do.

At the forefront, Lin Kai and a few great masters sat there with faint expressions, few people paid attention to them, and most of them surrounded Lin Yuan.

The Emperor Huo sneered: "Everyone, it feels uncomfortable to be ignored."

Jin Chi shook his head and said indifferently: "It's a mere vain name, have we ever cared."

Jin Chi looked at several people and asked in a deep voice, "What do you think of this genetic medicine?"

The Emperor Huo sneered: "What else can I say, I can only say that it is awesome!"

Jin Chi frowned and said, "Does this kind of medicine really exist in the world that can give ordinary people the power of a great master?"

Liu Shadong said solemnly: "However, those ten evolutionaries are indeed different from ordinary masters. If it were not for genetic medicine, how did they do it?"

Tang Feng also continued: "Yes. And they just bought it out with an upright attitude, which shows that they have enough confidence!"

Lin Kai turned his eyes, looked at Lin Hong, and asked with a smile: "Uncle Lin, what do you think of this matter?"

Lin Hong said: "After we get the genetic medicine, don't we know if we give it a try?"

"If it's fake, can you hide it from the whole world?"

Many great masters nodded and approved Lin Hong's opinion.

Lin Kai also smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Suddenly, the Emperor Huo said meaningfully: "If the genetic medicine is really so magical, then Donghai will become Lin Yuan's world in the future."

Several other great masters became silent one after another, their eyes gloomy.

After a while, Lin Yuan Shi Shiran walked over.

Several great masters showed smiles on their faces and greeted Lin Yuan enthusiastically.

Lin Yuan also said apologetically: "Everyone, I'm really negligent!"

Several great masters quickly said: "Maybe it's a matter!"

Lin Yuan looked at Lin Kai and invited, "Lin Kai, you and I are brothers. It's good, it's impossible to forget you. Come and help me! If you have money, let's make it together!"

Several great masters looked at Lin Kai together with awe-inspiring expressions.

If Lin Kai and Lin Yuan unite, all of them will not be opponents together!

Lin Kai sneered and snorted coldly: "Lin Yuan, you used to be one of my dogs! Now, where is your qualification to let me do things for you?"

"I hope you can keep your mouth hard and don't have a day to beg me!"

Lin Yuan's face was gloomy, he glanced at Lin Kai gloomily, and shook his hand and left.

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