Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1899: Yin evil energy

Chapter 1899

After the banquet, everyone went to the staff of Leiyuan Group to buy D-type gene medicine.

Lin Kai also bought a potion and brought it back to the villa.

Of course, it is impossible for him to inject this genetic medicine. He wants to see what is magical about this genetic medicine.

In the villa, a black box was placed in front of Lin Kai.

Enter the password, and the box will pop open automatically.

In the box, there is a syringe, a bottle of potion, and an instruction manual.

Some precautions are written in the instructions, such as the use of genetic agents within five minutes after exposure to air, etc...

Lin Kai picked up the bottle of potion and looked at it carefully.

Its appearance is completely the same as a bottle of water, and there is no smell after opening.

If this is a bottle of water, I believe many people will believe it.

"Isn't it really just a bottle of water?"

Lin Kai raised his eyebrows, and his spirit sighed into the bottle of genetic medicine.


Lin Kai's spirit was shocked, as if he had entered a world.

There is a kind of peculiar energy in this world, it exudes a mysterious light, it seems to be able to unlock the human body's genetic lock.

However, in this peculiar energy, there is an evil breath floating in it

The yin and evil aura seemed to feel Lin Kai's divine thoughts, and he slowly approached him, exuding hunger thoughts.

It pounced on Lin Kai's divine mind, it turned out to be like a tarsal maggot, attached to the divine mind, and greedily sucked it.

Its sucking speed is very slow. If it **** Lin Kai's spirit at its current speed, it may not be able to **** it dry for hundreds of years.

However, Lin Kai found that as time went by, it was slowly rising and the speed of smoking was also slowly increasing.

This speed is very slow, but Lin Kai can feel that it is indeed growing.

Lin Kai was about to take his divine consciousness back into his body, but the yin and evil aura directly followed out of this world, and wanted to follow Lin Kai back into his body.


Lin Kai's face became cold, and his divine consciousness directly turned back, and the yin and evil aura seemed to let out a scream, and was directly annihilated into nothingness.

After this yin and evil aura was extinguished, only the strange and mysterious energy remained in this world.

Lin Kai's expression was astonished. Don't look at him easily destroying this yin and evil aura, it was because his divine consciousness was too strong.

If he was still in the foundation period, he might not be able to eliminate it for a while.

"There really is a problem with this genetic medicine!"

Lin Kai's face was cold, his eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

A strong murderous intent has exploded in his heart, causing the entire room to become cold.

Yu Gong, he is the owner of Jiulong Mountain, and he has the responsibility to guard this China.

The origin of that evil breath is unknown, but it is obvious that if it is absorbed into the body, it will only bring harm to the human body. I am afraid it will become a parasite and feed on the flesh and blood of the evolutionary.

If this kind of genetic medicine becomes popular, it will probably bring unimaginable disasters.

Yu Si, Lin Yuan must have a great conspiracy behind the promotion of this gene medicine.

He and Lin Yuan are enemies of life and death, and he must not let Lin Yuan's conspiracy succeed.

Lin Kai sat cross-legged, his face gloomy and uncertain, thinking about countermeasures.

He took the genetic medicine in his hand and scanned it carefully with his spiritual thoughts again.

He discovered that after eliminating the yin and evil aura, this genetic medicine seemed to be really useful for the human body.

As Lin Kai's alchemist, he could perceive the wonder of this mysterious power.

Its power is not strong, it is not so much a stream of energy, but more like a key, a key to open a genetic lock.

Lin Kai thought for a while before injecting the gene medicine directly into his body.

Lin Kai's expression was solemn, his mind stared at the energy that entered his body.

Even if this force followed the flow of blood, directly entered the limbs, and entered every inch of flesh and blood, he did not panic.

If there is an accident, he can expel all the energy from his body in an instant.

That energy penetrated into the flesh and blood, as if it wanted to open a door, but it turned into a headless fly.

Because it couldn't find the door in Lin Kai's body at all.

After a few weeks of circulation, the energy slowly dissipated and was naturally excreted from the body.

Lin Kai pondered, it seemed that this D-type genetic medicine was of no use to him.

I just don't know, will other ordinary people be effective?

Lin Kai's expression suddenly moved, and his body stood up.

The five great masters came together, and at the same time, Liu Shadong and Huohuang were followed by an ordinary person who had not practiced ancient martial arts.

After Lin Kai greeted the five people in, they all saw the empty bottle of genetic medicine on the ground.

Their pupils shrank, and there was a look of surprise in their eyes.

Tang Feng's expression became even more tense, and he quickly asked, "Lin Kai, have you injected D-type gene medicine?"

After Lin Kai let a few people sit down, they smiled and said, "Yes, I did inject genetic medicine."

An anger flashed across Tang Feng's face and said, "Confused. I don't know if there is any hidden mystery in this genetic medicine. How dare you take it so easily? What if it is poisonous?"

Lin Kai offered tea to several people and said with a smile: "Uncle Tang, don't say anything. This genetic medicine really hides mystery."

Several people looked awe-inspiring and asked in unison: "What mystery?"

Tang Feng showed a look of concern and asked, "Then why are you still injecting this medicine?"

Lin Kai said solemnly: "Uncle Tang, don't worry. I'm fine."

He pondered for a moment, and then said: "As for the mystery, it's not easy to say. There seems to be a strange energy in it, which is very harmful to the human body."

Liu Shadong asked, "Does Mr. Lin have any discomfort?"

Lin Kai said calmly: "It can't hurt me. As for what effect it will have on ordinary people, it's not clear."

Liu Shadong called in two ordinary people outside, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Lin, if they were to be injected with genetic medicine, can you see the clue?"

Lin Kai paused for a few seconds, and said, "You can give it a try."

Liu Shadong and Huohuang looked at the two ordinary people, revealing a look of exploration.

The two knelt down and respectfully said: "If it weren't for the master, our family would have died a long time ago. We are willing to test the medicine for the master."

The two great masters nodded, and passed the medicine over.

Lin Kai said in a deep voice, "Wait a minute."


Several great masters looked at Lin Kai suspiciously.

Lin Kai said lightly: "I have a way to destroy the evil energy, but after it is absorbed into the body, I am not sure to destroy it."

He looked at two ordinary people with a trace of indifference in his eyes, and asked, "Who would like to inject that genetic medicine with evil energy?"

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