Lan Zhiguang ordered all troops to retreat, and just after dawn, three tank regiments withdrew non-stop.

“We are all going to hit the enemy’s position, what is the retreat for at this time?” Zhang Energy sat in the tank and complained: “The good opportunity to make meritorious achievements has been wasted again!” ”

Yu Dalei smiled: “This is an order personally given by the brigade commander, do you still have an opinion?” ”

“Of course there are opinions!” Zhang Energy rolled his eyes: “He is completely blind in command, and he does not understand military strategy at all.” If he had changed me, it would have been better than his command! ”

“Come on, you, you don’t see you strong except bragging!” Yu Dalei said disdainfully.

Zhang Energy glared at him: “Even if I’m not good, I’m better than you.” With me, you can only be the second oldest in a thousand years! ”

Seeing that the two were about to stand up again, the squad leader Niu coughed hard: “Zhang energy, if you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense.” The brigade commander gave such an order because the enemy sent special forces and is destroying our regimental chain of command. ”

“The armored reconnaissance regiment was destroyed because the regiment headquarters was destroyed by them, and then it was hit by enemy forces overnight, and it was too late to react.”

La Qiangdong nodded: “I heard that last night, the special operations company was wiped out by that special forces. ”

“It can’t be!” Yu Dalei asked in surprise: “Isn’t the special operations company also a special force?” And Yang Junyu is so powerful, this has been destroyed by others? ”

Niu tried to smile: “This is called a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people!” Never feel like you’re powerful, there are more people than us! ”

Zhang Energy snorted disdainfully: “What’s great, isn’t it just a few infantrymen.” If they run into me, I’ll blast them with one shot. No more, it’s okay to drive a tank to crush them! ”

Yu Dalei raised his middle finger at him: “Your idea is good, but you have to have a tank first!” ”

Zhang Energy said confidently: “The tank will have it, and when the time comes, those special forces will only have to run for their lives when they see me!” ”

Niu shook his head hard: “Listen to what you blow, I almost feel that I am not as good as your cow!” ”


The entire Synthetic Ninth Brigade retreated, and the news spread immediately.

In the exercise headquarters, Gao Shiwei, the commander of the exercise, listened to the report of his subordinates in amazement.

“A special operations squad, does it have such great energy? Actually let the entire Synthetic Ninth Brigade retreat? Gao Shiwei asked in surprise.

He is also a general who has led troops for many years, and if it were him, he would definitely not do this.

A staff general said: “Lan Zhiguang is actually very clever in doing this, although he gave up the opportunity to annihilate the enemy army in one fell swoop, he also did not have the worry of the destruction of the regiment-level headquarters!” ”

“As soon as he goes back, he divides all the command into two or three. Even if the special operations team is exhausted, it is impossible to find all the headquarters, and even more so it is impossible to destroy them! ”

“Next, Lan Zhiguang can kill the enemy army in a big way, and finally slowly clean up this special operations team!”

The other staff officers nodded one after another: “Brigade Commander Lan’s move is indeed high, not hard fighting, steady and steady, worthy of being the commander of the ace force!” ”

Gao Shiwei smiled: “I’m not surprised here, if he Lan Zhiguang doesn’t have this ability, can I give him so many troops?” ”

“Commander, then you…..”

Gao Shiwei smiled: “What surprised me was this special operations team that blocked them.” There were only six people, but they could change the strategic deployment of a brigade, forcing them to divide the command. In my opinion, so far in the exercise, only this squad called red blood cells has been the most successful! ”

“But there’s probably nothing they can do next!” A general said with a smile.

“Not necessarily!” Gao Shiwei smiled: “I know the captain of this red blood cell, very young and talented!” I want to see what he does next! ”


In less than three hours, the Composite Ninth Brigade quickly retreated two hundred kilometers and re-established its position.

Lan Zhiguang installed his headquarters in a mountain, which was guarded by elite troops transferred from various units.

At the same time, he and his staff officers, together with the commanders of various regiments, worked out actions to divide the command.

The reason why the Synthetic Ninth Brigade is the trump card is because they have a modern digital operation system.

Every regimental command, even battalion command, has a digital information system.

In order to avoid being paralyzed by key strikes, Lan Zhiguang dispersed the functions of all regimental-level headquarters to various battalions.

A regiment has at least three battalions, and some even have four.

The regiment commander, two deputy regiment commanders already have a chief of staff, each leading a part of the command vehicle to the battalions.

In this way, the command system of a regiment was immediately divided into four.

The combination of regimental-level command capabilities and battalion-level has improved the offensive capability that cannot be carried out in front-line operations.

In peacetime, the regiment commander directs the whole regiment to fight.

If the place where the regiment commander is located is taken over, then the two deputy regiment commanders will negotiate and command.

If they are also gone, there is still a place where the chief of staff is.

Lan Zhiguang smiled and threw down his pen: “A regiment is divided into four headquarters, and our brigade has twelve headquarters.” Those six special forces are very powerful, but unless they are Nezha, before the end of the exercise, they can find our three headquarters and I will be considered a cow! ”

The deputy brigade commander said with a smile: “If we are making the various headquarters move, transfer once a day.” Even if those six people find it, when they come over, I’m afraid they will have to be empty! ”

Lan Zhiguang laughed and said, “Your trick is really ghostly, just for no reason, let people increase their physical strength too much!” ”

The deputy brigade commander sneered: “They are special forces, don’t they love to run the most, let’s let them run more.” Does exercise help good health! ”

The chief of staff said: “Our army aviation regiment can also play a role, since they will look for our headquarters, then our army aviation regiment can comprehensively search for their traces.” As long as four planes are sent to search non-stop, even if they cannot be found, it will cause a huge burden on their psychology! ”

Lan Zhiguang nodded: “Very good, this is a good idea.” I think that none of our enemies are as strong as the threat of these six imps. They are like rats who get into a big ship, and no matter how big the wind and waves outside, we can hold on. But if these six rats bite our ship into a hole, it will be troublesome! ”

Lan Zhiguang said coldly: “Order, the army aviation regiment is ready to act.” Then, let the regiments quickly assign headquarters. I want to see what tricks those six rats can play! ”

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