An officer hurried towards the Blue Army headquarters, his face full of indescribable excitement.

“Brigade commander, brigade commander!” The staff officer rushed to Lan Zhiguang and shouted: “Blow it up, blow up their headquarters!” ”

Lan Zhiguang excitedly dropped the pen in his hand and asked eagerly, “Are you sure of their identity?” ”

The officer nodded: “It has been reported to the exercise headquarters and determined that they are from the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade of the Military Region.” A total of thirteen people, all killed! ”

“Great!” Lan Zhiguang roared excitedly, and the people in the entire command began to boil.

“Fuck, we suffered such a big loss, it’s the ghost of these thirteen people.” The deputy brigade commander said with relief: “Now they should, and they didn’t expect that the information technology of our brigade could intercept their signals and track them.” ”

The chief of staff smiled and said, “Wolf Tooth Special Warfare Brigade, but is that so.” Compared with our informationized troops, they are far behind! ”

A staff officer said: “However, there are still six rats roaming around our territory, which is a pity!” ”

Lan Zhiguang waved his hand: “The remaining six mice are no longer afraid.” Without a head, they can’t go anywhere! ”

The chief of staff nodded: “That is, the entire exercise site is so large.” Without their command, they simply do not know where to attack. It’s just six people, they can’t turn over any waves! ”

Lan Zhiguang said happily: “Don’t worry about the six of them, just send a search force to find them.” All troops, ready for an all-out attack. Within two days, we must completely crush the enemy army! ”

“Yes!” Everyone yelled.


At this moment, in the general headquarters of the exercise, Gao Shiwei looked at the report, and the corners of his mouth hooked a curve.

“He Zhijun.”

“To!” He Zhijun immediately straightened his chest and walked over.

Gao Shiwei looked at him: “You boast to me all day, your special operations are all cattle.” What’s the matter, Chengtianduan’s people’s headquarters, now their own headquarters has been terminated? Your defeat this time is really ugly enough! ”

He Zhijun smiled slightly: “Chief, the exercise is not over yet, and my people have not yet been defeated!” ”

A major general next to him smiled and said, “Lao He, don’t be tough.” The command is gone, how many people are left of you, what role can you play? ”

“That’s it, Lao He, admit defeat!” Another major general said: “You have already performed fiercely enough this time, even the information-based troops such as the Synthetic Ninth Brigade have suffered a big loss in your hands, you should be content!” ”

He Zhijun stared at Gao Shiwei closely: “Please believe that my people will never give up lightly if the battle is not reached the last moment.” They are all the best special fighters, a sharp knife. Even if the other party is a synthetic ninth brigade, they will stab them fiercely! ”

Gao Shiwei’s face was full of interest: “You said so, I am really interested.” That Lin Yu, I still remember him….. Okay, the Synthetic Ninth Brigade has now counterattacked, and the exercise is almost over. ”

“Before I finish, I want to see what big waves your subordinates can make!”

He Zhijun nodded: “This good show will definitely satisfy you!” ”


“Hey, hey…..”

“Eagle’s nest receives please answer, eagle’s nest receives please answer.”

“Hey, number five, number five, are you there?”

Xu Tianlong kept calling into the walkie-talkie, but there was still no response after a long time.

Lin Yu snatched it over: “Okay, don’t call.” When calling, you have to call the enemy! ”

He Chenguang asked, “God of War, why did we lose contact with the headquarters?” ”

“Maybe the signal isn’t good!” Song Kaifei said: “This is a deep mountain and old forest, and it is normal that there is no signal!” ”

“Impossible!” Xu Tianlong said: “We use satellite signals, which are not affected by the terrain, unless there is a strong magnetic field. However, this is also impossible! ”

Lin Yu said lightly: “No need to guess, our headquarters is gone!” ”

“What?” All five opened their mouths in shock.

“Boss, you, you’re not kidding, are you?” Li Erniu panicked: “How can the headquarters be gone?” This, this, this can’t be! ”

He Chenguang squinted: “Our headquarters is very secretive, how can the Synthetic Ninth Brigade find it.” God of War, are you miscalculating? ”

Lin Yu shook his head: “There are fewer helicopters searching for me, didn’t you find it?” ”

He Chenguang nodded unmanned, in recent hours, there have been more than half of the helicopters searching for them, and their situation has improved a lot, no need to hide like rats.

Lin Yu said: “If we still have a threat, how can they have fewer helicopters? There is only one point to explain…..”

“Our headquarters is gone, and we have become skirmishers who are no threat?” He Chenguang asked with wide eyes.

Lin Yu nodded: “Yes, this is the only explanation. ”

Song Kaifei lay on the ground with a desperate look: “God, why did everything fall on our heads?” We are specialized in serving the command of others, and our own nest has been brought to the end? Why don’t I believe it so much! ”

Wang Yanbing made a bitter face: “This brain of mine!” Without the headquarters, we are blind. The exercise zone is so large, where do we go to find someone’s headquarters exactly? ”

Xu Tianlong sighed: “If we really go to find it, we may kill it halfway.” It makes sense that the blue army despises us, we have no headquarters, which is equivalent to a knife without control, and there is no threat at all! ”

Li Erniu rubbed his hands nervously: “Then what do you do?” Is it possible to wait for the end of the exercise? ”

“Nope!” Lin Yu said decisively: “We wolf teeth, but we have never had the habit of sitting and waiting for the end. Even if we fight alone, we will fight to the end! ”

“How do you fight?” Several people asked in unison.

In this case, they really don’t know how to fight.

Special operations require group cooperation.

Lin Yu thought for a moment, and suddenly had an idea in his head: “There is a way!” ”

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