Song Kaifei carried the gun, changed into the uniform of the Ninth Brigade, and walked forward dejectedly after the two military dogs.

This outfit was just ripped off the body after encountering two unlucky bastards, knocking them unconscious.

Song Kaifei is still a little conscious, he does not dare to wear a special camouflage uniform of red blood cells to swagger into the land aviation regiment, this is to clearly tell people that he is here to sabotage.

“Hey, you two go slow!” Song Kaifei shouted to the two military dogs dissatisfied: “Lao Tzu has followed you all for ten kilometers!” I only have two legs, how can I have your four legs! ”

The two military dogs looked back at him with disdain, and the words waste were clearly written in their eyes.

Song Kaifei’s self-esteem was instantly hit, and he immediately rushed to the front of the military dog and said, “Hey, you two dogs figure it out.” My master and I are brothers, and we are your elders in terms of generation, do you treat your elders like this? ”

Song Kaifei himself did not realize that he had been reduced to the point of being separated from dogs.

The two military dogs looked at each other, as if to say what the hell did this fool want to do?

After a few seconds, the two military dogs seemed to reach an agreement, and suddenly turned their heads and viciously showed their fangs at Song Kaifei.

Song Kaifei hurriedly took two steps back: “The gentleman does not move his mouth, na, I am your master’s brother.” You can’t bite me…”

“Wang!” The two dogs roared, and Song Kaifei was so frightened that he immediately turned around and left.

The two military dogs wagged their tails in disdain and continued to rush in front of Song Kaifei to lead the way.

“Dog fights people!” Song Kaifei snorted coldly: “Sooner or later, chop you both, and then bake, fry, boil ….. How delicious and how to cook! ”

After another two hours, Song Kaifei, led by military dogs, arrived outside the base of the Army Aviation Regiment.

The base of the Army Aviation Regiment is located at the edge of the exercise area, which is also the large rear of the Composite Ninth Brigade, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by the Red Army.

Only when the order is given, they will send helicopters to cooperate with the operation.

When Song Kaifei came to the vicinity, it was no different from ordinary days, and it was impossible to see that he was participating in an exercise.

Song Kaifei glared at the two military dogs: “Okay, next Lao Tzu completes the task by himself, you guys go back!” ”

Two military dogs barked at him twice, which seemed to mean telling him to work hard and not drop the chain, so he turned and ran away.

Song Kaifei compared a middle finger to them: “Damn, dogs dare to ride on Lao Tzu’s head, it’s really unreasonable!” ”

“Hey, what are you doing?” Suddenly, there was a roar not far away.

Song Kaifei turned his head and saw four patrolling guards running towards him quickly.

Song Kaifei quickly sorted out his clothes and swaggered towards them: “Don’t you know me?” ”

The four soldiers looked at each other, they were all recruits, and they had never seen Song Kaifei at all.

Song Kaifei’s eyes widened: “Which of you doesn’t even know?” ”

The four soldiers were a little panicked, and Song Kaifei’s momentum made them lose their confidence.

“Report chief, we are in a company!” A soldier yelled: “Today in charge of the perimeter guard!” ”

“One company!” Song Kaifei nodded: “He Yousen’s kid’s soldier!” ”

The four recruits looked delighted: “Chief, do you know our company commander?” ”

Song Kaifei smiled haughtily: “Of course, that kid pestered me every day to take him to Tianfei, and he still owes me two meals!” ”

“You’re a pilot?” A soldier asked respectfully.

Song Kaifei nodded proudly: “On the honor list of our army aviation regiment, I have been the first in flight for a year in a row, haven’t you seen it?” ”

The four recruits were extremely shocked: “Oh, no wonder you are so familiar, you are Song Kaifei, right?” ”

Song Kaifei smiled proudly: “Count you guys have the ability to see!” ”

The four soldiers immediately saluted: “I have seen the chief!” ”

Song Kaifei waved his hand: “Okay, take me in.” I just passed by, by the way back to the old troops to see! ”

Where the four recruits suspected and dared to suspect something, they immediately took him into the regiment headquarters.

Song Kaifei is indeed a celebrity in the Land Aviation Group, and many people came to greet him warmly as soon as he entered.

He Yousen, the company commander of the first company, hugged him excitedly: “Old Song, good boy, I thought I would never see you in the future!” Didn’t you go to some special forces? How did it come back? ”

Song Kaifei laughed and said, “I have just been ordered to transfer to the Synthetic Ninth Brigade to take Yang Junyu’s position. Just happened to meet you halfway, miss the big guy, will come to see! ”

“Count you kid with a conscience!” A loud voice came, and the crowd immediately separated.

Song Kaifei was stunned, and his heart was extremely bitter, because the person who came was Xu Guoqing, the head of the Army Aviation Regiment, who had the grace of knowing him.

“Hello Commander!” Song Kaifei immediately saluted.

Xu Guoqing smashed a punch on his chest: “Good boy, I didn’t expect to go around in circles, we are a force again!” ”

Song Kaifei smiled and said, “It shows that I have a fate with our army aviation group.” ”

Although he had a smile on his face, his heart was extremely bitter, but he came back specifically to cause sabotage.

Xu Guoqing laughed and said, “Good boy, since you’re back, let’s go have a meal first.” Tell me about your special forces! ”

Xu Guoqing also ignored his identity and put his arm around his former subordinates and went directly to the cafeteria.

For the arrival of Song Kaifei, Xu Guoqing handed over the task of today’s duty to the deputy regiment commander and personally opened a bottle of wine to entertain Song Kaifei.

Song Kaifei looked bitter, he would fly a plane later, and he didn’t dare to drink now.

There is no way, you can only take a sip and spit it in your sleeve.

At the end of the meal, his two sleeves were all damp, and the strong smell of wine was pungent.

Xu Guoqing hugged him and laughed: “You boy, you didn’t disgrace our army aviation group.” I have long said that the soldiers of our army aviation regiment are the best wherever they go! ”

“Here, do one!”

“!” Several cadres who accompanied the wine carried the wine bowl together.

Song Kaifei saw that the time was not early, covered his stomach and said: “Commander, I’m a little uncomfortable, go to the toilet.” ”

Xu Guoqing laughed and said, “Go, go back quickly, we are waiting for you!” ”

Song Kaifei nodded and rushed out with a puff of smoke.

The backpack he brought with him was full of miniature explosives.

Song Kai rushed to the tarmac and put the explosives under the plane one by one while no one was paying attention.

In the end, he left a gunship.

But just as he was about to get on the plane, a hand slapped him the back.

Song Kaifei was so frightened that he sweated, and when he turned his head, it turned out to be the regiment leader Xu Guoqing.

“You boy, go to the toilet, why did you get here?” Xu Guoqing asked.

Song Kaifei said embarrassedly: “I, I, I miss the plane, so come and take a look!” ”

Xu Guoqing laughed and said, “So that’s the case, your plane is over there, I’ll take you there!” ”

“No, I just saw it!” Song Kaifei said with a smile.

Xu Guoqing dragged him: “Then let’s go back to drink!” ”

He pulled his hand hard, and suddenly saw that there were several explosives in Song Kaifei’s bag.

“This is…” Xu Guoqing looked at Song Kaifei with a confused expression.

Song Kaifei smiled awkwardly: “Regiment leader, I’m sorry!” ”

Before Xu Guoqing could figure out what was going on, Song Kaifei slashed over with a hand knife and stunned him on the spot.

Song Kaifei helped the regiment commander to the side and sat down, and gave him a military salute: “I’m sorry regiment commander, I can’t help it.” You want to blame, don’t blame me, it’s useless to blame me….”

After that, he ran towards the helicopter with a puff of smoke, for fear that Xu Guoqing would suddenly burst out and slap him.

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