Fan Tianlei mysteriously closed the door, looked at the six people and smiled: “Guess what, what great benefits did I apply for you?” ”

He Chenguang pouted: “Number three, we are not fortune tellers, where can we know what bad water you are holding?” ”

Fan Tianlei’s eyes widened: “What is bad water, this is a real welfare, a great welfare.” What others can’t get! ”

Li Erniu asked with anticipation on his face: “What is it, don’t sell the third number, hurry up!” ”

Lin Yu coughed: “Number three, I will be a little hypnotized.” If you really don’t want to say it, let me hypnotize you…”

“Go, go, go!” Fan Tianlei waved his hand, and then ran behind the desk with a smile.

He bent down mysteriously, as if there were mountains of gold and silver hidden in his drawer.

“Look, like it or not!”

Fan Tianlei laughed and took out six red books, each with a key next to it.

“Is it a big surprise, high unhappy, excited or not excited, excited or not?” Fan Tianlei laughed proudly, not noticing Lin Yu’s six people’s confused faces at all.

“Number three, you should make it clear first. What and what are you going to be happy and excited, what did you eat for lunch? Song Kaifei asked with a curious look.

Wang Yanbing coughed: “Number three, you don’t have a fever, right?” It’s a little abnormal to see you like this! ”

Fan Tianlei waved his hand: “Go and go, you guys don’t know how to do good things.” This is the house, the house for you. Aren’t you happy about such a big good thing? ”

“What?” Li Erniu exclaimed with his throat drawn, causing Fan Tianlei to take a step back.

“This is the house?” Li Erniu rushed up and grabbed the house book excitedly: “No. 3, you don’t read much, you didn’t lie to you, right?” ”

The corner of Fan Tianlei’s eyes twitched: “What’s the matter?” Lie to you and hit me or what? ”

Li Erniu’s excited face with Fang Ben was almost deformed: “No, No. 3, I never thought that the army could still give Li a house.” If she went back and told Trifen, she would not be happy. ”

“Number three, is it true?”

Lin Yu and several people also walked up and opened the room book to check it.

Their personal names are clearly written on it, as well as the location of the property.

Fan Tianlei smiled and said, “Of course it’s true, how about it, I didn’t lie to you, right?” Isn’t it time to thank me properly? ”

After seeing the house book clearly, everyone, including Lin Yu, was extremely excited.

The house they were assigned was in the provincial capital, and it was close to the city center, which was a lot of money.

With their salary, they will not be able to buy a small house for the rest of their lives.

But now, their names are clearly written on the house book, who can not be excited.

“Number three, this, what’s going on?” He Chenguang asked excitedly: “We can still divide the house under this condition?” ”

Wang Yanbing hesitated and asked, “And give me one hundred and twenty square meters, how much does this cost?” ”

Lin Yu looked at Fan Tianlei: “Number three, what’s going on here?” ”

Fan Tianlei coughed and said seriously: “I went to see the head of the headquarters, the General Luo you met.” ”

“At that time, our legion commander was also there, so I reported to them how to train you in normal times!”

“Admiral Luo attaches great importance to your life, and when he heard that you gave everything to the troops, he gave instructions on the spot to ensure your life.”

Fan Tianlei said solemnly: “Leaders’ instructions, you are different from ordinary troops. You are the elite of the elite, the king of soldiers. You have paid much more than ordinary troops! ”

“Therefore, your treatment should also be on par with that of senior officers.”

“At that time, our commander instructed to give you a house first to solve your personal problems. Now that you have a house, it’s time to arrange a sorority for you to see if it can solve your partner’s problems! ”

Fan Tianlei smiled and said, “Moreover, your house does not need to pay a penny, this is the welfare that our commander personally instructed and specially gave to you”!

“Really?” Wang Yanbing was so excited that he was about to cry: “The chief is so intimate, I don’t have a dime, moonlight.” I was so scared that I thought I couldn’t get this house! ”

Li Erniu really cried: “Thank you, chief, Li Erniu swears, I will be loyal to the country in this life!” ”

Fan Tianlei nodded with satisfaction: “You should indeed serve the country!” The house allocated to you does not even have a shared area, it is a real living square! ”

“Moreover, your position can only be lived in at the level of colonel or above the legion, and it belongs to the organ compound!”

“The house price in this area has exceeded 50,000 square meters. Your house has not yet been occupied, it is all rough. When you have a daughter-in-law, the army will give you a decoration fund. Basically, as long as it is not a luxurious decoration, how you install it is more than enough! ”

Fan Tianlei muttered in a low voice: “Such a good treatment, Laozi does not have it!” ”

“Long live the chief, long live the red blood cells!” Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing hugged together excitedly.

“I want to go back and tell Cuifen, tell my father and mother, they must be happy!” Li Erniu shouted excitedly.

He Chenguang put his arm around her: “Er Niu, they will definitely be proud of you.” ”

“Yes, the whole village will be proud of you!” Li Erniu’s eyes lit up: “Our village can buy a house in a big city, but it is still the first!” ”

Fan Tianlei continued: “However, this house is given to you. But it cannot be bought and sold, this is military property. You can live until you die, or you can rent out, you just can’t buy or sell! ”

“It’s not for sale!” Li Erniu said happily: “I want to pass it on to my son, grandson, and grandchildren!” ”

Lin Yu coughed: “Two cows, a house, can only live for seventy years”!

Li Erniu was stunned: “That’s right, then live until it falls!” ”

Fan Tianlei laughed and gave them the house book: “I know that you are going to have a holiday, let’s go and see the house first.” If you have a family member who wants to come and stay, you can take it. Decoration fund, just find me to approve it, the leader has already specially allocated money! ”

A few people immediately took the house book, and all of them couldn’t wait to go to the new house.

Lin Yu walked to Fan Tianlei’s side while everyone was going out and asked, “No. 3, these houses, are you really coming down?” ”

Fan Tianlei’s face turned red, and he smiled awkwardly: “Actually, it is also a blessing for you.” But don’t say it, give me some face, it’s good that I’m also a deputy brigade commander! ”

Lin Yu smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, who of us is with whom!” ”

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