After a whole night of conquest, Enron and Lin Yu took turns to fight.

In the morning, even if Lin Yu’s body was strong, his legs were a little soft at this time.

An Ran still had impulsive thoughts, grabbing Lin Yu’s gun and eager to try.

Lin Yu smiled bitterly: “Grandma, spare me!” This night, the rest time did not add up to an hour and a half. Those who beat iron must also be tired! ”

Enron asked curiously, “Why don’t I feel tired?” I’m still full of physical strength! ”

Lin Yu rolled his eyes, thinking that Lao Tzu gave you a lot of superpower fusion, and you an ordinary person suddenly got a percent fusion, and it would be good if you didn’t get excited.

But this is all Lin Yu’s secret, and he naturally can’t say it.

Lin Yu coughed: “This is the role of Yin and Yang dual cultivation!” This night, I passed on a lot of skills to you. But it’s also at my limit, and if I come again, I won’t be able to eat it! ”

An Ran asked in shock, “That’s no problem with your body, right?” ”

Lin Yu smiled slightly: “No, just to my limit!” ”

An Ran said with a palpitation: “Then if you don’t say it earlier, we will rest early if you know that it is not good for your health.” You can take your time with everything, and you must not let your body be damaged! ”

Lin Yu’s heart was hot, and he hugged An Ran in his arms: “As long as it can make you happy, everything I do is worth it!” Who made you my favorite little baby! ”

Enron’s face was red, and the happiness at this moment was even higher than last night.

After a while, Enron suddenly asked: “You said that you passed on the skill to me overnight, so has my current kung fu improved?” ”

Lin Yu nodded: “Of course!” Or you try! ”

Ten percent fusion, if passed on to ordinary people, may explode the body.

Only when both husband and wife exercise at the same time, blood flow accelerates and body circulation increases, so as to ensure the safety of Enron.

Ten percent fusion is enough to turn an ordinary person into a martial arts master.

Enron originally had a fighting foundation, and was naturally much stronger than ordinary people.

Enron immediately jumped up and jumped out of bed without even wearing clothes.

She spotted a vase on the table, turned and kicked it.

She thought about kicking the vase with her toes, and sure enough, her toes touched the vase.

The whole vase flew up, and Enron subconsciously caught it, and it was firmly in his hand.

After doing this series of actions, Enron himself was shocked.

She couldn’t believe that she had done all that just now.

“Oh my God, I, did I really do it?” Enron opened his mouth in surprise.

The set of things that only martial arts masters can do.

Yesterday she didn’t have the ability, but after this night, she actually did it.

Lin Yu also smiled happily on the side, but it was not because Enron did it, but when Enron was spinning without clothes, the way some parts flew up made him very happy.

“I did it, I did it!” An Ran jumped and jumped excitedly: “You said, I am now compared with Tang Xinyi, who is powerful?” ”

Lin Yu shrugged: “It must be that you are powerful!” ”

An Ran hesitantly asked, “Really, are you sure?” She’s a champion in sanda and judo! ”

“So what!” Lin Yu said: “But you have been taught by me, can you be inferior to her?” If you don’t believe it, you can go to her for a comparison! ”

“Really, can you?” Enron was still a little unconfident: “I won’t be embarrassed!” ”

Lin Yu cheered her up: “Trust me, after my teaching, you will only be stronger than her!” ”

Enron took a deep breath, Tang Xinyi has always been a martial arts master in her mind.

If you want to test your ability, the best opponent is Tang Xinyi.

Not to mention defeating her, even if you tie with her, it proves that you have made great progress.

An Ran immediately got dressed and rushed out the door to find Tang Xinyi.

Just happened to meet Tang Xinyi coming out of the bathroom.

Tang Xinyi nodded at Enran, looked at Lin Yu’s room again, and said with vinegar: “Last night, you guys were too loud, and I have to sleep in the future!” ”

“Ugh!” Enron’s face suddenly turned red.

Tang Xinyi saw her blocking herself, and asked curiously, “Something?” ”

Enron whispered: “I, I want to have a discussion with you!” ”

“What?” Tang Xinyi was amused: “Enron, you’re not joking, are you?” ”

An Ran shook his head: “No, I, I really want to talk to you!” ”

Tang Xinyi said seriously: “Yes, you and Lin Yu walk together, I feel uncomfortable in my heart.” But you robbed the man by skill, I have nothing to say. Even if you get married, I won’t give up. So, I don’t blame you, we are still friends and competitors! You don’t have to let me hit you, and this matter of hitting you will not end! ”

An Ran looked at her: “You misunderstood!” I’m looking for you to fight, not for you to hit me, and I’m not so stupid for you to fight! ”

Tang Xinyi’s eyes widened: “Are you really not joking?” Aren’t you looking for abuse when you talk to me? ”

An Ran said confidently: “Lin Yu taught me kung fu, and he said that I will definitely be able to beat you.” ”

Tang Xinyi shook her head: “He has only taught you for a few days, can kung fu be done quickly?” Okay, you go back, don’t wait for me to hurt you!” ”

Enron could tolerate Tang Xinyi talking about herself, but she could never tolerate her doubting Lin Yu’s words.

“Are you afraid of me?” Enron asked.

When Tang Xinyi heard this, her temper suddenly came up.

She put the basin away and looked at An Ran coldly: “This is what you have to fight, fists and feet have no eyes, don’t cry when you are hurt later!” ”

An Ran smiled slightly: “Then you can just start lightly!” ”

Tang Xinyi shook her head helplessly and walked to the courtyard with Enron.

The two set up a fight, and their movements attracted the rest of the red blood cells to watch.

“What’s going on? Two women, in order to rob Brother Yu? Wang Yanbing’s eyes widened enviously: “When, how good it would be if a woman was so crazy for me.” ”

“That’s probably ugly, too! Can they be so beautiful? Song Kaifei stuck out his tongue.

Wang Yanbing smiled and said: “It’s okay to be ugly, the lights are the same when they are turned off!” ”

At this moment, Tang Xinyi let out a low roar, and a beautiful whirlwind leg kicked towards Enron’s face.

Enron stood in place without moving at all, Lin Yu taught her murderous fighting skills.

Every move is clean and clean, and there are no flaws.

At the same time, Enron at this moment has also learned to look for flaws in his opponent.

At the moment when Tang Xinyi jumped, Enron found a flaw, and the whole person quickly rushed up.


An Ran hit Tang Xinyi’s buttocks with her shoulder, knocking her whole person out.

Everyone opened their mouths in shock, and Tang Xinyi was knocked three meters away before landing heavily on the ground.

“Obedient, women fight between each other, it’s really ruthless!” Xu Tianlong swallowed his saliva fiercely.

Tang Xinyi rolled twice after landing on the ground before stopping, she looked at Enron who was smiling and groaning, and her face was full of shock.

Tang Xinyi couldn’t figure it out anyway, how could Enron knock himself away?

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