When Lin Yu came to the training ground, the rookies had just been pulled out for training.

Everyone quickly gathered in front of Lin Yu, and at this time, there were only twenty-one people left in the rookie team.

Lin Yu’s gaze swept over a group of rookies with dark skin and a lot of strong figures, and a smile appeared on his face: “Fellow rookies, congratulations on passing the first stage of the selection, which is also what we commonly call Hell Week!” ”

The rookies were expressionless, no one was excited, their hearts were numb.

Through more than three weeks of contact, everyone figured out the routine of red blood cells and Lin Yu.

Usually after congratulations, there must be a big move.

Seeing that no one was fooled, Lin Yu continued: “Hell Week, the main thing is to improve your physical fitness, make your body strong, and lay a good foundation for the next special forces substantive training. ”

“Each and every one of you who remains will be grateful for these three weeks of hell in the future!”

Lin Yu coughed: “But you don’t have to be happy, because in my eyes, although you stayed, it was still garbage and waste as before!” ”

Lin Yu’s turn was too fast, one moment he was praising people, and the next second he began to belittle.

The eyes of all the rookies showed angry flames.

Lin Yu said coldly: “Why, you are still not convinced?” Do you think that with your current virtue, you can truly become a special soldier after passing my assessment? ”

“I tell you, you’re still far behind!”

“Report!” Zhang Energy suddenly roared.

Lin Yu nodded: “Hey, isn’t this the one who has been clamoring to be the king of soldiers?” How, you are not convinced? ”

Zhang Energy roared: “Report instructor, all subjects, we can complete at the specified time, or even faster.” We are no longer waste! ”

Lin Yu nodded and looked at the others: “You guys think so too?” ”

No one speaks, but silence represents acquiescence.

Lin Yu smiled faintly: “Very good!” It seems that you think very highly of yourself, you think it is very amazing, right? ”

“Well, let’s have a confrontation today! If you pass, I’ll lighten you up for the rest of the training. ”

“But if it doesn’t pass, what I say, you have to do!”

Lin Yu roared: “Dare? ”

“Dare!” Everyone yelled.

Gong Jian suddenly shouted: “May I ask the instructor, is it to ask the special forces of red blood cells to confront us?” ”

Lin Yu shook his head: “You guys are not qualified enough!” As soon as our people are on, all of you must be eliminated! ”

Lin Yu whistled, and Night Rain rushed over with the military dogs.

All twelve military dogs squatted in front of Lin Yu, sticking out their tongues and staring at a group of rookies with unkind eyes.

Lin Yu smiled and said, “It is our military dog who is fighting against you.” ”

“What?” All the rookies widened their eyes in shock.

Let a pack of dogs fight them?

This is….. I look down on them so much!

Zhang Energy shouted angrily: “Instructor, I demand a replacement!” ”

“Why?” Lin Yu asked, “Do you look down on military dogs?” I tell you, they still look down on you! Don’t talk nonsense, have the ability, first fight and win I’m substitution. ”

“Our red blood cell military dog is not so easy to defeat!”

Provoked, all rookies were provoked.

Lin Yu’s meaning is already clear, that is, these people are not even as good as dogs.

They used to be king soldiers, and now they have undergone three weeks of intensive training.

Everyone is very proud and thinks that they can already compete with special forces.

As a result, Lin Yu made a group of military dogs to confront them, which was too hurtful to his self-esteem.

But here are red blood cells, and Lin Yu is the boss.

If he doesn’t listen, the rookies know what the consequences will be.

“Get ready!” Lin Yu roared: “In five minutes, you guys will run first with thirty kilograms of weight.” Fifteen kilometers trail running, if you can run back smoothly without being caught by military dogs, I will admit that you win! ”

“But!” Lin Yu smiled strangely: “As long as you are caught by military dogs for more than a minute, you will lose!” ”

Zhang Energy snorted coldly, “Instructor, this kind of thing can’t happen. ”

Yu Dalei nodded: “A dog wants to catch us?” What a dream! ”

Takuyong just spat on a mouthful: “I can knock a dog flying with one leg!” ”

The corner of Lin Yu’s mouth hooked a sneer: “I’m affirming a little!” You can use weapons, but lethal weapons are absolutely not allowed. Military dogs are also our comrades, and if you use lethal weapons, they will consider you enemies. When the time comes, bite off your neck, then you are unlucky! ”

“Even if you beg for mercy, the military dog can’t understand!”

When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but tremble.

Especially seeing the military dog’s oozing fangs, Zhang Energy and Yu Dalei had a feeling of scalp numbness.

“It’s time, run!” Lin Yu waved his big hand: “In fifteen minutes, I will release the military dog!” ”

Hearing this, everyone quickly ran forward.

Zhang Energy and Yu Dalei followed closely behind Niu Gong, and Gong Jian shouted after seeing it: “Run separately, get together is to increase the target.” There are only twelve of them, our number is doubled, it is most advantageous to separate! ”

Niu nodded hard: “That’s right, everyone run separately, don’t be slow!” ”

Everyone immediately distanced themselves and soon rushed into the woods and disappeared.

Time passed minute by minute, and at fifteen minutes, Lin Yu squatted down and touched Yeyu’s head.

“Remember, don’t let any of them go. One less, roasted you guys today to beat the tooth sacrifice! ”

The night rain scared the dog’s face to deform!

Roasted? Sounds scary dogs!

Night Rain screamed twice, indicating to Lin Yu that he would definitely complete the task and would definitely not lose to this group of rookies.

Lin Yu slapped the dog’s head, and all the military dogs immediately rushed out.

Night Rain let out a low roar, and the twelve military dogs immediately divided into four teams.

In groups of three, they quickly chased towards the forest.

Wang Yanbing held his hands, sighed and shook his head: “That gang of bear soldiers, this is miserable!” ”

Li Erniu smiled and said, “They look down on our military dogs, and they will be repaired by the night rain!” Brother Yu’s dogs, those are all divine dogs! ”

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