Yu Dalei ran wildly all the way, he couldn’t even control his saliva, and the whole person was completely flustered.

But the more he panicked, the more opportunities he gave the pursuing military dogs.

Just a moment’s work, three military dogs quickly chased after them from behind.

Two of the military dogs threw him to the ground, one left and one right, and the other military dog rushed in front of him, dragged him by the collar and dragged him towards the front.

Before Yu Dalei could react, his head slammed into a tree and fainted on the spot.

The three military dogs glanced at Yu Da Lei with disdain, and then continued to chase forward.

If Yu Dalei was still awake, he would clearly see what it was like to be despised by dogs.

The military dog squad attacked separately, and the rookies did not expect that these military dogs would be so powerful when combined.

The tactical division of labor is clear, and the attack is very rhythmic, and a person cannot fight them at all without a gun.

Ten minutes passed, and more than half of the people had been eliminated by the military dog squad.

Niu Gong, Gong Jian, and Tuo Yonggang had already converged at this time.

It’s not because they ran together again, they were chased too quickly by military dogs, so they got together in one place.

All three men were holding a long stick in their hands, which was much better than their guns.

Without bullets, the gun is a burning stick, and even inferior.

To really fight with military dogs, or these sticks are more useful.

“They only have three dogs, and so are we!” Gong Jian panted and said, “If they chase them later, according to our tactics just now, we will fight a quick victory.” ”

Tuoyong just spat on a mouthful: “Before today, I couldn’t have imagined that the dogs of the special forces were so powerful!” ”

Niu tried to smile bitterly: “I have seen it for a long time, their dogs can also blow up tanks and headquarters, you say God is not magical?” ”

Tuo Yonggang was speechless: “What’s wrong with this world?” Dogs are better at doing things than people, and they don’t let us live? ”

“Wang…” At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came.

Gong Jian’s face was solemn, and he roared: “Stop!” ”

The three people stopped urgently and stopped quickly.

This is a strategy they have negotiated, and if you continue to run, it is easy to be pounced on by the dog.

Once they pounced, they didn’t even have a chance to stand up.

The best thing to do is to stop fighting the dog.

Take advantage of the advantages of the three of them to play together, fight quickly, and beat the dog back.

“Come on!” The cow struggled to yell at the three dogs that were speeding closer.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Tuo Yonggang suddenly said in horror: “Over here, there are three more here!” ”

“Huh?” Gong Jian and Niu turned their heads in shock, and sure enough, they saw three military dogs surrounding them.

But this is not the end, there is also a voice from Gong Jian’s side, and Yeyu personally rushed to them with three military dogs.

Three squads, nine military dogs, surrounded them.

The fierce fangs were exposed, and the hind legs of the nine military dogs slowly crouched, ready to attack.

Takuyonggang swallowed his saliva fiercely: “You can’t kill and injure them….. We, it seems that there is no chance of victory, right? ”

The cow tried to say nervously: “I seem to have heard that if they feel threatened with death, they will kill us… Let’s not surrender! ”

Gong Jian sighed: “This is a dismount given to us by red blood cells!” We, lost! ”

After that, he threw the stick directly on the ground.

Niu Gong and Taku Yonggang did not hesitate, and immediately threw the stick on the ground and raised their hands.

With no weapon threat, Night Rain barked, and all the military dogs disarmed their offensive stance.

Tuo Yonggang sighed helplessly: “I am a natural paratrooper, and I am destined to be surrounded.” But who would have thought that it was surrounded by a group of dogs! ”


Soon after, all the rookies returned to the base dejected.

The military dogs held their heads high, returned victorious, and escorted the prisoners with a lot of bold steps.

Night Rain ran to Lin Yu, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail to ask for credit.

Lin Yu poured a little temper into it, and a smile appeared on the dog’s face after the night rain drank.

“I said, fifteen minutes, it’s definitely over!” Song Kaifei winked proudly at Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing: “This month’s toilet, you two have bagged it!” ”

Wang Yanbing patted Li Erniu: “Erniu, anyway, two pits, let’s one for each person!” ”

Li Erniu sighed: “I already knew, I chose fifteen minutes, why did I say twenty minutes!” ”

Lin Yu stood up at this time and looked coldly at the rookies who had already gathered.

“Now do you know the gap between yourself and the real special forces?” Lin Yu roared.

No one spoke, and frustration hung on everyone’s faces.

The rookies thought they were invincible, but they were beaten into their current appearance by a group of dogs, which is a loss of face.

Lin Yu roared: “Are you still unconvinced?” ”

“Nope!” Everyone yelled.

Lin Yu: “What do I say in the next training, do you still have temper?” ”

“Nope!” Everyone then yelled.

Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction, he just wanted to suppress everyone and remove the last trace of temper in their hearts.

Suddenly, his eyes fixed on Zhang Energy’s body, “You, come out!” ”

Zhang Energy straightened his chest, took a step forward and stood up.

Lin Yu looked at him coldly: “Before you start, you make a big fuss.” After starting, you are the first to be caught. We red blood cells, we want down-to-earth soldiers, you like you, do not deserve to stay here! ”

“So, pack your things and go back to your old troops!”

Hearing this, Zhang Energy was like five thunders hitting the top.

He thought that after surviving the week of hell, he could stay.

Unexpectedly, he lost to the dog.

“Instructor!” Zhang Energy shouted anxiously: “I survived all the training, it was because of a mistake, why did you let me go?” ”

Lin Yu stared at him coldly: “Just because you have experienced the hell week and can still be so ignorant when you get to the battlefield, that’s why you have to get out.” ”

“Everyone else knows to leave as soon as possible. As far as you, you actually let your guard down. Because of you, your comrades have also died! ”

Yu Da Lei lowered his head silently, at this time, he didn’t know whether to defend Zhang Energy or not.

Lin Yu looked at Zhang Energy deadly: “We red blood cells, we don’t need people like you.” Take your salute and get out! ”

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