After more than two months of training, the rookies have long forgotten that they are still individuals.

In the red blood cell camp, they are the machines that are trained.

But now in front of the Marines, they finally found that they had become so strong and their opponents were so weak.

Yu Dalei stood beside Tuo Yonggang, his excited face full of smiles: “I turned out to be so strong, it’s really better than not knowing, compared to the end, it scares me!” ”

Tuoyagang lowered his voice and said, “Do you think that those old birds sent us out so easily, is it a disgrace to red blood cells?” This shows that we already have the strength they recognize, and they will send us out! ”

Another soldier, Zhang Feng, smiled and said, “Although we are still rookies, in front of other troops, we are already uncles!” ”

Gong Jian looked at the tired and almost collapsed Marine captain: “How is it, can it be compared?” If not, you guys rest for a while. ”

The captain of the Marine Corps felt deep contempt and stood up hard: “Who, who said we can’t do it!” Come on, than fighting! ”

One by one, the marines got up, their eyes full of anger: “Come on, Bi fight!” ”

“Just now, the physical strength is not as good as yours, but no one is afraid of anyone in our martial arts!”

“Later, let me show you how hard the Marine fist really is!”

Seeing these elites get up again, the Marines around them shouted loudly.

It’s okay to lose one game, but if you lose courage, then it’s all over.

If these elites can still stand up, it means that there is still a possibility of winning.

Xu Hai came over at this time and led them to the nearby martial arts training ground.

The so-called combat training ground is a large bunker.

Marines practice martial arts here, and bunkers can effectively reduce the pain of falls.

The rookies and marines stood face to face on both sides of the bunker, and Xu Hai looked at them: “The rules are set by yourself, you can fight as you want.” Whoever stands the most in the end, who wins! ”

“Understood!” Two groups of people yelled.

Xu Hai retreated to the side, and the captain of the Marine Corps said coldly to Gong Jian: “How do you want to fight?” ”

Gong Jian glanced at the elite of the Marine Corps, and said with a faint smile: “I don’t like to bother, you guys go together, we solved it all at once!” ”

The Marine Captain’s eyes widened instantly: “Are you kidding?” There are twenty people on our side, you are only ten, you want a dozen or two? ”

Gong Jian shrugged: “Actually, I can send five people out, but I’m afraid that you guys will lose too ugly, so let’s go together.” How’s that, enough to give you face, right? ”

“I’m arrogant, Mother Tate is arrogant!”

“Captain, they want to die, fulfill them!”

“Kill the army guys, kill them!”

The Marines shouted angrily, martial arts is a hard subject they must train every day.

The obstacle course failed, and that was due to physical strength.

But there’s more to fighting than skill, and the Marines don’t want to admit that they have less skill than red blood cells.

The Marine Corps Commander sneered at Gong Jian: “I originally wanted to do my best to save some face for you as much as the landlord’s friendship.” But since your army people like to be beaten so much, we are not respectful! ”

“You’re welcome!” Gong Jian beckoned: “Go all out, otherwise you will lose too quickly, and we will be bored!” ”

The rookies of the red blood cells laughed defiantly, but the marines were all livid and eager to try.

“Prepare for two minutes!” Xu Hai saw that the momentum was almost the same, and immediately roared.

The momentum of both sides no longer needs to move their bodies, and after running obstacles, all parts of their bodies have already moved.

At this time, the two sides stared at each other like fighting cocks.

As soon as the order is given, they will rush to kill the opponent.

Kang Lei touched his chin and asked suspiciously: “Are you soldiers really recruits?” ”

Lin Yu nodded: “Just two months of training, we call them rookies!” ”

Kang Lei shook his head in disbelief: “The recruit egg is so raw, ten people challenge me twenty!” This is going to be a veteran, then you have to get it! ”

Wang Yanbing on the side smiled and said, “Old regiment leader, each of our red blood cells is a soldier king.” If we stand together with ten veterans, we can challenge you to a brigade! ”

Kang Lei smiled at him, “Yes! Believe it or not, I’ll kill you right now! ”

Wang Yanbing stuck out his tongue and honestly shut up and did not dare to speak.

Kang Lei held his hands: “I want to see how these rookies can kill my twenty elites!” ”

Lin Yu smiled slightly: “I promise not to let you down.” ”

At this moment, Xu Hai roared: “Start!” ”

The two groups of people, who had long been ready to be released, suddenly rushed forward fiercely.

“Surround them, fence and fight!” The Marine Corps Commander roared.

The Marines were outnumbered, and they immediately dispersed and outflanked the rookies in a semi-encircled circle.

The distance between the two sides became shorter and shorter, and the fists on the Marine side rained down on the rookies.


At the moment of collision, ten people of the Marine Corps were directly knocked down by the rookie brute of red blood cells.

Before they could react, Gong Jian and the others rushed up with an arrow and kicked them in the jaw, directly knocking them unconscious.

The action was completed in one go, as if it had been rehearsed countless times, and there was no delay in moving through the clouds and flowing water.

“Me!” The Marine Commander saw that the ten people were scrapped like this, and roared angrily: “Kill them!” ”

The remaining ten people were furious to the extreme, fists and feet frantically beckoning towards the rookies of red blood cells.

At this moment, the rookies turned sharply.

The marines were startled, and they saw that the rookies’ eyes erupted with a fierce chill.

“Kill!” Gong Jian roared, and all the rookies rushed towards the marines like apes.

Without fancy, the noobs’ fighting is just head-to-head.

A punch directly knocked the Marine back, and several Marines even heard a loud noise from their bones.

As soon as the enemy was repelled, the rookies immediately punched out.

“Bang bang…..”

There was a muffled noise in the fighting arena, and all ten Marines fell to the ground.

In the next second, Gong Jian and the others naturally rushed up and kicked them unconscious.

“Okay, stop!” Lin Yu rushed out in time and roared.

At the moment of the attack, the rookies’ feet stopped suspended in mid-air.

The Marines looked at the big feet in horror, and for the first time fear arose in their hearts.

Lin Yu turned his head to look at Kang Lei with a smile: “Old Regiment Leader, are you still satisfied?” ”

Although Kang Lei wanted his troops to be abused, he was not happy that he was abused so badly.

Looking at Lin Yu’s laughter, Kang Lei really couldn’t laugh: “Good, good!” I now know why you can behead me on the battlefield! ”

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