The Marines divided into companies and rushed out of the camp, then boarded trucks ready to board the docks.

The red blood cell squad boarded the helicopter, and the two helicopters rumbled towards the sea.

Everyone quickly checked the equipment from the helicopter and then checked each other for complete equipment.

Yu Dalei looked at the pointed warhead in the magazine and swallowed his saliva fiercely: “I lean, real, live ammunition!” ”

Niu struggled to open his mouth, although he was a soldier, he only used live ammunition when shooting live.

Now going out on a mission with live ammunition suddenly made him feel like he was about to go to the battlefield to die.

Not only them, but all the rookies, including Gong Jian, were also a little panicked.

Even if it was Gong Jian, he had no real mission, and after being trained by Wolf Fang, he went to the military academy, and then went to the Iron Fist Regiment.

Suddenly took the live ammunition to carry out the mission, to be honest, Gong Jian’s heart beat as fast as playing a drum.

“Check your equipment, don’t rub it!” Miao Wolf shouted grimly: “When you arrive on the battlefield, weapons can not only save you, but also your comrades.” This is your first mission, don’t disgrace red blood cells! ”

Tuo Yonggang’s face turned pale, and he asked with difficulty: “Miao Wolf, can you reveal what the task is this time?” ”

Miao Wolf shrugged: “I don’t know, the task hasn’t been given yet!” ”

The rookies suddenly panicked even more, even the young wolves did not know the mission, and the special service brigade was dispatched by the whole brigade.

How many enemies do you have to have in such a big battle?

What huge crisis do they have to face next?

At this moment, Fan Tianlei’s voice suddenly came from the earphones: “Report the mission!” ”

Whether it is a veteran or a rookie, they are all focused at this moment.

“On the high seas, a large cargo ship was hijacked by pirates. Forty crew members on board are of Chinese nationality, and the remaining seventy are all from Western countries. ”

“At the moment, we have received news that pirates have begun to board ships. Our mission is to recover the freighter with the assistance of the navy and kill or arrest all pirates. First of all, ensure the safety of our hostages, and secondly, ensure the lives of all hostages! ”

Lin Yu asked coldly: “How many pirates are there and what is the weapon configuration?” ”

“The number of pirates is unknown, but it will not be less than a hundred, and the number of small boats is more than twenty. The weapons are basically AK series, there may be bazookas and heavy machine guns! ”

“My goodness!” Yu Dalei said in shock: “This mother is the army!” ”

“Shut up!” Miao Wolf glared at him: “Keep the channel clean!” ”

Yu Dalei stuck out his tongue, and it was taboo to interfere with the transmission of orders at this time.

Lin Yu continued to ask: “Is there any important person on board?” ”

“Yes!” Fan Tianlei said: “This cargo ship is owned by a global shipping company in the United States, and the heir of this shipping company is on this ship. We have received the highest request from the board of directors of this shipping company to ensure the safety of their heirs no matter what! ”

“Do you have any specific information?” Lin Yu asked.

“It’s not convenient to reveal it for the time being!” Fan Tianlei said: “China’s policy is to treat everyone equally, and everyone’s life must be guaranteed. So, it doesn’t matter who he is or who he can protect. ”

“Understood!” Lin Yu finally asked, “Can pirates be killed at will?” ”

Fan Tianlei snorted: “It’s better if you can arrest, if you can’t arrest, you can be killed!” ”

Lin Yu cut off communication with Fan Tianlei and established new communication with all his team members!

“Everyone heard it, this time it’s a real gun! Rookies mainly study, so you follow in the second echelon, veterans according to the old rules! ”

“Yes!” Everyone yelled.

Lin Yu said coldly: “Also, let’s not take prisoners.” When you see pirates, shoot and kill! ”

“Understood!” The veterans shouted cheerfully.

But when the rookies heard this, they were inexplicably afraid.

They didn’t expect that a person’s life was nothing to do with Ben here in Lin Yu, and they could kill it if they wanted to.

But in the near future, they will understand that everything Lin Yu does is for everyone’s lives.

The helicopter first landed on a warship, and then the warship cut the wind and waves towards the high sea.

An hour later, Conley arrived on board the warship with his newly formed Seawolf Squadron.

The main members of the Seawolf Squadron are the elites who were defeated by the Red Blood Cell Rookies.

In the past two weeks, they have improved a lot under the strict training of red blood cells.

As Conlei’s fist troops, they also participated in the boarding and rescue of the ship.

“Old Regiment Commander, what about your other troops?” Lin Yu asked.

“They are on two other warships and are currently approaching the attacked freighter, mainly to blockade and encircle,” Conley said. The rest is up to you, with my Seawolf Squadron! ”

The captain of the Seawolf Squadron, the elite Liu Meng who had been knocked unconscious, saluted Lin Yu: “Captain Lin, you can give more guidance this time.” Rescue mission, we are still doing it for the first time! ”

“Well said!” Lin Yu patted him on the shoulder: “However, your squadron must be fully under my command!” ”

“That’s nature!” Liu Meng laughed and said, “We are your apprentices!” ”

It was still far from the freighter, and everyone hurried to rest.

At five o’clock the next morning, it was still dark, and the alarm was suddenly raised on the warship.

The squadron of red blood cells and seawolves quickly assembled on the deck, and the propellers of the helicopters were already roaring and spinning.

“Comrades!” Conley stood in front of the crowd and shouted: “We are close to the hijacked freighter, and the pirates are currently controlling the crew and want to hijack the entire freighter!” ”

Kang Lei roared: “But in front of our Huaxia soldiers, they don’t want to take anything away.” Don’t say it’s a freighter, even if it’s a piece of paper on board, they don’t want to take it away! ”

Everyone’s blood was boiling, and there seemed to be countless war drums beating in their chests.

Kang Lei said loudly: “You are peerless swords, once you attack, you will be unsheathed.” Comrades, complete your mission and free all hostages. The country and the army will always be with you. Our great people will always be your strong backing! ”

“Guaranteed to complete the mission!” Lin Yu yelled: “Everyone, board!” ”

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