Lin Yu shook his head coldly: “This hijacking is a little different, the pirates actually mixed with a group of soldiers.” Must be figured out! ”

“Understood!” He Chenguang put away the pistol, took out the dagger, and his eyes were cold: “God of War, are you going to forcibly attack?” ”

Wang Yanbing also took out his dagger: “To deal with these two goods, me and the falcon are enough!” ”

Lin Yu’s spider sensing had covered the room, and he could sense that the two robbers still had a pistol around their waist.

They must be subdued with one blow, otherwise they will still be dangerous if they just retreat.

“I’ll come!” Lin Yu threw the gun to He Chenguang.

Yu Dalei asked in surprise: “God of War, you, don’t you carry any weapons?” ”

Niu tried to remind: “It’s better to bring two knives, otherwise it will be difficult to subdue them!” ”

Song Kaifei glared at them with a displeased expression: “You know what, the two hands of our God of War are weapons, and one look can kill the enemy in seconds.” You rookies, take a good look at how big the gap is between you and the veterans! ”

“You guys hurry up and retreat!” At this moment, the robbers in the house yelled: “All quit, or we will kill!” ”

“Let’s kill this Huaxia first, if she dies, your Huaxia army will also lose face!” We don’t want to be enemies with you, as long as you withdraw, we can return this Huaxia hostage to you!” The militia leader shouted.

Although the pirate leader is unwilling, his life is more important now.

As long as the red blood cells can withdraw, he can agree to this condition.

Lin Yu knew that there was nothing to talk about, and now only solving the problem by force was the right way.

He took a deep breath, opened the divine speed, and the whole person rushed into the house quickly, rushing in front of the two robbers like a whirlwind.

The pirate leader and the militia leader only felt a flash in front of them, and the next second Lin Yu appeared in front of them.

The two robbers were so frightened that they almost lost their weapons.

Lin Yu smiled coldly, grabbed their wrists, and then pulled them towards the wall.

“I’ll you…” The pirate leader hurriedly prepared to draw another gun.

But his whole person was dragged up by Lin Yu, and then slammed into the wall.

“Bang bang….”

The entire wall where the two figures collided was shaking, and the pirate leader and the militia head had a blue nose and a swollen face, and they rolled on the ground in pain after falling to the ground.

“Grab it!” Lin Yu roared, and Wang Yanbing and the others immediately rushed in and tied up the two kidnappers.

“Kill, you kill!” Song Kaifei patted the head of the pirate leader and smiled: “Didn’t you say you want to kill someone just now, you kill one now and show me!” ”

The pirate leader was beaten with a sore braincase, and he shouted aggrievedly: “It’s not me who said it, it’s not me who said ….”

Song Kaifei slapped it again: “You still dare to call me?” You’re calling for a try and see if I don’t break your head. ”

The rookies rushed in, looking at Lin Yu’s back, their eyes full of admiration.

“The God of War is the God of War, if you don’t admire it, you can’t do it!” Niu Xuan sighed: “It’s still as handsome as when he defeated me, it’s really a goal that people will chase for a lifetime!” ”

Yu Dalei shook his head: “I may not be able to catch up in my next life!” The speed just now was the same as a rocket taking off. ”

Tuo Yonggang swallowed his saliva fiercely: “Don’t say that these two goods can’t see the shadow of the God of War clearly, even if I can’t see it clearly.” It is estimated that if I were a kidnapper, I would have to be thrown half to death now! ”

Gong Jian smirked vigorously: “See no, this is the soldier from our Iron Fist Regiment.” Our Iron Fist Regiment came out, all of them are good! ”

Lin Yu turned around and waved at them: “Okay, don’t surround them.” I’ll give you five minutes to search this place thoroughly. Time is limited, don’t let go of any valuable information! ”

“Yes!” Chen Shanming and the others roared, and then all of them turned around and went out to search.

Lin Yu then looked towards the two hostages on the ground.

They were tied behind their backs with their hands tied and black hoods on their heads, and they had been twisting their bodies desperately at the moment, but they couldn’t make any sound.

Lin Yu took their hoods off in the past, and was immediately attracted by one of the blonde beauties.

Big blue eyes, flustered but elegant face, and noble blonde hair, even if embarrassed, she looks like a princess.

And Fan Tianlei’s ex-wife looks a lot sloppy, although she still looks like a person, but compared with this blonde beauty, even the ugly duckling is not as good.

Lin Yu took out the socks stuffed in their mouths, and the blonde beauty immediately said: “Who are you? I can give you money, please don’t hurt me! ”

Lin Yu said positively: “Are you Aisha? ”

The blonde beauty nodded: “Yes, I’m Aisha!” ”

Lin Yu smiled slightly: “Don’t be afraid, we are the Huaxia Special Forces.” The pirates who kidnapped you have been killed and you have been rescued! ”

Aisha and Fan Tianlei’s ex-wife instantly breathed a sigh of relief, and both of their faces showed ease.

Lin Yu helped them untie the rope as well.

Aisha suddenly flew into Lin Yu’s arms and cried excitedly: “Thank you, thank you.” I thought I was going to die, thank you! ”

Lin Yu was a little at a loss, his hands were open, and he didn’t know what to do for a while.

An Ron, who was not far away, saw this scene, and his face instantly became ugly.

Lin Yu spread out his hands awkwardly: “It has nothing to do with me, she is going to pounce on herself.” ”

Fan Tianlei’s ex-wife is a discerning person, and she can see at a glance that the atmosphere is not right.

She quickly pulled Aisha away, smiled and said to Lin Yu: “We are really too frightened, so we have some gaffes.” Don’t mind! ”

Aisha nodded quickly: “Thank you very much, Huaxia soldier, it’s so powerful!” ”

Lin Yu smiled faintly, and just wanted to speak, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside.

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