Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 16: Langya recruits more members and the Lone Wolf Special Assault Team is dispatched

Gao Shiwei felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he was pushed into the car by He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing in a daze.

"Hello, Chief!"

Seeing the commander, Li Erniu couldn't help but salute and shouted loudly.

"Okay, let's get out of here first!"

Seeing that the soldier respected him so much, Gao Shiwei temporarily gave up his doubts and asked He Chenguang to drive quickly.

He Chenguang drove his car and rushed out of the headquarters in a swaggering manner.

At this time, 7 minutes had passed, and many unconscious people had woken up one after another and quickly joined the battle.

"Quick, stop that car, the enemy is in the car!"

In the distance, a Wolf Fang soldier shouted to the Blue Army soldiers near the military vehicle.


There was a gunshot, and white smoke rose from the body of the Wolf Fang warrior.


The Wolf Fang Warrior gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Fan on the top of the chimney, feeling very aggrieved and uncomfortable.

It was so embarrassing to just watch the commander being kidnapped by the enemy!

"Hurry up and drive to chase!"

shouted the head of the guard regiment.

But when they saw that all the military vehicles were scrapped, they were all dumbfounded.

"The cars were all blown up by the Red Army and cannot be driven~"

"The car can't be driven, so we have to rescue the commander on foot!"

The head of the guard regiment said angrily.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Chase after me!"

There was no other way, so everyone could only chase him on foot.

Most of the people went after He Chenguang and the others, while a few people violently attacked He Chenguang on the chimney.

It was such a shame and humiliation to have the commander drugged and kidnapped.

After He Chenguang and the others left, Chen Fan naturally became the target for them to vent their anger.

"Oh no, all the prisoners are gone!"

At this moment, a soldier ran over and said in a panic.

At this time, the head of the guard regiment was worried about the commander being kidnapped. When he heard this, he became very angry.

"If you run away, run away. The most important thing now is to rescue the commander!"

Looking up at Chen Fan on the chimney, he said with a gloomy face:

"Don't shoot. Capture the man on the chimney alive. Maybe he knows where the commander will be taken!"


Everyone stopped shooting and started looking for opportunities to approach like chimneys.


"You stopped shooting. Are you planning to capture me alive?"

When Chen Fan saw that the other side had stopped shooting and was trying to get closer to the chimney, he immediately thought of the other side's intention.

"Then I won't be polite!"

With that said, Chen Fan picked up his sniper rifle and started pointing it at

"Bang bang bang!"

It's not very satisfying to fight high and low, or to fight without fighting back.

After a while, nearly twenty more people were killed by Chen Fan, with white eyes rising from their bodies.

"Captain, we can't get close to the chimney at all, the other party's marksmanship is too good!"

A company commander came to the guard regiment leader and spoke with difficulty.

"When did the Red Army have such a powerful soldier? He even killed a lot of people in Langya!"

The head of the guard group looked at Chen Fan on the chimney through the telescope and muttered to himself.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"Surround him first. I don't believe he can stay up there forever."

"You all keep an eye on me, don't let anyone escape!"


That's all it can do for now.

"Have you contacted Fan Tianlei?"

In the command post, a colonel asked a communications officer.

After the Blue Army Commander was kidnapped, the few remaining combat staff members urgently set up a temporary command center, with the main purpose of rescuing the Blue Army Commander.


"Damn it, where did Fan Tianlei die?"

The colonel's staff vented, and then said to the communications officer: "Quickly, notify the surrounding troops and ask them to suspend their tasks and do their best to rescue the commander!"

"Also, call and apply to the director's department to increase the number of members of the Spike Special Forces Brigade to participate in the exercise!"

"Chief of Staff Qin, the number of places for the Langya Special Forces Brigade to participate in the exercise has been determined. Will the director's department agree?"

"If you can penetrate deep into the rear of our army, enter the headquarters and take away the commander, the opponent's strength is comparable to that of the Wolf Fang special forces, or even better than that of the Wolf Fang!"

"Such a person cannot be dealt with by ordinary soldiers. Only people from the Langya Special Forces Brigade can possibly rescue the commander."

"Explain this situation to the director, and I think they will agree to increase the number of places for the Spike Special Forces Brigade to participate in the exercise."


If they knew that the people who disrupted their Blue Army headquarters were just two recruits who had just joined the company for a month, and one was even a pig-raiser from the logistics department, they didn't know what they would think.

In short, this time, the face of the Wolf Fang Special Forces Brigade, and even the face of the entire Blue Army headquarters guards, were completely humiliated by them.


"The director's department has agreed to our request and can add thirty more Langya Special Forces Brigade soldiers, led by He Zhijun, commander of the Langya Special Forces Brigade, who will command our troops as the highest commander of our Blue Army! "

Not long after, the communications officer came to everyone again and told everyone the news from the director's department.

"Very good!"

After hearing the news, everyone's expressions, which were still worried, suddenly relaxed a lot.

"When will Brigadier He and the others arrive?"

"The director's office has issued them an order to participate in the exercise. I think they will be here soon!"


At the same time, in the base of the Langya Special Operations Brigade, He Zhijun took action immediately after receiving the order from the director's office. He immediately found the dog-headed Lao Gao to explain the situation and asked him to gather people to participate in the exercise.

Soon, the high school team gathered 28 Langya soldiers.

Among them, the Lone Wolf Special Commando Group B was on the list.

If Chen Fan was here, he would definitely recognize that this Lone Wolf Special Commando was the team where the protagonist Zhuang Yan in Special 1 was.

"Change into combat uniforms and participate in the exercise!"

When everyone heard this, they were all confused.

"High school team, this exercise has been going on for a few days, how can we increase the number of places?"

Someone asked in confusion.

"Yes, didn't our Langya participate in the exercise led by Chief of Staff Fan? Can we increase the number of places now?"

Bald Tail Wolf Shi Dafan asked pointedly.

High school team frowned, and after two seconds of silence, he told the truth.

"All of us guarding the Blue Army headquarters were killed by the Red Army, and the commander was kidnapped by the enemy!"

"And Chief of Staff Fan and others are now out of contact and their whereabouts are unknown."

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

In their opinion, all those who could enter the Wolf Fang were the best in the army. They were not invincible, but at least in this exercise, they could not see any opponents that could threaten the Wolf Fang.

Now hearing this out of the blue, they were all stunned and did not dare to believe it was true.

"Impossible, the Red Army has such a powerful force?"

"Not only can they penetrate deep into the rear of the Blue Army, but they can also kidnap the Blue Army commander under heavy guard?"

Big Tail Wolf Deng Zhenhua looked unconvinced.

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