"Start shooting!"


Gunshots sounded one after another, and the expressions of everyone in the audience were very relaxed and indifferent. No one cared about how Chen Fan and the others were doing.

There was even a hint of contempt on many people's faces.

After the referee called start, Chen Fan fired without hesitation.

With his eagle-eye skills, he can easily hit the target with a 100-meter target as if it were right in front of him.

All he had to do was hold the gun tightly and keep his hands from shaking.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chen Fan's shooting speed is obviously much faster than others.

In less than ten seconds, Chen Fan had fired six shots, while everyone else had basically fired three shots.

"Isn't that Chen Fan?"

"I remember when I was in the recruit company, I was either last or second in every military skill."

"If he shoots like this, can the bullet hit the target?"

A new recruit recognized him. It was Chen Fan who was in the same class in front of the lower company.

"His shooting speed is probably on par with the members of the Fourth Company of Sharpshooters!"

"If you can't hit the target, no matter how fast you go, it's nonsense!"

"Look, this kid knew that he didn't play well, so he messed up. He might as well fight faster so that he can get down early!"

"I think so. Otherwise, it would be even more embarrassing to stay up there and take aim for a long time and get a failing grade in the end!"


Everyone in the audience was talking about Chen Fan.

Everyone had the same view. They all felt that Chen Fan was showing off and giving up on his own performance.

Thirteen seconds later, Chen Fan finished shooting and put away his gun. The others were still lying on the ground, trying hard to aim at the target and shoot.

"What's this soldier's name?"

Kang Lei couldn't help but feel curious when he saw Chen Fan standing up so quickly.

"Report to the captain, this soldier is called Chen Fan, and he belongs to the Logistics Department!"

Gong Jian on the side responded.

As the instructor of the recruit company, of course he knew Chen Fan.

In the direction of the Fourth Sharpshooter Company, He Chenguang certainly noticed Chen Fan's behavior that was different from others.

"Morning light, what are you looking at?"

Li Erniu asked.

"That new recruit seems to be very confident in his marksmanship!"

Wang Yanbing heard this and looked towards the shooting range.

I saw Chen Fan standing in the shooting position with his head held high, and the expression on his face could not be seen.


"Why didn't I see it?"

He Chenguang narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to see through Chen Fan.

"I can't see it either, but I can feel it!"


Hearing this, Wang Yanbing was very disdainful.

The thirty seconds came quickly, and without any surprise, everyone finished shooting the bullets in their guns.

"Target report!"

The referee said into the intercom.

"Target No. 1, 75 rings!"

"Target No. 2, 70 rings!"


"Target No. 17, 78 rings!"

"See, they don't have the 80 ring!"

The soldier who said he wanted to guess the number of Chen Fan and the others bumped his comrade's arm and said with a smile.

"Aren't there three more? Why be anxious!"

"Just be tough!"

"Target No. 20, 100 rings!"

At this moment, the target reporter announced the ring number of the last target on the radio.

The target that Chen Fan is shooting for is No. 20!


"100 rings?!"

"Did you hear it?"

"I heard it~"

"Really or not, why do I not believe that he can reach 100 rings!"

"I don't believe it either~"

"What are you bragging about?"

"Did the target reporter read it correctly?"


Everyone in the audience was stunned when they heard Chen Fan's results, and then there was a commotion.

"No matter what the noise is, shut up!"

The monitors of each class stood up to maintain discipline, and the commotion quickly subsided.

"Gong Jian, what's going on with this soldier? For a soldier with such a good marksmanship, it's just nonsense for you to assign him to the logistics department!"

At this time, Gong Jian also looked confused, and seemed a little aggrieved when faced with Kang Lei's questioning.

"Captain, I don't know what happened to this boy Chen Fan today. He suddenly performed exceptionally well!"

"When I was in the recruit company, this guy was always the last person."

After listening to Gong Jian's words, Kang Lei frowned slightly and looked silently at Chen Fan, who was standing calmly on the shooting range.

Gong Jian quickly walked to the referee, took the intercom in his hand and said, "Confirm the results again."


The target reporter's response came from inside.

"The report, confirmed, is one hundred rings!"

A few seconds later, the target reporter's voice came again.

"No, I feel like I can't turn the corner!"

Lao Liu touched his head with a confused expression.

I have been getting along with Chen Fan for almost a month. As the squad leader, Lao Liu basically knows how much Chen Fan weighs.

Chen Fan now on the shooting range gave him another feeling of strangeness, not only for him, but also for everyone else in the class.

Chen Fan, who was originally very clear in their hearts, has been covered with a layer of mysterious gauze, making them a little confused.

"Chen Fan, come here!"

Gong Jian waved to Chen Fan.


Chen Fan immediately trotted up to Gong Jian and immediately shouted a report.

"Don't be so serious, relax."


"I'm asking you, what happened to you today? You scored 100 rings?"

"I never saw you score so well in the recruit company!"

Gong Jian asked in a pretended angry tone.

"Reporting to the instructor, although I was assigned to the logistics company, I have never fallen behind in training."

"I was actually a little surprised to get such a result. It should be an extraordinary performance!"

Chen Fan explained without blushing.

Extraordinary performance?

You are too abnormal!

If Lao Liu and other people in the class heard it, they would definitely think so.

Gong Jian looked at Chen Fan with some suspicion, frowning slightly, "Try it again?"

After saying that, he turned his head and looked at Kang Lei behind him.

Kang Lei nodded in agreement.


Chen Fan also agreed readily, and then said shockingly:

"But I don't want to shoot at 100 meters, I want to shoot at 500 meters!"

"Shoot at 500 meters? Use this rifle?"

When the people present heard this, they all stared at Chen Fan with wide eyes, and Gong Jian asked bluntly.

Rifle bursts are usually aimed at targets within 400 meters, but Chen Fan's requirements exceeded 100 meters.

"Yes, 500 meters."

Facing the questioning eyes of everyone, Chen Fan's face remained calm.

"Okay, you are so arrogant, I want to see if you can hit it!"

Kang Lei walked up and said.

"Yes, commander!"

Soon, Gong Jian had someone erect a target at 500 meters. When the soldiers of the Iron Fist Group saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded.

"What are you doing?"

"Use this rifle to shoot at a target 500 meters away?"

"Who gave him the courage, Fish Leong?"

"For the first time in history, he performed exceptionally well and scored a perfect score. Does he think he can do it?"


When Chen Fan stood at the shooting position, the regiment commander Kang Lei said loudly: "Everyone, take a good look at how our comrade Chen Fan used this rifle to shoot at a target 500 meters away!"

Kang Lei felt that Chen Fan was a little arrogant, and he said this to put some pressure on him.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Chen Fan. A good end-of-month assessment turned into Chen Fan's personal performance show!

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