"I don't believe you don't know anything!"

After Ma Laoer finished speaking, he stared at Chen Fan: "Don't you even know anything about the poison textbook incident?"

Chen Fan was silent now.

Of course he is aware of the hot topics that have caused a stir in society.

I thought it was just someone's butt that was sitting crooked.

Only now do I know.

It turns out that there are people behind the scenes who are deliberately planning these things.

"Although this guy Zhang Zixiong is a scumbag, he can hit the target with just one hit when he finds an entry point!"

Ma Laoer couldn't help but shook his head when he thought of the things Zhang Zixiong asked him to do before.

If he wasn't too desperate, why would he choose to follow Zhang Zixiong and go further and further on the road of striving to become a higher race?

"Teaching materials, especially children's enlightenment teaching materials, are valued all over the world!"

“After all, this world belongs to the next generation!”

"No matter how well this generation builds the world, it will be in vain if the next generation can't defend it!"

"On that island that China took back decades ago, the teachers on it poisoned countless patriotic young people."

"Thus, a young generation has emerged that has become more and more rampant in recent years to split China!"

"There is an invisible hand behind all this!"

"Let's look at teaching materials from other countries."

"For example, in Japan and island countries, their teaching materials are also hijacked by capital."

"Even in their teaching materials, the content about the ugly country, the most tragic war of the last century, is all beautified."

"Don't look at me like that!"

Ma Laoer found that Chen Fan was staring at him, which made his whole body a little creepy.

He didn't dare to say any more!

Chen Fan controlled his emotions: "I'm listening! Keep talking!"

"I didn't think of these by myself!"

Ma Laoer felt a little aggrieved: "I heard Zhang Zixiong tell me this!"

Chen Fan: "I understand! I don't blame you!"

"Zhang Zixiong later told me a lot of things, some of which I can't remember clearly!"

“But I remember some of them very clearly!”

"For example, he bribed some very powerful experts in the education field, and made some specious changes in all areas that children can come into contact with in the name of good for children."

"For example, in mobile online games, instead of finding ways to prevent children from being immersed in online games, we changed all the bleeding scenes in the scenes of killing monsters to green!"

"Whether it's this person or the mammals they come into contact with, most blood is red!"

"The game graphics are too bloody and violent. If you see this kind of green blood, one day a child will get into a fight with someone, and the blood flowing out of the other person will be red. Maybe the child will think that the other person is fine. !”

"There are also articles written by Lu Shuren that we used to read since childhood, such as 'I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood', how passionate and heroic, many of them were deleted under the instigation of these experts!"

"As for the recent illustrations and many descriptions in the textbooks, I understand them all!"

“What’s even more chilling is the subsequent treatment!”

"Do you think those big shots at the top still know what the people at the bottom really think?"

"Or are they aware of it but indifferent? Are they also cooperating with the plan to eliminate inferior races?"

"Is there a possibility that they are all like me, delusional about becoming a so-called advanced race, and have been sold without knowing it?"

Facing the problem of Ma Laoer.

Chen Fan suddenly realized that he didn't know how to explain it.

Many people say that the Internet has no memory.

Yesterday's hot news will be submerged in the countless information floods on the Internet tomorrow and become an insignificant splash.

In the feudal era of China for hundreds of thousands of years.

Those rulers, those so-called scholar-bureaucrat families.

They used to treat the public opinion of the people at the bottom this way.

Master of Heaven and Earth, even if they have objections, do they still dare to rebel?

The hot news on the Internet is indeed updated every day.

However, the public dissatisfaction among the people will not disappear directly as the hot news fades away!

Just like when we were teenagers, we once had a glimpse of someone and fell in love at first sight.

Ten or twenty years have passed, and we always think that we have forgotten everything.

But at some point, you suddenly think of that sunny scene and feel so heartbroken that you can't help it.

The accumulation of emotions is like building a dam in a big river, and the trickling tributaries fill it up little by little.

From the yearning for a better life and the restraint from human nature, it is like that dam that seems unbreakable.

But once the seeds of distrust are planted, it is like leaving one ant nest after another in the dam.

Under the dual push of pressure and emotion, sooner or later it will turn into a powerful force that hits the dam.

A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest.

Those high-ranking people sitting on boats on the river.

Can we avoid disaster?

At this moment, Chen Fan felt shuddering!

Of course, a small apostolic organization is nothing to fear.

But their attack was like a hunt.

It seems that in the last ray of light of the feudal period, more than a dozen countries are waving sickles and watching covetously from the sidelines.

These hunters are extremely calm and skillful.

The defense on this side is riddled with holes.

Just like Chen Fan's enemies before, all their offensive and defensive moves were flawed under Chen Fan's fighting control skills!

Ma Laoer even looked at Chen Fan with sympathy: "Now you should know how I felt at that time, right?"

Chen Fan woke up from his imagination and woke up at the same time.

He was a little too stubborn just now.

Whether it is a country, a nation or a family, everyone yearns for perfection, but perfection will never exist.

So Chen Fan laughed: "Ma Laoer, let me ask you a question. If the operation of this world is really flawless, then isn't it a stagnant pool of water?"

"Isn't the struggle of our generations to solve the mistakes in the operation of the country, nation or family?"

"On the other hand, the phenomena you mentioned are indeed terrible!"

"But you have overlooked a crucial point!"

"If our current situation is really so bad, why do small fish like the Apostle Organization and the forces behind them only dare to play some conspiracies and tricks?"

"Because they also know that only by destroying the mass foundation of our Chinese people through these conspiracies and tricks can they really hope to get what they want!"

"Do you think I will let them get what they want?"

Chen Fan said this to Ma Laoer.

At the same time, he said it to himself.

It's like being the captain of a unit.

Who doesn't want the unit they lead to be the best in the world?

But is it possible?

Every unit and every soldier in the unit faces various problems to a greater or lesser extent.

What is needed is to solve the problem instead of avoiding it!

The choices made by Ma Laoer and his ilk seem to be a roundabout way to solve the problem.

In fact, they are using indulgence and depravity to avoid the problem!

You see!

In fact, you and I are doing this for the good of our nation!

If we become a superior race, we will leave a legacy for China!

"Have you ever thought about a problem, even if they eliminate us so-called inferior races!"

"Believe it or not, they will immediately divide the existing superior races into different levels?"

It's just the general trend!

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