But Chen Fan has already issued them an ultimatum.

If they don't eat.

Not only does it mean that they have to return to their original unit immediately, but also that the suffering they had in the pit before was in vain!

In fact, this was Chen Fan's plan.

In the field of economics, there is a term called sunk cost.

When people decide whether to do something, they often not only look at the future benefits.

They also pay attention to past investments.

Even if these investments are already incurred and cannot be recovered.

For example, time, money, energy, etc.

If these soldiers who participate in the training camp are given extreme physical training at the beginning.

Or some training tasks that require these soldiers to break through their own limits can be achieved.

They are very likely to choose to quit before they can reach their limits.

But now it's different.

I have even waded through the pit that is more terrible than hell.

Do I have to return to my original unit because of the problem of eating?

This is impossible!

Absolutely unacceptable!

Almost everyone will have similar ideas.

This will make the motivation for these soldiers who participate in the training camp to persist stronger.

Although Chen Fan mentioned before the training that the number of people who could stay would probably be around 100.

But if more people could stay, why not?

After repeated torture and at least three rounds of vomiting.

Zhang Chen was the first to take action.

He closed his eyes and threw a piece of pumpkin and a piece of sweet potato directly into his mouth.

He even plugged his ears with his fingers to prevent himself from listening to other people's comments.

This was obviously very effective.

The constant vomiting not only made Zhang Chen's stomach extremely empty, but also his sense of taste deteriorated to a certain extent.

But he still felt the sweetness from the pumpkin and sweet potato.

Fortunately, these demon instructors did not do anything with the food!


At this moment, almost all the soldiers in the training camp had nicknamed Chen Fan and his team the demon instructors!

It was really terrifying!

After seeing Zhang Chen eat several bites of pumpkin and sweet potato with his eyes closed.

The others finally made up their minds.

"Damn it! I don't believe it!"

"Eat! You must eat!"

"Let's fight them!"

He Haiyuan, Ren Zhenglong, Wang Yuntao and others also threw their chopsticks aside, grabbed the food in the plate and threw it into their mouths.

They didn't even dare to chew.

They swallowed it desperately.

Some soldiers were smarter and focused all their attention on eating.

On the field, the only sound left was the sound of soldiers eating.

But it was not right.

"Fuck! Pay attention to me! The feces on your hair are splashing towards me!"

"Shut up! ×10086"

"Eat quickly!"

Whenever someone wanted to say something about shit, urine and fart, they would be stopped.

It's a pity that there are still some soldiers with low psychological tolerance. After eating a little, they started to vomit crazily.

Eat and vomit.

Vomit and eat.

People are almost tortured to death.

They felt like they had lived for more than 20 years, but this was the first time they found eating so painful!

At this time, Chen Fan and other instructors had finished eating.

When the soldiers in the training camp saw this scene, they had to admit that the instructors were indeed much more awesome than them.

Just when they thought that today's test was over.

Something even more speechless happened.

Chen Fan suddenly called Xu Ke aside: "Brothers, you are eating so hard, you have to have a program, right?"


There was no such arrangement in the previous plan!

However, Xu Ke still cooperated and said: "Captain is right, then what program do you think we should arrange?"

"I think everyone eats too quickly, it is better to arrange a program to cultivate sentiment!"

Chen Fan smiled slightly: "I think it would be better to recite some poems at this time!"


What kind of brain circuit is this?

Is it "hoeing the field at noon, sweat dripping on the ground. Who knows that every grain of food on the plate is hard-earned?"

It is reasonable to advise everyone not to waste food.


Why do I always feel that things are going in a bad direction?

After this brief contact, they are all convinced.

These instructors in front of them, especially the leader Chen Fan, are definitely the devil among devils!

How could they recite poems for no reason?

Chen Fan certainly didn't really want to recite poems.

It's just that seeing these guys in front of him eating so hard, he couldn't help but have a little bit of bad taste in his heart.

They must be given more ingredients.

"Brothers, I see you eating so focused and serious, I am very moved, I want to perform a show for everyone, what do you think?"

Chen Fan shouted loudly: "If you don't want to, you can express your objection!"

Who dares?

Who knows how many evil thoughts you have in your heart?

The soldiers in the training camp shook their heads.

It's better to eat honestly and hurry up to get through today's test.

"Since everyone agrees, I'll perform a show for everyone!"

"Read a few poems to cheer everyone up!"

You said to cheer us up, then let's do it!

At this time, the soldiers in the training camp were quite desperate.

They were just concentrating on eating there.

But then, they couldn't help it!

Is what you read a poem?

Isn't it insulting poetry?

"Lang Lang"

My sister was pooping on my bed. When we ran over, Lang Lang had already calmly got off the bed with a piece of shit in his hand. He looked like a king who had returned.

Ugh... Ugh...

The whole audience vomited!

Jia Shenshen's poem is also called a poem?

The whole text is just some vulgar shit and fart from beginning to end!

There is no elegant artistic conception at all.

It's even worse than the doggerel of elementary school students!

When I think of the shit and fart in Jia Shenshen's poem.


Most of the soldiers in the training camp couldn't help vomiting again!

Usually they want to vomit when they see Jia Shenshen's test, let alone at this moment?

The scenes in the cesspool appeared in everyone's mind again!

Others' reading of poetry is at most an insult to the ears!

Your poetry reading is killing me!

A soldier in training couldn't hold it in any longer, and after vomiting, he shouted in grief and anger: "If I am guilty, please let the military court judge me, instead of letting me die in Jia Shenshen's poem!"

At this moment.

Everyone, including Chen Fan, was moved!

The poem of a shoe writer could make the special forces seed player who had just waded through the cesspool so angry that he wanted to die.

What a terrible weapon.

This big move.

I'm afraid that even if the poet Li Bai were reborn, he would be so angry that he would die!

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan couldn't help but smile and stopped.

Just now, he got goose bumps when he read the poem.

This poem... is poisonous!

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