There were no surprises in the following actions.

Chen Fan, A Long, Xu Ke, Zhang Hao, Li Jian and others need not be said much, each of them is a top special forces soldier!

Even though these new members of the base force have only joined the base force special forces not long ago.

If they were placed in ordinary troops, they would still be top masters!

In this process, Chen Fan gradually figured out why he was able to find the lair of that group of criminals so quickly.

It turned out that the group of criminals chose Gada City after several days of observation.

During these few days, the criminals also needed to vent because of their nervous emotions.

So most of them had consumed in the entertainment venues in Gada City.

After the case occurred, the local department quickly organized personnel to investigate, and soon got clues about this group of criminals from the ladies in the entertainment city.

They even accidentally learned the location of the criminals.

A canyon located between China and two small border countries.

Now Chen Fan and others are less than 3 kilometers away from the canyon!

"Everyone check your equipment again!"


Geng Hu, Xiao Wu, He Quan, Wang Zhiqiang, Shen Hengding and other 30 new members of the base troops began to quickly check the weapons and equipment they carried.

At the same time, some precision equipment such as night vision goggles were sealed.

According to the current marching speed.

Criminals may appear at any time!

Of course, the first thing to be used is most likely to be cold weapons!

Once the sentries that criminals may arrange are found, they must be solved silently in the first time!

Otherwise, the criminals will run around all over the mountains and even run into the cities of the other two small countries.

They can't catch up at all!

It may also cause a conflict between China and these two small countries.

For this reason.

Chen Fan and others not only carry military daggers, triangular thorns and other cold weapons, but also carry crossbows.

After all, Chen Fan, A Long and other instructors and captains did not take action.

For these new members, crossbows are already the most suitable cold weapons!

Ensure that the enemy can be solved as soon as it is found at a relatively long distance!

With China's current military technology, the special arrows used with these crossbows can make the enemy lose consciousness immediately once they hit the enemy's head.

Reduce the risk of exposure!

The only thing to note is that the accuracy of these crossbows is 50 meters away, and the accuracy is very touching!

Three minutes later.

Chen Fan took A Long and others to conduct a final inspection of everyone's weapons and equipment again!

After confirming that there were no problems, the entire team remained on high alert and continued to move forward.

In a canyon about 3 kilometers away from Chen Fan and others.

"I don't know if you have discovered it? There has been no more movement so far!"

The criminals who participated in the smashing, looting and burning in Gada City are showing off triumphantly.

"I've said it before! As long as we leave their border, those Chinese people won't dare to come out!"

"Next time we change cities, we must kidnap a few girls!"

"That tender girl, riding a horse is so comfortable!"

"Okay! Stop talking!"

"Since the boss asked us to be alert, we should just observe the situation here!"

Although another criminal said so,

his spirit and energy could not help but relax.

It has been nearly 4 hours since morning.

They didn't see any Chinese armed personnel coming from the border to this direction.

And some of their high-end intelligence channels inside China also showed that.

Now those local departments and garrisons are still conducting carpet searches in vain.

These are what Chen Fan specifically proposed to the military district chief!

The military district chief at that time believed that since the base troops had already taken action.

Then there was no need for the garrisons and local departments including the border defense to mobilize troops!

Chen Fan asked the local departments and the local garrison to carry out the search and arrest work according to the established arrangements!

"Chief, we must take into account that there are still some criminals who only organized and planned this case!"

"Or in other words, the criminals who were only responsible for the relevant intelligence collection work from the beginning may still stay in Gada City!"

"Once they find that the actions of the local departments and the local garrison have stopped!"

"They will definitely suspect that other forces are involved!"

"And this mission is entrusted to our base force special operations regiment. This information must be kept highly confidential!"

"You are really thoughtful!"

The military district chief thought about it and agreed to Chen Fan's proposal without hesitation.

If he could hear the conversation between these criminals.

I am afraid he would have to sigh again that Chen Fan's plan was perfect!

That's it.

The two criminals almost lost their vigilance and started chatting casually on the spot.

They didn't expect it at all!

The pursuers would come so quickly and kill decisively with clear goals!


"The purpose of our operation this time is to kill all the criminals!"

"Don't spare any! Kill without mercy!"

We are getting closer and closer to the enemy.

Even in Chen Fan's radar scanning skill PS, he could see the enemies on guard in groups of three or two.

He reminded the new members of the base force again!

Through these scenes, Chen Fan was more certain that the enemies this time were just a mob.

It is even possible that they were the wronged ones who were instructed by others.

There is a high probability that there are people behind the scenes who are instigating them!

But those have nothing to do with Chen Fan's mission this time.

After another 5 minutes.

Chen Fan was able to judge that there must be enemies hiding ahead through some slight traces in the surrounding environment.

Along and the other four instructors also frowned slightly at almost the same time.

But the 30 new members of the base force are still rushing forward in a disguised infiltration posture!

Just when Chen Fan and others couldn't help but remind them.


Xiao Wu, the commander of the new members of the base force who was temporarily in charge of the command of this operation, made a stop gesture.


He pointed to some bent weeds in front: "If I'm right, the enemy is not far away here!"


Chen Fan, A Long and the other five people all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts!

Since they agreed not to interfere with this actual combat training!

Then the less presence they have in the actual action, the better!

"I agree with your judgment!"

Geng Hu also nodded: "For the sake of caution! I suggest slowing down the marching speed"


Then 30 new members of the base troops began to move slowly towards the two criminals that Chen Fan sensed in front of them.

Until they finally heard the sound of the two criminals talking.

Everyone couldn't help but get nervous!

The enemy finally appeared!

Next is the hunting time!

Chen Fan's expression became extremely solemn!

Use cold weapons for the first time to kill the enemy!

The impact on these actual combat rookies is far greater than using hot weapons to kill the enemy!

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