Fan Tianlei, who tracked Chen Fan's location through the Sky Eye system, was shocked when he saw this scene.


"No. 5! Why are you pinching me?"

Chen Shanming on the side rubbed his thighs and shouted with pain on his face.

"It hurts. It seems I wasn't dreaming."

Fan Tianlei stared blankly at the computer screen.

Chen Shanming: "??"

You don’t believe it, why are you pinching me? !

"Who did this kid learn his disguise technique from? How can it be so lifelike?"

"If I hadn't watched him put on makeup with my own eyes, I would have really suspected that he had found a beautiful woman to deceive us."

Fan Tianlei said in shock and confusion.

If they hadn't activated the Sky Eye system, they probably wouldn't have recognized this kid standing in front of them.

"Go, inform Mr. Wen and tell him Chen Fan's location."

Fan Tianlei squinted his eyes and stared at Chen Fan on the screen.


As soon as Chen Fan walked out of the shopping mall gate, he found that dozens of criminal police officers had gathered around him.

He didn't take it seriously at first. After all, he had become another person now, and it was impossible for the detectives to recognize him.

But the further he walked out, the more he felt something was wrong.

Because almost all of the dozens of detectives glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally, and they also approached him quietly.


When was it exposed?

Chen Fan was puzzled.

Seeing the detective getting closer and closer to him, Chen Fan's mind was spinning rapidly.

Suddenly, an idea struck me.

An idea came to his mind.

Chen Fan did not choose to escape, but walked straight towards one of the detectives.

The detective was a little stunned when he saw Chen Fan walking towards him.

Immediately afterwards, he was slapped on the cheek.


The male detective was beaten to the point of being stunned. Just when he was about to speak, Chen Fan screamed first.

"What are you doing! You are acting like a hooligan!"

You must know that Chen Fan at this time is a beautiful woman that everyone loves, and her voice instantly attracts everyone around her.

Those who came to arrest Chen Fan were stunned and stunned.

Are you sure the above is correct?

This look, this voice.

This is totally a woman!

How could he be pretending to be a wanted criminal?

"You, I, I didn't!"

The male detective's face turned red and he stammered in explanation.

"What do you mean? Could it be that I deliberately accused you of touching my butt?"

"I'm a girl, why would I do something like this?"

Chen Fan looked like he was about to cry, and loudly accused the other party.

Seeing this, the people watching nearby spoke out to defend Chen Fan.

"Looking at you like you are a habitual offender, and you are saying that this little girl slandered you, do you think we are fools?"

"It's just that I didn't expect that you would do such a despicable thing at such a young age!"


The male detective was sweating profusely and wanted to defend himself, but he didn't know what to say.

Looking at Chen Fan's pitiful appearance, he even began to wonder if he had really touched her butt just now.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, we have already called the police for you! This kind of person should be punished by law!"

One of the men, who seemed to have a strong sense of justice, said to Chen Fan with a kind face.

Hearing that he called the police, the male detective immediately panicked and hurriedly explained.

"I'm really unjust. I really didn't touch her butt! And I'm a police officer myself. How could I break the law?"

But his explanation was so feeble that no one believed him at all.

"Captain Zhang! Captain Zhang! Please help me! I really didn't touch her butt!"

Seeing that no one believed him, the male detective had to ask his colleagues not far away for help.

Captain Zhang is both a teacher and a friend to him, and can be said to be the person he trusts most in the team.

He will definitely believe in himself!

Captain Zhang heard a flash of embarrassment flash across his face when the male detective called him.

At the same time, there was no response from Xiao Wu.

You know, if this is true, it is related to the issue of style.

He couldn't afford to lose face like this in public.

Xiao Wu, who was originally full of expectations, saw this and understood what Team Zhang meant, and was dumbfounded.

He was stunned for three or four seconds before he came back to his senses.

"Captain Zhang! I really don't! You believe me!"

Xiao Wu shouted almost desperately.

Captain Zhang couldn't bear to turn his head to one side and didn't look at him.

Chen Fan on the side felt a little guilty in his heart when he saw how miserable he was.

But it's just a trace.

He had to make things bigger so that he could take advantage of the chaos and escape.

"Are you a man? Do you dare to do this or not?"

"Don't think that I am a weak woman who dare not say anything when I am bullied!"

"People like you should be punished!"

"If I let you go this time, more sisters will be hurt in the future!"

"I'm not just speaking out for myself, I'm speaking out for thousands of women!"

Chen Fan shouted angrily.

As soon as these words came out, they once again aroused public outrage from the people around them.

Especially the female crowd became more and more excited.

"I have only seen this kind of news online before, but I didn't expect it to happen to me today! Such scum must be severely punished!"

"You're right! He must be severely punished! If we let him go now, more sisters will be hurt."

"Damn! I'm getting angrier and angrier! I want to do it! This kind of scum doesn't deserve to live in the world!"


The atmosphere became more and more tense, and some people with hot tempers even wanted to do it.

Just when things were about to get out of control, the police finally arrived.

"Comrade police, I'm really wronged, I didn't touch her! You must give me justice!"

The male criminal police almost cried when he saw the police, and he grabbed the other's hand tightly and begged.

"Stand still! Don't try to get close to me!"

The police pulled his arm out of the male criminal police's hand with a stern face, then turned his head and looked at Chen Fan gently and said; "Girl, are you sure he sexually harassed you?"

"Comrade police, I swear, I'm absolutely not lying."

Chen Fan said without blushing or beating his heart.

"You're lying! You're a pretty girl, why are you slandering me!"

"I have no grudges against you, why are you doing this!"

The male criminal police officer couldn't hold back any longer, and pointed at Chen Fan with red eyes and shouted.

"Police comrade, I think his mood is very unstable now, why don't we go to the police station to talk."

Chen Fan pretended to be scared, tugged at the police's sleeve, and whispered.

"Girl, don't be afraid, we are here, we will definitely do justice for you!"

The police officer heard the words, and his sense of justice burst out instantly, patting his chest and said.

"Thank you, but let's go to the police station first, there are more and more people watching, I don't want to occupy public resources."

You know, the longer you spend here, the more dangerous it is.

He must leave quickly before the criminal police react.

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