Before Chen Fan and others could respond, the sound of rocket launchers rang in their ears.

The buildings in the places where the shelling hit were damaged and ruins were broken, and the explosions sent sand and gravel flying in all directions.

A gap was opened in the buildings that were originally connected in a circle. After the smoke cleared, a crater appeared, and there were human body fragments around the ruins.

This group of cruel and ruthless people will blow up their own people!

There is a call on the communication channel.

"Langya, I am Tiger, and my superiors have ordered our team to cooperate with you." A voice that spoke good Chinese came from the channel, loud and powerful.

"I am Langya, where are you now?" Chen Fan ducked and hid in a remote corner, still paying close attention to the surrounding situation while communicating.

"We are still at the temporary command post on the periphery"

"How did the command arrange it?"

"The local government means to dispatch bombers directly..."

"What to do with the hostages? Our headquarters agrees?!"


Bomber bombing was impossible. Without their participation, there would be no Han hostages. Other countries could not intervene much in whatever the local government wanted, and could only negotiate diplomatically as much as possible.

Now as long as Langya is here, the safety of the hostages comes first.

"Tiger, do you know what these terrorists are here to do?"

The Tigers know about it. Speaking of which, the local government has conducted a research here. I heard that there was a breakthrough in the research some time ago.

Then the terrorists came. The specific research is not yet accurate, but it seems to be a neurotoxin.

"The enemy tanks are moving and they should be bombing indiscriminately. You hide well and provide long-range shooting support when it is safe. I will kill him."

"Langya, I am the temporary command post. You come back first, and I will ask more questions and then make plans..."

Before the headquarters finished speaking, Chen Fan unilaterally interrupted the communication.

A group of people in the channel were silent. Do you really dare to say that you can kill tanks alone without flashing your tongue?

You cut off the communication before the command finished speaking, so you were disobeying the order...but that can't be counted. After all, it was Chen Fan who made the plan first, and it doesn't matter who else is to blame for the command not being timely.

They need to hide well and only provide support when it is safe. I'm afraid it's because he heard that bombers were going to be used to bomb him and his mind became so hot that he couldn't figure it out.

Not to mention how difficult it is to fight a tank alone.

There are many buildings in this terrain, and tanks cannot target people. However, as long as the direction is determined and the shells are fired, the explosion will cause great damage.

There must be about a hundred armed terrorist militants surrounding the tank now, and the weapons in their hands are no worse than those carried by Chen Fan.

This is simply impossible.

"Langya, why don't we withdraw first and make a new plan?" The tiger felt that he had to say something. After all, giving away people's heads was not their style.

"Head, tanks have poor flexibility in this terrain, and they cannot be fought alone." Lei Ming persuaded in a low voice.

"Yes, head." Little Bee immediately responded.

It's hard for them to directly raise questions when outsiders are around, but this is obviously impossible, so they still have to put forward their own ideas.

Menghu just tried to persuade him without saying anything. He wanted to see where Langya's abilities were.

In addition, the headquarters seems to be angry, dissatisfied with Langya for not obeying the command, and will angrily communicate with Langya's headquarters.

No, you don’t have to come, wait for my news. ——Chen Fan sent a message in the special communication. He couldn't fully trust the local government.

But he is not an impulsive person. Since he said it, he must be sure.

The team members don't believe it, but they can't hold him back. They should be more open-minded and let them wait and see the results.

The local government headquarters here knew that Lang Ya wanted to deal with the tank alone. There was anger and dissatisfaction, but more of a doubt, not believing that he could do it.

It's just that Langya's headquarters didn't doubt his move at all, and just said to wait and see.

Because Lightning had already penetrated the edge closest to the tallest building, Hayate also found a sniping point.

The headquarters was finally connected to the situation inside the battlefield.

The tallest white building in this town appeared on the screen. It was a tower-shaped building with a curtain wall structure as a whole.

The nine-story building has a terrace on every third floor. It is usually used for viewing, but now it has become a place for terrorist organizations to establish shooting defense lines.

Lightning should be on a taller house closest to the white building. From his position, he can see the east side of the first and second floors. He has to cross a small square and then reach the white building.

The entire exterior of the curtain wall is made of privacy glass. Through a special sight, you can clearly see the situation in some rooms without curtains.

As Lightning said before, there were nearly 50 hostages in a room on the second floor, all squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands.

The two people who had been beaten by the terrorist armed men just now had stopped and were lying on the ground covered in blood.

One was lying on his back, his body trembling twitchingly, and the other was curled up and lying on his side, with one hand and foot hanging down unnaturally, and blood was vomiting from his mouth.

I don't know if the other people were injured, but it was obvious that they were trembling.

From Gale's position, he could see the tanks at the entrance of the white building, as well as the rocket launchers that had been shooting.

Three rocket launchers exploded, boom, boom, and boom. The video shook, and all kinds of flying sand and rocks could be seen flying towards the camera.

Although no human life was injured, the building was destroyed. Some flammable items burned immediately and smoke spread everywhere. For a moment, it was as if a smoke bomb had been thrown at me, and I couldn't see clearly what was going on ahead.

Chen Fan disappeared.

In other words, he disappeared in front of everyone.

The enemy's tank started moving. In front of the white building was a small square. The tank could move very quickly, and because the space was wide, it was very flexible.

The pressure of the tanks came all over the place.

Chen Fan released his radar detection skills. He couldn't use his skills on the outside. But the closer he got to here, the more he could use them? interesting. As soon as the radar was detected, he could see who was nearby at a glance.

He discovered that there was a very strange space under the building, and there were many people inside.

He thought of a better way.

"Quick, quick, quick, over here, there's someone over here." Suddenly there was a cry from the enemy.

What the man found was Chen Fan, who was already standing in the middle of a small square not far from the tank.

"Aim, shoot!"

Hundreds of guns were shooting at Chen Fan, the tanks were also adjusting their directions, and the rocket launchers were more flexible and had fired shells.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

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