The high-ranking staff officer who was in the military vehicle and had a panoramic view of the situation was amazed. He was now focusing on a part of the integrated force led by Jin Caiyue who had arrived at his mission location and was making arrangements.

The sun poured unreservedly on the endless grassland. The breeze blew gently, and the grass like green waves swayed gracefully. Every blade of grass flashed with golden light, as if it was a bright gem inlaid by nature.

In the grass, colorful flowers bloomed dottedly, like colorful stars carefully embellished on the green sky.

This grassland, extending to the end of the sight, connected with the blue sky, formed a magnificent and peaceful picture.

The dew on the grass gradually dissipated under the sunshine, leaving only the fresh grass fragrance in the air, which made people feel relaxed and happy, as if they were in a dreamy green world.

Jin Caiyue's mission was to scout the enemy and set traps, and find a way to consume the artillery armored battalion closer to the starting point of the confrontation.

When a single-soldier unit meets an armored unit, no matter how strong the individual ability is, it will appear weak.

But there is no other way. Now their fusion unit is the meat on the chopping board of the regiment leader. They can only try their best. In this confrontation, escaping the pursuit is secondary. The most important thing is to see how much power the opponent can defeat.

Jin Caiyue observed the surroundings vigilantly. Most of the area they were confronting was the area where they had conducted two weeks of jungle training.

The other part was temporarily drawn here. The terrain is not this large and wide grassland. It is flat and nothing can be hidden at a glance.

Although there are not many trees in the jungle, armored vehicles certainly cannot enter.

Jin Caiyue said to the team members: "Fusion Team 1, separate here, bury the grenades, mines, lightning bombs, and smoke bombs in your hands according to the arrangement, Xiaoqi, Awu and Lifeng will set up the "magic array" with me. Hurry up, hurry up, move."

After receiving the order, the team members carried their backpacks and dispersed to different places at once. All of them, without even cleaning up the traces, took the point where they had just gathered as the center, one person in one line, straight forward while laying mines, the farther they went, the more scattered they were.

Xin Caiyue took Xiaoqi, Awu and Lifeng to select some places to make some seemingly true and false traces, making some places with mines virtual, and some places without mines real, of course, there were also places with mines real, so that it was real and confusing.

And their speed must be fast. Although there was an hour interval between the departure of the two troops, there was not much time to use. They ran to this place with their legs broken, while the other side's fighter planes arrived with a roar, which was incomparable.

So Jin Caiyue's layout, the main attack is a time difference, and there is also a pre-emptive attack.

After burying so many mines, as long as one of them hits a real place, they will fire the first shot, and then take the opportunity to rise.

In addition, the armored vehicles only have the grassland as their range of activities. He buried mines everywhere here, making it difficult for the armored vehicles to move, and he had to bury more at the beginning, so that they would "explode" as soon as they drove in.

Hahaha, just thinking about it makes me happy.

"Company commander, we have done such a meticulous job, it will be of some use anyway." On the other side of the distant grassland, Xiao Qi stood in the half-man-high grass, looking at the direction they had walked all the way, and asked thoughtfully.

Jin Caiyue nodded, believing in his disguise very much, and said: "It will definitely be, unless they use airplanes to clear mines first, they will definitely fall into our trap."

Awu opened his mouth and asked uncertainly: "Use airplanes to clear mines first?! The regiment commander has bombers! Company commander, the regiment commander will not really do this, right?"

Jin Caiyue looked forward, he was observing the surroundings, and also listening to the wind and the sound, nodded and said: "According to what Captain Ke and Captain Li Feng said, including what I have learned about the regiment commander, the possibility of him doing this is very high."

"And our regiment is now fully trained with ammunition If I were in charge, I would do the same. "

Li Feng's eyes widened, with an expression that said, "Captain, you are joking," and he stammered, "Captain, then aren't all the mines we buried and the cleanup we did in vain?"

Jin Caiyue heard the sound of propellers in the air, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "Of course it is useful. Who said that buried mines can only stop armored battalions? We have to get a few bombers down."

When the fighter-bombers could be seen clearly with the naked eye, Ke Yong led another fusion force detachment to the edge of the jungle and grassland.

Anti-aircraft missiles were set up, as well as capture nets for various shells.

Further into the depths of the jungle was the last fusion force led by Li Feng. At this time, all the members of the information support team were staring at the PDAs in their hands, with various codes and programs on the screen.

They were attacking the bomber's signaler!

As for airplanes, no matter how powerful they are, they all rely on electronic instruments. If their signal receiving and sending programs are broken or disrupted, then even if they fly over their heads, they can only be larger pieces of scrap metal and can't hit anything!

"Here they come! They're starting to clear mines with airplanes!" Xiao Qi shouted excitedly.

Ke Yong half raised his hand, waiting, and when the plane descended into the range, he would launch an anti-aircraft missile.

Li Shuheng kept muttering in a low voice: "Hold steady, hold steady, it's not time yet."

The team members who were carrying anti-aircraft missiles also silently said in their hearts: Stay steady, don't be in a hurry, wait for them to attack first, then deal with them!

At this time, they didn't look like the experienced special forces soldiers, but like the new recruits who were participating in the battle for the first time, with unusual excitement and excitement that could not be concealed.

Boom boom boom.

Five fighter-bombers flew over the grass at a nearly ground-level drop, and dropped a row of training bombs.

The explosions continued, and the blown grass roots and soil were scattered all over the ground, and many mud pits of different sizes were blown out on the ground.

"Shoot!" When the bombers were close to the face and opened up, Ke Yong and his anti-aircraft missiles also fired at the bombers.

Chen Fan was on three new fighters, looking at the explosions on the grass that were obviously more than the number of ammunition dropped by the five fighters, and the anti-aircraft missiles fired from the edge of the jungle, and raised a smile that was as expected.

The people he taught still couldn't get rid of his influence. They had already guessed that he would use airplanes to clear mines, but they still dared to confront him head-on. So stupid, yet so courageous! He liked it.

If he guessed correctly, Li Feng and his men were also hiding in there. The next step was a battle to seize the signal.

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