In the past two days of escape, Wang Xing doesn’t know how many trees he climbed!

He needs to go to the highest place and see if the satellite phone can receive a signal!

Climbing to the top of the tree, Wang Xing held the satellite phone in one hand and turned on the switch!

Because there is no power here, Wang Xing does not dare to keep the phone open, if there is no power, they will not be saved!

Such a large forest, if there are no coordinates, even if you want to rescue it, you can’t save it.

Toot toot………

Suddenly, the green signal light of the satellite phone flashed.

This proves that there is a signal here!

This made Wang Xing happy.

At the same time, Gao Shenghan, who was thousands of miles away, was anxiously waiting for the arrival of the Shenlong Mercenary Group!

“Captain Gao, there is a signal from the Thunderbolt Fire Commando!”

A communicator walked up to Gao Shenghan and said.


Gao Sheng was shocked, and hurriedly got up and ran to the communication room!

At this time, on a large screen in the communication room, a green point of light was flashing.

“Captain Gao, the location of the green dot is where the thunderbolt fire is now.”

“They should still be in the forest and haven’t come out by now!”

The communicator pointed directly to the green dot on the large screen and said.

“Try to connect, I’m going to talk to them!”

Gao Shenghan’s face was full of anxiety!

Soon, the call was connected!

“Wang Xing, I’m Gao Shenghan, how is the Thunderbolt Fire Commando?”

“Were there any casualties?”

“How long will your equipment supply last?”

As soon as the phone was connected, Gao Shenghan asked three times!

“Captain Gao, we haven’t suffered casualties yet!”

“But there is not much ammunition left, it will last for two days at most!”

“We need support now, and now a large number of terrorists are still chasing!”

“If it weren’t for the heavy rain slowing down their pursuit, we would be in danger now!”

“We need support…”

Wang Xing said hurriedly.

“Don’t worry, we have already hired mercenaries to make a move, they will arrive tomorrow!”

“You guys camp where you are now and build bunkers!”

“Don’t go anywhere, otherwise if you lose your coordinates, there will be no way to rescue!”

Gao Shenghan reminds!

“Understand, build a bunker in place and wait for rescue!”

Wang Xing nodded.

Because the satellite phone didn’t have much power, the call was quickly hung up.

However, knowing that a rescue team was already about to arrive, Wang Xing’s heart was a lot calmer.

He also knew that outside the country, he could only find mercenaries to rescue, because the domestic team could not go abroad to fight at all!

Even if they can go abroad to fight, they still have to apply, and when the application comes down, they will already be cold!

“Everyone digs individual bunkers in place!”

“Stupid bird, spider crab, immediately find some branches and make camouflage bunkers!”

“Tomorrow our rescue team will arrive, everyone hold on!”

Wang Xing said to several team members.

When they heard that there was a rescue team, the team members were very happy!

I started to get nervous.


It was already dark, and on the border between the Celestial Empire and Amen, Ling Feng and they arrived smoothly!

“Mr. Dragon Head, the current location coordinates of our Thunderfire Commando have been sent to you!”

“Tomorrow morning, I will shoot the helicopter and take you directly!”

“You guys have a good rest tonight, please!”

Although Gao Shenghan was surprised to see Ling Feng for the first time!

But with Gao Shiwei’s advice, Gao Shenghan did not dare to underestimate the Shenlong Mercenary Group.

Ling Feng nodded slightly, now it’s late, it’s really not suitable to go to the forest to find someone!

Gao Shenghan arranged for Ling Feng to come to the room, stay for one night, and leave tomorrow!


A thunder in the sky!


Heavy rain poured down!

Ling Feng lay on the bed and began to think about the thunderbolt fire he once knew!

It can be said that Thunderfire is a commando team that Ling Feng understands and has the most emotional entanglements!

You can write a love drama!

Idle and bored, Ling Feng began to hold the polyamorous love in the thunderbolt fire!

In the end, Ling Feng fell asleep without clearing it.

And Gao Shenghan looked at the drifting rain, and his heart was worried!

With such heavy rain, I don’t know what will happen to the Thunderbolt Fire Commando.

Will they be able to hold out until tomorrow?

At this time, it turned out that the thunderbolt fire commando team hundreds of miles away!

Curled up in a simple one-man pit built with a raincoat!

Everyone’s clothes are already soaked!

Although they were all drenched in soup chicken, they didn’t want this rain to stop!

As long as it keeps raining, those terrorists will not catch up for the time being!

If it weren’t for the successive heavy rains, they would have been caught up long ago.

Wang Xing shrunk in his single soldier pit, looking at a photo with the help of the faint night light on his watch!

In the photo is the Snow Fox Dragon Dandan they want to save!

Now that the mission has failed, Wang Xing doesn’t know what kind of torture Long Dandan will suffer!

As soon as he thought of Long Dandan being tied up by those terrorists and then tortured, Wang Xing’s heart felt a burst of colic!

He wished it was himself who was arrested!


A slight sound woke Wang Xing from his thoughts, grabbed the gun and looked out.

“What people?”

Wang Xing lowered his voice and asked.

“Captain, it’s me!”

Hao Lingling’s voice, in the Thunderfire Commando, Hao Lingling’s code name is Pea!

She fell in love with Wang Xing at first sight, but she never confessed to Wang Xing, and she has always been unrequited!

“Pea, why haven’t you rested yet? There will be battles tomorrow. ”

Hearing that it was Hao Lingling, Wang Xing put away the gun and asked with concern.

“Captain, I have something for you!”

Hao Lingling climbed into Wang Xing’s single soldier pit!

Because the area of the single soldier pit is not large, the two people’s bodies are close together!

Hao Lingling’s face blushed, and she took out a piece of beef jerky from her pocket!

“Captain, I still have a piece of beef jerky here!”

“Hurry up and eat, replenish your strength!”

“This is what I specially left for you!”

Hao Lingling’s performance, fools also know what it means!

But Wang Xing likes Long Dandan, so he can only pretend not to know.

“Keep it for yourself, you don’t know when to get out of the jungle in the future!”

Wang Xing refused and did not go to pick up the beef jerky!

Hao Lingling looked embarrassed and a little overwhelmed!


Spider crab Xie Sixiao is here!

She also likes Wang Xing, and she also came to deliver things to Wang Xing.

However, seeing Wang Xing and Hao Lingling in a single soldier’s pit, Xie Sixiao was stunned!

Biting his lip lightly, he didn’t know what to say.

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