"Come in and sit down."

When He Weidong saw it was Li Lei, he immediately greeted him.

He always remembered Li Lei as his lifesaver.

"Weidong, I came here to see the chief for a very important matter."

"My dad is inside, I'll take you in."

"Chen Guang, you can practice by yourself. Dad is in a hurry."

So He Weidong hurriedly brought Li Lei into the house.

He Weidong came to a study room and knocked on the door.

"Dad, Li Lei is here."

"Let him in."

So Li Lei entered a room, where He Baoguo was sitting on the tea table drinking tea.

"Come, sit down and drink tea."


Li Lei saw the shocked He Baoguo, and his anxious heart calmed down.

He Baoguo, who was opposite, saw that Li Lei was not so impetuous, and said:

"Tell me what's going on."

So Li Lei told the S-level information just now.

When He Baoguo finished listening, the tea cup in his hand trembled unconsciously, and then asked: "How true is this?"


Li Lei was not satisfied.

Because nothing is 100% certain in this matter, He Baoguo's reaction feels unreliable, but as an intelligence person, it is already very scary when he dares to say that he is 90% sure.

Sure enough, after hearing this, He Baoguo showed a solemn look on his face.

So after drinking the tea in the cup, he walked to the desk and picked up a red phone.

"Help me pick up General Lu.".

023: The missing Liu Ziming (sent in the third update)

Shangjing, a certain area.

An army on standby 24 hours a day.

Then a red phone rang.

The phone was picked up almost as soon as it rang.

"Team 543, please give instructions."

"I am Lu Zhanping. I now order you to go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences immediately and secretly arrest Liu Ziming. He must not be allowed to leave the country."

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission."

Soon, an alarm sounded.

The entire team assembled in just 5 seconds.

"Target, set off from the Chinese Academy of Sciences."


But when the team went to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liu Ziming had disappeared without a trace.

Commander Zhao Yi immediately made a phone call.

"I'm Zhao Yi, activating the A-level interception plan."


After the order was issued, specially trained plainclothes officers were dispatched to hidden areas such as major airports, train stations, stations, subways and other densely populated areas.

After receiving the order, each plainclothes officer immediately received Liu Ziming's appearance. After remembering this person's appearance, he immediately devoted himself to the secret arrest work.

At the same time, the airport received an order to postpone flights, but it could only delay the flight for some time and could not truly ground the flight.

Therefore, the leaders of the airport can only do some things, such as causing fights at the airport.

Half an hour passed, and under the secret search of thousands of people, he could not find the slightest trace of Liu Ziming.

How to protect the country.

"Chief, is there no news yet?"

Li Lei saw that half an hour had passed, but he still hadn't received the news that Liu Ziming had been arrested. This proved that they had not found Liu Ziming yet.

"There's no news yet, but it's probably impossible to leave."

He Baoguo also hesitated, because logically, he should have been found earlier at this time.

But the fact is that both Li Lei and Liu Ziming were overestimated.

Just imagine a spy who can lurk in the Dragon Kingdom for decades. How can he not have a few escape routes?

Not to mention a safe house.

But Li Lei, who was sensitive to spies, immediately realized something was wrong. He said, "Chief, I want to fly to Beijing to help."

"Because I feel that this Liu Ziming is not that simple. He must have some means to save his life after being undercover for decades, so I think he is hiding."

"Chief, you know, I can recognize an undercover spy when I smell one."

"So I want to fly over now."

"Okay." He Baoguo agreed immediately.

So Li Lei quickly rushed to the helipad, sat on a military helicopter, and flew over quickly.

Two hours later.

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