Especially now Fan Tianlei is responding to his words.

If he didn't dare to kill and was not ruthless, he would never become Ma Yunfei's confidant, and he would have even been exposed.

So if you want to succeed, kill first. Although this sentence is cruel, it must be done for the sake of the overall situation.



"I disagree with you.".

040: The story of undercover He Guangsheng (first update to come)

Except for Wu Zhe, no one else dared to refute him face to face.

As a top student and a major, Wu Zhe naturally had nothing to fear from Li Lei.

If he thinks something is wrong, he will naturally raise it.

"Why do you have to do those things to be an undercover agent?"

"I believe you can do a good job as an undercover agent without doing these things."

"Things like murder and arson violate the principles of our military."

"So I don't agree with your statement, chief."

At this time, Wu Zhe had not yet experienced real combat, and he did not even have blood on his hands.

Naturally, they did not understand the cruelty of working behind enemy lines.

This is a typical idealist.

After hearing this, Li Lei did not directly refute Wu Zhe, because it is a good thing to have arguments.

The difference of opinion proves that he has thought about what he just said and that he is listening attentively.

"Tang Xinyi."


"Tell me how you felt after you were discovered as an undercover agent."

After Tang Xinyi heard what Li Lei said, her expression changed drastically.

If possible, she would never want to recall the incident in the solitary room, because it was the most helpless moment in her life.

I saw Tang Xinyi saying word by word: "Life is worse than death."

"No, no, I would rather die than be captured alive."

Tang Xinyi recalled that scene with fear.

Wu Zhe frowned after hearing this.

Because he couldn't imagine what it was like to say the words "life is worse than death".

"Wu Zhe, do you dare to feel it?"

In order to let Wu Zhe have a deeper understanding of working behind enemy lines, Li Lei decided to let Wu Zhe go to the solitary confinement room for a while.

The young and energetic Wu Zhe naturally couldn't resist Li Lei's aggressive tactics: "What are you afraid of?"


But at this time, Tang Xinyi looked at Wu Zhe as if she were a fool.

She didn't expect someone to be so stupid as to take the initiative to accept such punishment.

So everyone came to the confinement room.

Finally, Li Lei sent Wu Zhe and Wu Liuyi in.

According to Li Lei, only one who has been flooded can know how uncomfortable it is.

Therefore, this also leads to the fact that in the future, new intelligence members will have to enter the solitary room and be held in a solitary room for a period of time, so that they can feel what it feels like to be in despair.

In this way, they will be more practical in their future work, because as intelligence officers, every decision they make may determine the life or death of others.

Empathy is the second lesson Li Lei taught them.

When Wu Zhe entered the solitary room, a very bad feeling immediately came to his heart.

He took deep breaths repeatedly to adjust his mentality, always hinting that this was just a drill.

But after 30 minutes, this method no longer works.

Because of this small space, a dark environment, and no sound around him, Wu Zhe immediately felt lonely.

Wu Zhe's heart began to beat faster.

60 minutes later.

Wu Zhe starts to hallucinate.

80 minutes later.

Wu Zhe started yelling like crazy.

100 minutes later.

Wu Zhe began to knock everything around him. At this time, Wu Zhe was close to collapse. If he was not let out, Wu Zhe might go crazy.

At this moment, confinement room No. 5 opened.

When Wu Zhe in the room saw the light outside the door, he ran out crazily and lay down in the sunshine.

Enjoy the light and the noise.

He had never felt that these were so beautiful.

120 minutes later.

Confinement room No. 6 was also opened, and Wu Liuyi came out.

His mind was simpler, so he naturally stayed longer than Wu Zhe, but now he was doing the same thing as Wu Zhe, enjoying all the beautiful things outside.

Tang Xinyi was watching all this tremblingly, and An Ran was holding her nervous hand.

It means don't be afraid.

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