It is indeed meaningless to make everyone think that this is just an ordinary common people embarrassing this guy, so now the people who collect it immediately put it away, and they think this guy is a waste, and their eyes are completely desperate. Killing things that have experienced very serious failures, including these people now, will not have any sympathy in their eyes. At most, they will just let this guy go, and now we will immediately enter a very important place, that is The domain of General Cyril.

In other words, General Cyril's rear territory is such a place that General Cyril does not have much energy to take care of at ordinary times. After all, General Cyril is also a very busy person now and always feels that his troops should be deployed. The guns were too abrupt, but he was rather neglectful of the rear, and he also felt that it was impossible for a person like Li Lei to come to his rear in person.

Although this guy is indeed very cunning, he didn't even get any benefits after two confrontations, and he didn't dare to easily enter the Desert Legion, but this is such a situation, this book. But I thought of another way, that is, I can't take care of the Desert Legion for the time being, but it is not very easy for the Desert Legion to attack myself, so I put my current energy on attacking other tribes. Come up. Door.

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