Because when he thought of his parents opening this suicide note one day in the future, how sad would he be?

But Chengcai looked back on the past and realized that he had lived a comfortable life as he had been smart since he was a child.

He didn't know what danger was, but after arriving here, he discovered that the reason why they could live comfortably and safely in this country was nothing more than dozens, hundreds, and thousands of heroes standing in front of them. That’s all.

At this moment, Chengcai finally awakens and knows why he lives.

But sometimes, this kind of enthusiasm is temporary. It is very difficult to keep people from forgetting their mission.

Honey and sticks must be used skillfully, and Li Lei did a good job in this regard.

However, at this time, after learning that Su Wan's mother and son were safe, Fan Tianlei was already prepared to die together with Ma Shichang and others.

Sure enough, when Li Lei received Chengcai's "suicide note", he immediately started the second phase of the training plan.

Because this is what Li Lei wants, determination.

If there is no such "suicide note", it proves that Chengcai is not ready for everything.

Now it seems that Chengcai has thought of the worst outcome, and it is time for the next step of training.

What is surprising is that Chengcai actually has a very high talent for languages.

In just half a month, Chengcai was able to communicate in simple Japanese with the teacher.

This made the teacher in the video sigh: "He is a genius."

So next, Chengcai can only communicate in two languages, English and Japanese.

Must not speak Mandarin. Of.

072: Team Plague, I plan to send you to do something big.

Because if Chengcai sneaks behind enemy lines, he will be a Yelang native who can speak English.

Now we need to train our adult language memory in order to be foolproof.

So now I only do two things a day, learning English and Japanese and fishing.

Because Chengcai discovered that no matter how agitated his heart was, as long as he picked up the fishing rod, his heart would calm down.

At this point, for the next three months, people can see a young man fishing by the river wearing headphones.

Learning language with one hand and practicing Zen mind with the other hand, there is indeed something about becoming a talent.

During this period, Li Lei came over many times to check on Chengcai's learning progress and was very satisfied.

At least it looks good now.

But next, Li Lei has to do a big thing, which is to release the nuclear weapon Wen Changlin.

To this end, Li Lei came to the Yunnan Provincial Criminal Police Corps after discussing and agreeing with Major General Xie Lin of the Southwest Military Region.

"977 report."

"Come in."

It was Wen Changlin, the captain of the criminal police team, who came in.

"Reporting to the chief, Wen Changlin, captain of the Yunnan Provincial Criminal Police Team, came to report and asked for instructions from the chief."

Wen Changlin looked at the colonel opposite with some anxiety.

He didn't understand how a military region chief could find him.

Before coming, Wen Changlin's leader specifically told him not to neglect.

This is a call from the head of the military region.

Li Lei looked at Wen Changlin, who was still young at this time, and felt a little emotional.

Because everything is fine with Wen Changlin now.

His son Wen Guodong is not dead yet, undercover Saigon Rose Ahong is not online yet, Tuna King Qingshan was forcibly corrected by Li Lei, and Phoenix King Yadong is still hanging around in the world.

"Captain Wen, please sit down."


"I heard that you have been tracking down Bai Mian these past few months, is that true?"

"Yes, Chief. I have been tracking them for half a year, but these people are very cunning and have not made much progress. But I believe that as long as we continue to be patient, those people will definitely show their flaws and finally take them out together. ”

When Wen Changlin heard Li Lei talking about this, he immediately stood up and explained.

Because now everyone is paying attention to him.

There are even rumors that the capable are on top and the mediocre are on the bottom, so don’t just stand in the pit and not take a shit.

This made Wen Changlin feel very sad.

Because now he can't eat or sleep every day, all he thinks about is how to solve the case, and his hair is falling out in handfuls.

But you can’t break it, are you angry?

But Wen Changlin didn't know that horses with thousands of miles of horses are common, but Bole is rare.

Wen Changlin just hasn't met anyone who can use him, such as Li Lei.

"Have you learned the confidentiality regulations?"

Wen Changlin was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Sign it. I'll give you some information and you'll understand."


Wen Changlin signed his name in a hurry.

Soon Li Lei handed a portfolio to Wen Changan.

"Open it and take a look. The answer you want is inside."

After hearing this, the latter opened the file bag and took out the information inside to read it.

“The first page is an introduction to a person.”

"Du Chen, born in 1981, is from Baisha. He lost his father when he was young and his mother remarried."

"When I was 15 years old, I made my fortune by buying a piece of jade and selling it for 100,000 yuan. Later, I cooperated with someone to contract a small mine and sold the goods to merchants from the Dragon Kingdom."

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