Chapter 188 The Shadow Wolf Squad is all raised

After ending the phone call with the commander-in-chief, Minister Li quickly returned to the conference room.

"Minister, what instructions does the chief have?" asked the deputy minister.

"Regarding Lin Feng's question, the chief has an instruction, what merit should be, we will reward it.

It's just that we'll talk about the ranks and positions a little later.

Lin Feng is already the youngest colonel in the whole army, if you mention it again, he is a colonel.

The colonel of the whole army is less than thirty, Mu Xiu and Lin Feng will blow it, since they have found a good talent, they can't pull out the seedlings to help them grow.

Everyone should also know that colonels are pursued by many soldiers all their lives.

Minister Li told everyone what the commander meant.

"It can only be said that Lin Feng's meritorious service is too powerful, if you follow Lin Feng's meritorious performance, you will have a headache when you think about it. Lin Feng can be commended for meritorious service, and the rest will be distributed to his subordinates, but to be honest, how happy he is to be a soldier under Lin Feng!" said a deputy minister with a smile.

"Also, since we can't give Lin Feng a promotion rank and position, we can only let other team members take advantage of it. But to tell the truth, the strength of the two special operations teams under Lin Feng is not to be underestimated, so I want to transfer Lin Feng and them directly from the hands of the Southeast Military Region to our military headquarters!" said the chief of the general staff.

"If Lao Gao knew about your idea of beating his baby, he would not have come from the Southeast Military Region to settle accounts with you!" the deputy minister quipped to the chief of the General Staff.

"Okay, the commander-in-chief instructed Lin Feng's troops to be built according to professional soldiers, especially special forces, and we can't be special combat personnel who we have trained hard for several years, and we can't retire from the army because of the number of years of service.

Moreover, these special combat personnel have learned the skills of killing the enemy in school, and there are no good units when they return to the locality, which is a bit of a waste of talent.

So now let's start experimenting with the plan of professional soldiers from Lin Feng's troops, so let's talk about how to reward the two squads!

" Minister Li said.

"The seven members of the Shadow Squad have all been promoted. At the least, yes, they are all lieutenants. Only the members of the Shadow Wolf Squad are officers, lieutenants, and the other members are non-commissioned officers and soldiers. And the members of the Shadow Wolf Squad have a second-class merit for disaster relief, plus the merit of this time, all of them can be promoted, and they correspond to their ranks according to their military age. The chief of staff said.

As the chief of the general staff of the whole army, not to mention that the soldiers of the whole army know about it, he still knows about the situation of the soldiers of some special forces, especially the two squads that are so powerful as Lin Feng, so he can tell the situation.

"Since this is the case, Lin Feng is a first-class, and the other team members are given second-class merits, except for Lin Feng, the rank of the shadow squad is promoted by one level, and the captain of the shadow wolf squad is promoted to captain, and the other team members are all promoted, and the military rank is determined according to the age of the soldier.

After you have made a decision, you will issue it in the name of the Military Department, the General Staff Headquarters, and the General Political Department!

The Southeast Military Region will eventually report to us here after the promotion of so many cadres at one time, so let's settle it once and for all, and let the quota for the promotion of cadres in the Southeast Military Region be reserved for other people!

" Minister Li said in a decisive tone.


All the generals present said. Subsequently, several departments jointly issued commendation and promotion orders.

And Lin Feng and the others did not return to their camp, the commendation order and the order to promote cadres have already reached the hands of Gao Shiwei of the Southeast Military Region, Gao Shiwei looked at the joint commendation order of the three departments of the military department, and said happily:

"The military department acted so fast this time, I haven't reported it yet, and the commendation and promotion orders have come down, so I don't have to report it again, the military department has done a beautiful job in this matter. "

"Suzu ......"

The red confidential phone on Gao Shiwei's desk rang.

"Hey?" Gao Shiwei asked, picking up the phone.

"Lao Gao, it's me!" Minister Li's voice came from the microphone.

"Good chief!" Gao Shiwei then quipped.

"Okay, you should receive an order to commend and promote cadres, you also saw that Lin Feng only had a first-class merit, and he was not promoted to rank and position, this is because Lin Feng has been in the army for less than five years, and he has been promoted from a soldier to the youngest colonel in the whole army, and if he is promoted again, he is afraid that it will not be conducive to his growth in the future, so there is no concern about Lin Feng this time.

I hope you can talk to Lin Feng and don't let him have any ideas.

Minister Li said.

"Lao Li, as far as I know, Lin Feng is a pure soldier, and he doesn't have any ideas about whether he has a commander or a promotion. Gao Shiwei said, "Don't worry, I'll beat him to talk, by the way, when Lin Feng gets married, will you come!"

"Go, definitely go! The commander asked me to bring gifts to Lin Feng, it seems that the commander values this little guy very much!" Minister Li said.

"Then as his superior leader, do you have any expressions?" Gao Shiwei said for Lin Feng's benefit.

"Don't worry, I won't treat your baby badly. Minister Li said.

Then the two exchanged views on the next development of Lin Feng and his troops.

The next morning, Lin Feng led the three sick and vanguard troops to return to the camp by helicopter. Of course, across thousands of kilometers, helicopters are certainly not as comfortable as civil aviation.

After a half-day long voyage, Lin Feng and the others returned to the camp of the Mountain Leopard Brigade after lunch, and the guard platoon that had been notified in advance had prepared lunch, and after Lin Feng and them finished lunch, the three wounded were sent to the base hospital for further treatment.

After all, at such a long distance, you still have to go back to the hospital to let the professionals check it, and you have to listen to the professionals about how to treat it, Lin Feng accompanied them to the hospital, asked about the situation of the three people, and learned that the three of them are fine, as long as they recuperate, it will not affect their future military careers.

After that, Lin Feng went back to the Wolf's Tooth Base to report to He Zhijun on the results of the training in the past few months.

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