Chapter 228 Extreme Off-road

Lin Feng came to the playground after arranging the security work, and everyone stared at him when they saw Lin Feng's arrival.

"Does the captain have a mission?" asked Chen Tianqi.

Looking at everyone's eyes, Lin Feng smiled.

"Our task now is to train the Fire Phoenix. Lin Feng said.

"Master, what are the chiefs looking for you?" Jiang Xiaoyu asked, looking at the others and saying that it was impossible for a few of them not to be envious.

"I have prepared two movie scripts for your sister-in-law. The chief agreed that several actors would come to our base for training and preparation, and they would be ready to appear in special films. It's a movie with two missions in the background. Lin Feng said to Jiang Xiaoyu in front of him, and then turned to He Chenguang and them.

As soon as they heard Lin Feng say this, the personnel of the Shadow Wolf and the Sea Wolf didn't know, and the few people in the Shadow knew that it was those two battles, and only the two missions of the Mekong River and the evacuation of overseas Chinese could be made into a movie, and nothing else.

"Of course, we won't be there in this movie. Lin Feng said, in fact, Lin Feng doesn't say that everyone knows that there will definitely be no of them, after all, as the most confidential troops, they are not allowed to appear.

"Alright, the rookies are almost fine, it's time to continue. When Lin Feng finished speaking, a female soldier appeared, of course, because of Lin Xiaoxiao's physical fitness, she was the fastest to come out.


Seeing her brother on the playground, Lin Xiaoxiao ran over and shouted.

When Lin Xiaoxiao came to find Lin Feng, the people who knew Xiaoxiao greeted her, and she responded enthusiastically, after all, these are all her brother's subordinates!"

"How did you come up with the idea of joining the women's special forces team. Lin Feng looked at Xiaoxiao, who was holding his arm, and asked.

"Isn't I trying to get closer to you and Chenguang?" Xiaoxiao said.

"Nonsense, why don't you discuss it with me and Chenguang in advance. Lin Feng said solemnly.

"Hmph, why can't I join the women's special combat team, why can't I do it if you can do it!" Lin Xiaoxiao replied decisively.

"If something happens to you, how can I explain it to my parents!" Lin Feng said helplessly, he wanted to be a serious brother, but he really couldn't do it!

He Chenguang also persuaded on the side.

"Looks like I'm going to marry you off sooner. Lin Feng said suddenly.

"I told my sister-in-law that you were bullying me. Xiaoxiao said shyly.

"Okay, since I'm here, I won't release water, I'll treat everyone else equally, if I can't hold on, I'll quit and understand!" Lin Feng reminded.

Then leave time for Xiaoxiao and the two of them, and look at the little two and say.

Looking at the envy of the people around him, Lin Feng said: "Since you are so envious, then hurry up and find your girlfriends, you can find me to hold a group wedding for you." "

"Hey~" sighed.

"Alright, the rookies are out and ready to work. Lin Feng watched the female soldiers come out and ordered.

Looking at all the female soldiers standing on the playground, Lin Feng held the letters of recommendation from various units in his hand and said:

"You all know what this is! This is your letter of recommendation, a letter of recommendation written by the leaders of your various units. This includes very detailed information about your personal information, date of birth, time of enlistment, meritorious service and commendations. Including what school you attended. In this, I can clearly see that you are the key training objects in the original unit. “

At the same time, he took the lighter handed by Niu and burned the information in his hand.

"Report!" shouted a captain.


"On what foot, on what basis did you burn our honor? This is what we all paid for with blood and sweat. “

"Because here, in the Fire Phoenix training team, in the special forces, you are zero. Zero eggs, a rookie who is nothing. I don't want to see all these broken materials of yours, it's all paper stuff and it doesn't make any sense. What I need to see is what it actually looks like, but of course the process is extremely long and painful, and there is no hope at all. Lin Feng shouted loudly.

"Report, can you give a reason?" asked a private.

"I'm in a good mood today, so I'll give you a reason.

Do you know why most of our instructors are officers? Because they have been exchanged for military merit, that is, those soldiers have second-class merit.

I know how we got it, I took them to jump from a height of 6,000 meters during the earthquake, and I took them to form a human wall with their bodies in the flood of today's flood for five hours before the breach was blocked.

Compared with them, you have nothing to be proud of.

When you have this strength that day, come back to me and be proud.

Throw you into the forest, you can only wait for rescue or death, but they will come out alive.

Is this reason okay?" Lin Feng asked loudly.

"Okay, let me introduce myself now, my name is Lin Feng, I am the chief instructor of the Fire Phoenix Training Team, and I am also the brigade commander of the Mountain Leopard Brigade, but some people don't know about the Mountain Leopard Brigade, you will know this later.

So you have to listen to me here.

The major on my right hand side was my deputy, codenamed Tank.

The three teams next to him are all your instructors, and they will take turns to be responsible for your training in the future, and the female major next to him is your instructor.

Lin Feng introduced.

"Hello everyone, I'm Tan Xiaolin, everyone can find me for anything in the future. Tan Xiaolin said after saluting.

"But when you look for a teacher, that's when you quit. Okay, enough time has been wasted, let's move on to the next project! You've been soaking in the muddy water long enough, let's start the human prison training initiation ceremony, extreme off-road, tank, let's start!"



"When is the mountain extreme off-road?"

"Extreme off-road is all about running until you die!Flamingos, show them the way!" Niu explained to the female soldiers.


Then Wang Yanbing and others got on the car, rode a motorcycle, and began to lead the way in front.

"Run, hurry up!"

"Da da da.........." Lin Feng shot a shuttle of bullets out.

Hearing the gunshots, the female soldiers hurriedly followed the leader and began to run.

After the female soldiers set off, Tan Xiaolin asked Niu Dili: "How far is the extreme off-road?"

"There is no explicit rule, run all the way to the limit of the last man. "

"The limit of the last man?"


"Run until you can't walk?"

"That's right!" After saying that, Niu Endeavor was also ready to set off, after all, these hundreds of delicate female soldiers should pay attention to safety.

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